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Everything posted by Clampet

  1. Greatt report, Superdad!
  2. Yes, Wayne please come back. The thread counts are way down, laddie!
  3. I predict it will get dark at night, clearing by morning.
  4. I'll get Jethro an Elly May on it.
  5. #3 Don't ferget, I gotta deal with Jethro!
  6. It's like a lot of things. If you do enough things right, it's eventually gonna pay off. Then there's those days when it doesn't matter. Big Cliff said it well.
  7. Granny said: "Yer beggining to sound like a real troublemaker"! Just kiddin'. If you don't stop yer gonna make me cry.
  8. The bottom line is.... you aint gonna notice no diffference at all... because, if yer talkin' casting as opposed to trolling... then you ain't gonna have enough line out (assuming you start with a full spool) to sufficiently reduce the spool diameter. The diameter of the spool and the gear ration determines line speed over the roller guide. If you cast a distance of 50-75 feet, the spool is still very full looking, at least on the long cast spool models.
  9. Give it time, give it time.
  10. Great report, awesome pics and video. Nice to see, great to watch!!
  11. Just when I thought I'd heard of everything..
  12. Ya, I'd call that a Biiiiiig fish!! Congratulations!
  13. Lake St Clair? Good goin'.
  14. Thanks, fer sharin. I almost fell off my seat when you wrote you always catch Walleyes when you go to Skugog!
  15. Here's few heralding Summer in the City (Go figure) Ashbridges Bay Bike Path Beach Volleyball
  16. Well, sometimes the plannin', packin', the drivin, are the best part of an outing! Hope you have fun, and look fwd to the report.
  17. Well worth the wait! Finally some Pike that look big in the photos. You can tell the pics haven't been photoshoped, everything looks natural and orderly.
  18. Ah, ... the power of the Internet. The steali... er sharing of information all over the world.
  19. Yeah! I heard it was awesome!
  20. Wow! You are lucky you got the rod back. Just when you were ready to give up, eh?
  21. Get a rolling pin (about $3.00 at the Dollare Store). Use it to roll cereals like Corn Flakes, or whatever, into a fine dust and mix it about 50/50 with flour, and ..Voila!
  22. You left out the Montreal Canadians. They are a Canadian Icon for many Notherners.
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