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Everything posted by Clampet

  1. Hell, we set out elders out on Polar Iceburgs whan they get too old.
  2. Buddy, where you been fishun?
  3. Wall, when they stop fallin' thru, we'll rest assured it is safe once agin.
  4. So Brandon is accosted by the Game Warden while jest steppin' off the local community dock, with none other than 2 live fish in a cooler. "'Scuse me" ventured the game Warden. "I'm afraid I will have to charge you with the illegal transporting of fish that are out of season". "You are mistaken, officer" Brandon responded confidently. "These here fish are my pets". "Pets"? "Yes" "How so"? "Well, I caught them last summer, while they were in season, and brought them home fer the kids. They just love 'em. Even named 'em Bob an Rob. Ain't that cute"? "Well, nice try" the game warden said. " I do not beleive you"! "Honest" countered Brandon. " I bring them down here to the dock fer a little swim in the open water. They have been trained by me an the kids with special signals, I usually have a smoke, while they swim around under the dock, an when I finish I give 'em the special signal, they return, and we go back home. I can prove it". "Well this I gotta see" insisted the CO. Wall, Brandon and the CO make their way to the end of the Pier, and brandon puts first one, then the other Fish gently into the water, and they both watch the two fish slowly swim a bit in a circle then go slowly down under the dock. Brandom lights up a smoke, and makes small talk with the Game Warden. A cuople minutes go by and the CO says: " Ok, put that cigarette out and call back the fish" "What fish"?
  5. Whatever you do... DO NOT STAY............................................ at the ................................................................ BATES MOTEL especially if the owners' name is Norman Bates.
  6. That's why you have call display. When I get a call that I do not recognize (etc), I do not answer. If the caller doesn't leave a message, I do not concerm myself about who it is. A great invention.
  7. Yeah, nice report.
  8. And you reckoned that was a Bass?
  9. Yeah, I noticed that too. Mr Bigmouth. Jealous is all.
  10. 10 Percent of the population are great human beings. 90 percent are useless trash. Sad, but a reality. It doesn't matter where you go. I work in an office environment, where people where suits, white shirts, and ties. Very professional ambience/atmosphere,however;when you visit the washroom, you get to see how wearing dress clothes does not guarantee quality people, as some leave the facility in a disgusting mess.
  11. I have a Fishing Game for the PS1 called " Bass Landing" which is thought to be perty amazing by quite a few people who have played it. It comes with an optional game controller which is like a fishing rod (shorter of course). This game is a lot of fun.
  12. Why can't yer Uncle let you and Dad have the key to the cottage anyway??
  13. Well worth the read!
  14. I was just in and nobody responded so I left.
  15. Welcome aboard the train Alex. Strippers are OK too.
  16. Thanks fer not giving away the answer, that shows maturity.
  17. Test Time! Module 1 Shotguns. How do the various gauges such as 12 Gauge, 16 Gauge, 20 gauge etc get that designation?
  18. Ole Duke would like ta get on the scent. Woof...woof!!
  19. Corporate thievery, legal of course.
  20. Black Gold, err Yellow Gold! Great catch, I'm envious.
  21. Pa said I could wear 'em on my head an be jest like the Playboy Bunnies in them fancy glossy magazines Jethro likes to look at.
  22. A large consortium of cooking wannabees have joined forces and have been rumoured to have baked 55 million barrels of homemade beans. Scientists estimate the resulting gas emissions generated from human consumption may endanger US air quality due to the Southerly flow of Canadian air currents. It has also been reported but not confirmed, that our very own DSN boardmember is one of the leaders.
  23. My nieces' husband is one. He runs 5 miles every morning. You better be in good shape.
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