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Everything posted by Clampet

  1. Ahh, the venerable Whale Shark... the largest fish in the world!
  2. Big words for small minds, I suppose. (Makes me feel important).
  3. Really good to hear there still are some nice fish that can be had from a pier.
  4. Thanks fer the update on one of the world's best Walleye fisheries. I suppose a few cold nights may cause the imminent migration to begin.
  5. Glad you were able to get some help lickity split. Any idear why the prop came off?
  6. Can't say I've ever heard of a Speckle perch. Please advise.
  7. Gee, Mike, you know a lot about St Hubert's chicken. Thanks fer clearing that up, I kinda wondered about that.
  8. Well, the fish got his licks in! Just wondering, Mike, Is St Hubert the home of the St Hubert chicken franchise?
  9. Just wondering.. When driving a car with an auto transmission, do any of you ever use the other gears like 3, 2, 1? I was told to always drive it in D or overdrive, if so equiped. Putting the car in the lower gears is a risk, so I was told. Any opinions to the contrary?
  10. I think I speak for most of the readership when I say we are all relieved.(Whew!) Now that you got the hang of it, quit fishing and take up a nice hobby like papier maché.
  11. Go to the freeking store and buy a box of .99 Kraft Dinner, sheesh!
  12. Let's all hope it wasn't foul hooked!
  13. After watching that video, I think anyone participating in that sort of activity, is really desperate to catch a fish.
  14. The Shrimp are prolly better tasting than the quarry yer after.
  15. Way to go GCD! I wonder why they call them 'Trigger' Fish?
  16. It's a Pike that ate a Leatherman Tool.
  17. Ditto!
  18. My Grand-nephew Richard, was killed in 2004 when he and his girlfriend hit a moose while heading up to see his father up North. His dad one one of the Laforge Bros from Sturgeon.
  19. I do not know, but will these numbers be easy to surpass: 20 points, 243 lbs Field Dressed.
  20. Sorry about your loss. Like a few others, I had no idea this happened. I'm glad to see the membership supporting you in this difficult moment.
  21. Whatever it is, it is not considered native to Lake Nipissing.
  22. Cool! You had to make a few last minute adjustments, otherwise you woulda had a hard time.
  23. Just Desserts?
  24. Huh! Whooda thunk it?
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