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Everything posted by Clampet

  1. Yeah, i'ts a lot a work, awright.
  2. Yer don't bring worms on a survival trip, you dig 'em.
  3. Ahem, ahem... I said newer members, Terry.
  4. Something to waste er pass the time .. http://www.cbs.com/primetime/survivor3/gam...shing/game.html
  5. Master depth control and you'll increase yer catch. Ya need ta get the offering in their little faces.
  6. You may be suffering from sleep deprivation. You may need to hydrate (drink more water). I suffered from both, and took corrective measures.
  7. Ouch!
  8. Welcome to the OFC Community! Great people and greater stories. Some make a big fuss over the occasional posted picture too!
  9. Reminds me of those green earthworms that were available afew years ago, do you remember?
  10. Welcome aboard young'un! Take yer shoes an stay awhile. Come back now, ya hear!
  11. Golly gee, long walks along the boarwalk! That sounds so dreamy. Pa says you sound like mite nice feller.
  12. Well, I suppose it's a good betthe ice will be sufficient then. What with the above normal temps, it would be a difficult guess when the ice will be thick enough. Not sure if it will be by Jan 1, 2008 when the ice season opens.
  13. Excellent point, Photoz!
  14. (Out of four)!
  15. It's got somethin' to do with that Sabiki rig.
  16. Fer a minute there I plum thought they we're goin to shut her down fer good!
  17. Any opinions? http://books.google.ca/books?id=krJxhundzx...;psp=1#PPA20,M1
  18. Here is a spot you may want to try. One of the famous "Pushing" spots. A quiet approach works best. Where did they go? Oh oh..
  19. In Northern Ontario, people have made fishing a way of life. When I was young, I caught my fair share of Pike, as did many other people I knew. When we got older, we gave up the Pike in favour of Pickerel (Walleye), and felt it was a natural progression. For many northern anglers today, the only reason they pursue Pike, is for the money to be won in Pike derbys, same for Bass. Most people I know up North, target Walleye exclusively, and throw back everything else.
  20. Harrr, a keeper fer sure, a keeper fer sure!
  21. Well, you were doing something right, that's fer sure. You did better than most who've been out lately.
  22. Right On GCD!
  23. One good turn...................gets most of the sheets!
  24. How about the side view we are shown here, isn't it CCW?
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