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Everything posted by Clampet

  1. I guess most of you already tried this 'Survivor' fishing game.. http://www.cbs.com/primetime/survivor3/gam...shing/game.html
  2. The only thing you want on a rope is - soap!
  3. Good Lord, from Shore! Whodda thunk it?
  4. Mmmm, Jelly fish on Toast!
  5. 10 Feet from shore, eh? I bet you weren't expecting that. Thanks fer sharin' LOTW experience.
  6. I really like my 6.5 Ft Fenwick Walleye Special for jigging and some slip float use! I use a 7' Shimano Aero Medium Action fer heavier applications like trollin'.
  7. Glad to hear ya made it out. Even if it was by the skin of your teeth. I know that feeling when you you see those big waves. All of a sudden it ain't fun anymore. Well, like you said, Satellite phones might make a lot of difference in the outcome.
  8. Ahh yes..
  9. Gotta say that is one of the best written reports in some time! Like the way you took the time to describe in detail the actual events of your fishing trip as they unfolded. You make good use of the fishfinder, maximizing your efforts in locating fish. Darn glad that hook popped out! I was beginning to anticipate a painful ending. I guess that fish at about 25-30 lbs, would I be far off?
  10. Thanks fer sharin'. Makes a feller feel a mite at home!
  11. Don't get me started..GCD.
  12. Anybody remember the Vibra Bat lure? I had ordered some, and beleive it or not, I lost all 3 to break offs! To learn more.. http://www.lurelore.com/vibrabat.html
  13. Your subject title says it all...it truly is 'Brook Trout Fishing at It's Best!" and you guys are making it happen.
  14. Good goin' fellers - good goin'!!
  15. Welcome aboard! I would like to suggest using the following: 4-6 pound test monofilament line A combo pack dispenser of split shot. Try to get the round ones without the 'Tabs' on them. They are more weedless. Don't use those Rubber Core sinkers, fish are shy of them. Buy good hooks. Try either Gamakatsu, or some type of 'Lazer Sharp' size #6, or #8. These hooks will catch light biters way better than unsharpened regular hooks. Use fresh live bait. A worm that has been soaking for 20 minutes or so, is probably drowned and without movement. If Panfishing only, it probably won't matter, but for bigger game fish, such as Bass, Walleye, it matters.
  16. I like the Red/White or Frog pattern of The Arbogast Jitter-Bug.
  17. Yeah....... I knew that! http://www.carpecaelum.com/wangbbs.htm
  18. Yeah, the smell of charred pork interspersed with the pungent aroma of Lake Ontario and the port-a-pottys. I'll be sure to go back next year.
  19. One night in Bangkok.
  20. Clampet


    Don't beleive that thing came from Canadian Waters. Looks like a S.A fish. Prolly Venuzuela.
  21. Anyone go?
  22. Here is a link, might offer some info: http://www.marine-engine-parts.com/Shapell.html
  23. Good luck dude, hope you tie into something!
  24. Busted!
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