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Chuck Best

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Everything posted by Chuck Best

  1. Hey Vinnimom,Don't think you'll be coming to IBP(Innisfil Beach Park) and walking to 100 fow,you won't find it down here....Only @BBP does the lake get that deep,you can find 90 fow but that's a hike....2/3-3/4 mile anyways....but you don't need that deep.yesterday was the first day of no limit for me,but I got 1 whitie,and everyone I talked to ,said it was slow yesterday....just watch the crowds.....TC and tight lines.....Chuck....P.S. My lure of choice is the Williams with the Meegs (Bad Boys)running a close second.....HTH...And Watch what Worm dunker says....
  2. I can't see anything that far over,but I'll be venturing off Innifil Park Friday morning(after I get a look today)....it's been covered and cold for 5 days,figure I'll try walking on it tomorrow.....reports to follow.....TC....Chuck...
  3. Nobody is fishing off Innisfil Beach,I go to the park every morning now and nobody has been out here yet.....I'll take my gear with me on Friday to see if anyone else will lead the way,cause I'm second in line to go first ,but first in line to go second....lol...but it SHOULD be good to go on Saturday if the temps hold....TC and tight lines all....Chuck...
  4. All the 'Best" to you and yours from us and ours....TC buddy.....
  5. Exactly what Suds just said....Except Shelley likes hers too......
  6. The very "Best" wishes to all my great freinds here,old and new(haven't met yet),and not to worry it'll get cold enough,just not soon enough.....lol....TC and the tightest of lines to all......Chuck .......
  7. I was looking at them this morning,but I opted for the Quantum CD870CX,Was cheaper and suits my purpose (ice fishin')and I might take it to N. Saskachewan this summer.....TC and tight lines.....Chuck....
  8. Well, if the date is going to be the 20th of Feb,com'on over, 'cause Shelley's B-day is the 21st......we'll have to start 1 day early.....lol....and of course,it'll be a surprise.....lol....TC and see ya here.....Chuck.....
  9. And we live here,so, just let me know when your all coming.....
  10. I was told that there were none in Canada,when I was looking for a new cover for Lady Chevy's clam,but I called Graham@Trombly's and he had me one in his hands 2 days later......You may want to call there.....TC and tight lines.....Chuck....
  11. Here's to hoping you had a Great day,and with any luck you'll have many many more....TC,and tight lines.....Chuck and Shelley....
  12. Sorry for the late return buddy,I don't get back here near as much as I should.....Here's hoping your neck probs are over,and that's from the local 'NECK' guy....lol....Wish I would have known you were into that surgery,maybe asked for my guy,as you know he did an A1 job on me,even admitted to me that he amazed himself....lol....So here's to hoping you get 100% cured with no pain,and remember,do what they tell you at the physio,and then do it again.....TC....Chuck...
  13. I've been away a few days Joey.......Please accept our condolences for you and yours....TC....Chuck and Shelley....
  14. Buck up the insurance and burn the truck......use the insurance cheque to buy a chevy....lol....Sorry buddy,if you can see the cable under the disc that holds the rim tight,cut the cable with a grinder and disc and keep the spare in the box from now on.....Oh,and be ready for the spare to fall on you when you cut the cable.....lol.....HTH....TC and tight lines......Chuck....P.S....Any word on whats happening from your buddy blacklist???
  15. That is the worst news Buddy.....I was planning to come see you soon as I will be in the market for a new Cross-bow and a shot-gun.September is too early for me,but please let me know if you have any remaining stock after Oct. 1st....Again Sam,very sorry to hear of the closure,but you're no quitter and new avenues can always lead to new adventures....TC buddy and tight lines....Chuck...
  16. All the 'Best' today buddy,and many,many more to ya........TC and tight lines.....Chuck.....
  17. Condolences to you and yours Wayne,from all of us here....TC and tight lines......Chuck.....
  18. Not sure Wayne,but that sure looks like 'Rabbit nose' to me.....Last time I was there was probably 10 yrs and in the winter.......TC and tight lines....Chuck....
  19. WTG Ryan,nice ride.....Now you keep your eyes open for the 'Smokercraft' and I'll watch for the 'Starcraft' and maybe some day we'll race......lol....Again nice ride on ya.......TC and tight lines......Chuck....
  20. Some 15-20 years ago,we used to go to Parry Island and use 'Wiskas',for the 'escapees'....We used to pound them up then make a dough-ball,and catch the rainbows....Haven't been there in years.....TC and tight lines....Chuck.....
  21. All the 'Best' to you on this day and here's to hoping you enjoy many,many more.....TC and tight lines....Chuck and Shelley...
  22. Sorry bud,I was refering to this morning,and we're about to 'shove off'.....See ya if you make it out....TC and tight lines....Chuck.... P.S.We'll be the boat with all the kids....lol....(Grandkids ,nephews,neices....lots of them....lol)
  23. Hey 'B',If your out again today ,look for the Smokercraft,the outlaws are here for the weekend ,and I'm out for a little bit in the morn......TC and tight lines.....Chuck....
  24. Thanks again all,Looks like everyone had a good time,We're already planning to NOT miss next year....TC and tight lines....Chuck....
  25. Hope you had a gerat day buddy,and many many more to ya......Sorry again that our paths didn't cross last week,but there's always November.....TC and tight lines.....Chuck.....
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