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Everything posted by blarg

  1. I would pay more if in meant more enforcement at the likely areas on the likely suspects, but not say if the co's were going to be playing parking cop in the bush checking vehicle registrations, or showing up once a week(ive never actually seen them, but i'll be generous) to check the 50 boats in front of north bay in june. But then again, the government seems so eager to give the resources away, like the comercial fishery here on nipissing, perhaps 0 would have been a better answer.
  2. these pictures are making me hungry
  3. My most hearfelt condolences for your loss.
  4. The CO shouldn't give a damn about the vehicles unless they we're being used as part another wildlife related crime, he didn't have to 'notice' anything in that regard, sounds like a nosy cardboard cop to me, let the police worry about vehicle registrations and do your real job.
  5. The feminisation of North America continues unabated. They joined the MILITARY, if there weren't prepared to fight when told to they never should have joined. Or did they think it was going to all peace and love and hugs from their mommy..our society is becoming more weak and pathetic each day. For the record im against staying in Afghanistan, but if you joined the military to get a job, or to get an education, and didn't think you'd have to fight, too damn bad.
  6. Don't forget they need a new passport sized picture of you for your new liscence, i got mine renewed this year but the first set of forms they sent me didn't ask for the picture..I should have known better, but it caused a couple week delay in the process for me.
  7. But wait, you wouldn't be insinuating that those noble people would ever under report thier catch! /sacasm off This liberal notion of the 'noble people' has got to stop, they are no different than you and I, and if you can't trust the average white guy to police his catch you can't trust them either, these could easily be the same people that will sell you cheap smokes, completely legal no doubt..o, they are better than us white folks all right. Just like there were better out east when the courts affirmed thier rights to net atlantic salmon, and instead of doing that a group of them broke into a science station on a salmon ladder where the fish were trapped on thier way up river to be weighed and a scale sample taken, it wasn't enough to have free reign over the river, they needed to destroy equipment designed to improve knowledge and improve return rates of the fish, they were arrested eventually, after getting away scott free multiple times, the gov didn't want to open that can of worms, but had to eventually. However on my last trip back to that river, long since the reasearch has been stopped the fish are still being trapped in the ladder by someone, and what once was a beautiful spot both for the view and the fish has been turned into a trash infested booze camp by..someone..I have my views, but who knows, few white guys bother to go there any more, the fish counts are almost 0 now, and without a net or trapping them in a ladder desigend to make spawning easier there isn't much point to going fishing. If you truly believe they know more about the fish/care more about the fish/are more environmentally concious etc then you or I, I suggest counselling, but seriously, this won't end well for nipissing. It might easily have been the weather, but the fishing was quite poor this spring compared to last.
  8. There has got to be something wrong when an area like Toronto votes Liberal almost exclusively, i don't give a damn what anyone has to say about it, but if you honestly believe that the liberals are always the best option then something is wrong with you, or your being bought off. There is more to life than what can be offered inside suburbia or the concrete jungle, maybe just maybe the opinions of other people in the country, say on the gun registry, actually matters, and maybe just maybe the prevailing opinions of city folks is wrong, imagine that. But no matter, the whole country is held hostage by leftists in T.O.., seems unfair to me. O and some of you are right of course, harper should have let duceppe, layton, and dion take over the government...what the hell is wrong with your head.
  9. There is no 'proof', there are no 'facts' that prove we are causing any real changes in global temperature or in fact prove that global temperature are really changing at all, on a geologic time scale temperatures vary sometime changing quickly sometimes not, what has happened in the last 50 years proves nothing, NOTHING. Im all for reducing pollution, including hedging our bets against possible human caused warming, but please, please think before you speak, just because you read it in the star or it was on cbc doesn't make it a fact. And since some others feel the need to toss out thier credentials i'll just add that i too have an environmental engineering diploma and an env science degree, along with working the last 10 years in weather, particularly in the arctic, I know enough to know that I don't know for sure and if thats the case there is sure as hell no way most anyone else in this thread does either.
  10. You may have heard that the more open water in the arctic the greater the amount of heat will be absorbed and the higher the amount of melting will be, a sort of run away train of melting, and it makes sense, however, it also makes sense that in order to overcome this inertia you would need significantly more cooling, so, not only was it cold enough last year to overcome that problem of more open water, the arctic did more than hold it's ground, it gained ice. I would be more interested in a global temperature trend over the last couple years more than the 'o but we only have a bit more ice than 2007..', true yes, but it took a significantly colder year to reverse that trend and increase the overall amounts, and THAT might mean something. Im on the fence about all this, particularly about wether or not humans are causing any changes, for those of you that have bought in to all of this I just hope you understand that all of those phd's doing all of these studies don't know what is happening, they have theories, right or wrong there is no way to know for sure what is or will happen in the future. I just wonder how the average guy can become so convinced of something because suzuki etc said so, the earth has been warmer in the recent past, next time your voting liberal, ask your self if it's because your smarter than those conservative rednecks or just more easily fooled. Prove that the 'warming' is human caused..you can't, i'd be happy if we reduced pollution, co2, and all the rest, but to wonder what excuses people have in order to avoid the 'truth' shows just how ignorant the op was, and the fisrt paragraph i wrote easily shows why, I wonder why the liberal media doesn't make that point tho....I wonder, o maybe the red star will print a balanced article about it...lol.
