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Everything posted by Clampet

  1. Did I say Flurocarbon? Might be a diff between Monofilament and Flurocarbon, do ya think?
  2. Wait till this SUMMER.
  3. Boycott one crack,..er gas dealer at a time. Not a pennie spent at the targeted Gas Bar till they are crippled. Problem is to get everyone to cooperate.
  4. Could be age spots, it is an old post!
  5. Congratulations! So, where are you going to take us?
  6. Do U think 10 lb Fluorocarbon is OK?
  7. What Mike The Pike said. That place would be (should be) a sure bet in June.
  8. What a mess. The 400 is still closed, but scheduled to re-open later today.
  9. Imagine the surprise of hooking a bruiser when pursuing smaller fish!
  10. Pretty good offer from Fishunter, and Eddy K suggestion ain't bad either. Walleye from shore is next to impossible nowadays.
  11. Great pics. Moose in the Tamarack, Grouse in the gravel, Bass on the well..those are good sized fish!
  12. Probably not a Photoshoped Pic either.
  13. Cool Cat, Pat!
  14. Apparently they have amazing eyesight.
  15. Ya, play with the Bull, you get the horn!
  16. Wendel's Musky Candy fer the Bucktail.
  17. I say not till May will we see warm weather.
  18. Eee doggies! Elly Mae is now all googly eyed over yer good deed! She said ole Duke is a mite aprreciative fer the dog world.
  19. Here's a Law that should be enacted: Anyone caught with a handgun in his or her possession that is not registered and not being comissioned for the use on a firing range should be picked up, and incarcerated until they appear b4 a judge, and they should get 10 years minimum. Then watch how quickly the handguns and associated crimes miraculously dry up. Scenario: Police officer happens upon some suspect, finds a handgun. Suspect loaded into cruiser, deposited into jail cell. Suspect waits 1 year for court case in jail. Suspect appears b4 judge. Judge hands down 10 year sentence. Next! The End....
  20. Terry, get 'ole Pork Chop after them!
  21. I may be wrong, but I think that some outfitters place their shacks over a likely looking spot, and they are there fer the duration of the season, fish or no.
  22. Ya did ok. Some fine tuning.. When the bite stopped, ya should of moved a little towards shore, make one hole, repeat till the little so an so's keep coming out of the hole. The filleting you done isn't bad fer a newbie, way better than most, and those Perch look like they were a fair size.
  23. Let me guess...... You daydreamed fer weeks of the fish you would be catching. You and the fellas gave yer hard earned money to some "Outfitter". You sat in a dark Ice shack/shanty/bungalow. You stared hopefully at the hole in the floor, and at one another. After about two hours, it became a little boring. At the end of the day, you knew, it wouldn't get any better. You tried to console yerselves, with oft repeated mantras of the bite isn't always on, it's the weather, maybe if we were here last week.... Fer God sakes you are men, aren't you? Do you know what that means? Do you need someone to hold yer hand like a little boy? Go out there yourself. Bring yer own stuff. Look around a bit. You'll figure it out. Follow the trail. Think of yer ancestors. Are they shaking their heads in disgust? You don't need some one else to settle you in at what..$100-200 per person? Anyway, hope I lent you a new perspective fer next time, if you consider going "Ice" fishing ever again.
  24. I'm very happy you WON something for your efforts Rizzo.
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