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Everything posted by Clampet

  1. You got that right. Most are designed without a thought to real winter conditions and temperatures. I remember some of the older snowmobiles (1970's and some 80's models) would be useless after bouncing through snowdrifts on the lake. The vents would suck up the snow and clog the carbs. Then after sitting around in the -20 C temps, would freeze up and would be next to impossible to start.
  2. What a life!
  3. And, the North end of Nipissing is froze also, I heard. The Cache Bay is froze.
  4. Thanks for sharing. He was an American icon.
  5. Ranger, good choice. Keep them reports a comin'.
  6. Eeii doggies.
  7. Way to go Lew. Hope you have a successfull time of this new opportunity, and that you keep us posted.
  8. Lake_Nipissi.html
  9. Looks like a peacefull get-a-way.
  10. An an Argo can go on the frozen lake until there's about a foot of snow, give or take depending on how wet it is. Snow drifts will cause many argos to bog down. More than once I witnessed riders having to jump off and push. The upside is, an argo is more versatile than a snowmobile/sled, allowing one to go moose, deer, and bird hunting. Also can be used to hunt ducks.
  11. Welcome aboard, young feller.
  12. One's natural.
  13. Now, I understand, that explains it perfectly. As the player is bending the note, the tuning robot would compensate by slightly slacking up on the string.
  14. I always thought that was called range. The variance of the instruments ability to sound tuned in most chords. I think it is a function of the guitar makers' ability to ensure strict tolerances regarding the correct spacing of the frets and the intonation, the minute ajdustment of the guitars saddle. I thought the more expensive instruments were/are able to sound good in all chord voicings, while lesser priced instruments may sound off in one chord shape. If you tune so that chord sounds correct, then you discover another chord will now sound slightly off tune.
  15. Maybe it would be easy to overide it with a switch.
  16. Thanks for sharing. Pretty neat way to bring the young'un along.
  17. Gibson and Taylor guitars = drool x 100... !
  18. BOQ is open till Feb 28, 2008.
  19. That was staged.
  20. Nice Fish. Fer all of you that are wonderin' what the difference is between a Walleye, is the lack of the white spot on the tail.
  21. I guess there is still a few weeks yet to fish, depending on the weather.
  22. Wow! Nice size!
  23. Hope everything goes according to plan, and without a hitch.
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