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Everything posted by Clampet

  1. Eee doggies that thar set-up reminds me of somethin' similar a few years back! It looks real remote like, and solitary, prolly not many if any other people around. Think there might be be any Sasquatch in them parts?
  2. One of dem Jets buzzed over the house around 7:15 PM (Britannia Rd in Mississauga), and trust me it was loud. Made the cat run in the house, from outside.
  3. Did I mention to be careful when wandering around the shores of the Grand to be on the lookout for Sasquatchs? Apparently, the area is just crawlin' with 'em!
  4. Hey Randy - Ever try backreelin'?
  5. I used ta cotton to you, GCD.
  6. Sure gives a body a mite to think about..
  7. The scenery may look nice, but that area is full of Sasquatch.
  8. Eee doggies, Good to see y'all got somethin'!
  9. Them fellers sure nough know their stuff, by gar! An interestin' signatures too!!
  10. Congrats! Landing a new job is an achievent. You went from unemployed to employed. For some, that step becomes next to unattainable. Getting the job is step one. Step two is making the grade, usually in the form of a 'probation' period. Step three is keeping the job. Sometimes our skills aren't enough, we are also required to put up with unfair situations in the workplace, as well as abusive bosses. I hope you make it through, and succeed. Then you can concentrate on what's really important, like family and friends, dogs, cats....
  11. Good to see yer mug again!
  12. Must a been a rush!!
  13. If I were the boss, I would praise my workers for work well done, and encourage them to share ideas for improvement. Too many bosses only speak to you when there is an issue, always finding fault, never praising one for their jobs that are well done. They are not true leaders, and no one respects them. A worker will bend over backwards to please a boss they respect, but will do the bare minimum when his back is turned to the boss that is a task master.
  14. Good lookin crew, and the fish ain't bad either!
  15. I heard wire line on level winds for the Lakers.
  16. I'm exited for you! BOQ is always tops on my list.
  17. Wow! Just read that article. Blew me away. I always suspected some o' that stuff, but to see it in print!
  18. Took sick at work around 12:00, got progressively worse, stomach bloating followed by stomach pains. Worked as long as I could bear it, then advised boss I could no longer continue due to the pain. Boss says I cannot go home until job is completed. I return to desk, sit and think out the situation, knowing I cannot go on, as the pain has me writhing around in my chair, trying to alleviate the worsening pains in my gut and lower chest. Finally, I decide to notify the president, who is my manager's boss. He tells me, he will assign another team member to call on my accounts, and tells me to gon ahead home. On my way out, my manager is coming out of his office, his face is quite red, and he says: " Don't ever go over my head again, ever!!" What do you guys think of this?
  19. I don't claim to be any expert, but I used 6-8 lb Trilene XL for about 30 years, and have recently switched to 20 lb Powerpro. I find the Powerpro more supple than the monofilament. I found the mono cast better, but was more prone to coiling due to line twist. Powerpro outperforms the similar diameter 8lb test mono by a landslide when it comes to breaking strength, you can reef on the rod, and not worry about line stretch, or breaking off! That I liked!
  20. Welcome. I wish I could help, but the only places I know are the local lodge, they would charge you for parking maybe.
  21. Here is a link for the Ferry Schedule (unless yer a doin' the Breaststroke ): http://torontoseeker.com/torontoislandferryschedule.htm And another for general information on the Islands.. http://torontoisland.org/
  22. Quite the rig!
  23. Were all rootin' fer ya!
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