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Everything posted by Clampet

  1. I suppose it is more fun to drag them out there, than it is to bring them back in. Sorts like all the x-mas decorations that are still up on peoples houses, and we are now in March.
  2. Isn't that an advertisement fer a boat, fishing line or something? I remember reading that in a Fishing magazine.
  3. Isn't Couture a French name?
  4. What an ORDEAL. You are lucky it didn't kill you.
  5. LOve the the shape of the Alvarez, and the look of the bridge and saddle, looks sorta inverted. What songs to you like to play?
  6. Credit River ritual raises ripple in Peel Phinjo Gombu STAFF REPORTER "We started receiving calls from landowners, not just on Fletcher's Creek but also in the main Credit area," said Duff, a watershed-monitoring specialist with Credit Valley Conservation. ..Devout Hindus hope their cremated remains will be dispersed in moving water... "Right now this is happening in Ontario," Sharma said. "People are dying and people are depositing ashes (in lakes and rivers). We're not sure whether it's against the law." "The time will come when people won't (send their ashes) over there (to India) if there is a nice place here," said Bhagria, a volunteer at the temple. "We can assure you that if we are given a place where we can freely put our offerings in the water, people will not go quietly in the night and make their offerings" (elsewhere), Magoo said. "This is the motherland, and it should be done here."
  7. Thanks fer the update, on Shanty Bay. The wind and cold have that effect, of making most anglers bog down in one spot.
  8. Thanks fer sharin' Happy to hear you managed to get your lost rod back from the depths. Please let us know how the Lake Trout tastes, if you cook it (them). I heard that some have a off taste of sorts.
  9. Did he win over that huge dude, what's his name?
  10. You need to seek some profesional help and try to find deep within yerself a smidgeon of a sense of humour, otherwise you will give yerself a CORONARY.
  11. Little (?) boy caught by the school teacher, fesses up.
  12. How do U think my hat got all tattered and torn?
  13. The Biggest of the Best!
  14. Take the drive. You have nothing to lose, except fer the gas money.
  15. The 1st thing I would do is make sure the meat is thawed. Then.. Soak it in cold water, and sssssssqueeeeze the blood out. Keep doing this till ya get all the red stuff out. Meat should take on a grey appearance. Get out the SLOW COOKER. Season your Venison to your taste, pepper, salt garlic, etc. Add some chopped onion, and carrots, maybe a Bay Leaf. Add enough water to cover up to maybe a third of the contents, not too much. Set on High fer about 2 hours, then reduce to the LOW setting fer another 3 hours. Give 'er a gander. What do you think?
  16. Hey.., if a Bait is behaving like a JERK, don't associate with it anymore.
  17. Beauty Fish!
  18. Great stuff Dan! Now show us how too!
  19. Tha calm B4 The Storm. Headed out to my spot close to Innisfil Beach. Got set-up with Tarpus Minimus by 10:40 A.M. Had A North by North East Wind.. only about 5-10 Km / hour, so it wasn't too bad. After about 20 minutes and one small Perch, decided to move shallower, walked about 40 feet, and drilled my second hole. 3 Perch later and another 20 minutes decided to move a little shallower by walking another 15 paces. Drilled my third hole, and within 2 minutes caught another Perch, then nothing for 15 minutes. Walked another 20 paces drilled my 4th hole, and this was the spot, as I caught one after another. I was also rewarded with a nice sized Whitefish, which I guesstimate to be around 5lbs. About 1/2 hour b4 leaving I received some unexpected company, some hopefull anglers who decided to fish in my holes I had cut earlier. B4 I left I advised the lady to fish in my productive hole, and she immediately began getting hits. Here is the catch...
  20. Thanks for the report on a worthwhile cause. Kudos to Fishmaster!
  21. Good for you HearingFish, the little guy got a taste of the great outdoors. Nice to see you pulled something out breaking that bad streak. Good thing you did not go back to the BOG.
  22. You want gravy? Buy a can of either Turkey, Chicken, or Mushroom gravy, heat it up and pour it on baby. I like Franco-American from the grocery store. It's quick, an easy and is quite good. Don't water down the slow-cooker recipe.
  23. Mr Big meets his match, and fitted through a six inch hole...eeeedoggies!
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