  11. I hadn't even heard about this event until today, when i drove off the base I was suprise at the number of cars parked along the road and at the airport, i got to see it fly over on its way in for a landing.
  12. If you like cars, Top Gear on BBC canada.
  13. I left a gerber multitool at a lake, only about 15 feet off of the highway, didn't realize i lost it until 2 days layer, it was a popular fishing spot, but i went back as soon as i noticed, that was about 7 years ago, and im happy to say i still have it.
  14. this reminds me a bit of the last time i ordered a dominos pizza, my order was wrong when it arrived, completely wrong pizza, i almost took it anyway because it looked like the delivery girl was the one who made a mistake, anyway i did send it back, next thing i know the owner or manager calls me and lays a guilt trip on me for sending back something i didn't order, i told him to keep his pizza, i've never gone back. I still can't believe that he called to give me a hard time, crazy.
  15. ok thanks, and i have launched at wade's a few times but last time i was there it was a real pain to get off the water with a few other boaters around and most of the parking taken up by trailers filled with what looked like junk.
  16. I'm curious if anyone can tell me if Hunters Bay Marine on Nipissing lets the Gen public use their boat ramp, or is it just for customers of the marina? If the public can use it, is there any charge, and is there much parking? Thanks.
  17. I might like hunting more than fishing, there is just something about it, unfortunately being new to Onatrio and the North bay area in particular it's tough to know where to go, you really don't want to end up on someones land by accident and at the same time it can be pretty awkward to end up on someones regular hunting spot, some hunters take that too personally. It's a shame really because i've loved hunting since i was 7 or 8 when i'd go with my dad, especially small game, but id love to bag a whitetail too, i did some caribou hunting up north, but that was more driving and shooting than hunting
  18. the majority of tv weather people just give you the environment canada forecast, they do very little forecasting on thier own so you can't really blame them. I will agree though, the super computers and the weather models have been way off this year, those models works best when we are seeing normal average weather conditions, which we haven't. I think this might be the worse summer i've seen in my lifetime.
  19. Is this picture online somewhere? it looks like someone i know of the same name, but i can't tell from that picture, and he's just the type to exagerate like that.
  20. Is the ice off the whole lake now? Why did you go all that way when you could have stopped at jackfish alley! lakers kinda bore me. Nice fish though.
  21. Why do you think it's refered to as climate change now. This is the third summer in a row like this.
  22. you could also just put some cheap mono on as backing
  23. I was out with my 12 yr old this morning, we caught about 12 smallies and had a great time, fish were hitting hard and fast, even caught a walleye in amognst the bass, they weren't big fish, maybe 2-21/2 lbs at most but so strong for thier size. And..we were fiishing, we weren't trolling or drifting, we were casting for fish, we had to find them and figure out what they wanted to hit, it was a hell of alot more fun than any of the walleye fishing we did in the spring. Personally i don't undersand how anyone could be bored by that, not if you like to fish, I would say that liking to eat fish enough to want to go out and catch them doesn't mean you like to fish, it just means you're hungry. You see it here in the spring when every tom dick and harry is on the lake trying to catch dinner, they don't even look like they want to be out there and alot of them are the most inconsiderate (did you really need to park your boat 50 feet in front of mine on the drift path my boat was on..the other 5 miles of shoreline wasn't enough for you..sigh) and unsportsman like people to have to share the lake with. I like a walley as much as the next guy but the fishing has tapered off here and in at least one way thats good, the lake is alot quieter and there are fewer idiots putting the cover on thier boats while still on the ramp! For simple fun it's hard to beat a smallmouth, if you don't feel that way you definitely don't experience fishing the same way i do, but to each his own.
  24. I agree with the op 100%. And yea aboriginals were here before us and this matters why? I could explain how all over the world thoughout recorded history and before people fought over and took land from each other, there is plenty of evidence to suggest that the aboriginals now took the land from other aboriginals, who is going to compensate those people, oh wait, they were most certainly all killed, I could point out that we took this land as fairly as anyone else ever took land from anyone else, it's the way of the world. But whats the point, you can't speak logically to a socialist. But now, this is our land, and while maybe sometime in the future someone will take it from us, for now it's ours, and there is no requirement for us to give it away to any group, while it's ours we make the rules, and what could be wrong with that. Are we too nice for that? does it hurt some peoples feelings? aww thats just too bad.
  25. Ive never hooked myself really badly, knock on wood, but i did hook my brother in the nose with a fly while roll casting, I TOLD HIM NOT TO STAND THERE! Funny part was he didn't realize that he was hooked at first and i thought i had a bush so I yanked it pretty hard a couple times for good measure..good times. I also watched a guy get hooked right through his thumb, under the fleshy part and out the other side, the guy was panicking, he litterally ripped the hook right through the meaty part of his thumb, it made my knees weak to see that, he nearly feinted.
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