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Everything posted by danbouck

  1. I enjoy reading that section, keep it up!
  2. Thanks Rick, See here http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=35858
  3. It is estimated that at any one time, 0.7% of the world’s population are drunk
  4. I use whatever soap I have. Always works
  5. Many times each year a post pops up talking about other peoples garbage that was left behind and how bad some of our fishing spots have become littered with junk. This is a chance for all you guys and gals to spend some time on your local river banks, beaches etc. and help clean up. It is very easy to join up, just go to the website that I posted below, find a local cleanup and sign up. If you want to hold your own it’s easy as well. I decided to hold one on Mill Creek (Soper Park) in Cambridge on September 26th. It started with just a couple buddies and now 3 more have joined up from the website. All I did was sign up online, find a location and they sent me all the cleanup items that I will need (gloves, garbage bags etc.) Anyone that wants to join me for the cleanup please PM me and I’ll send all the info. It will be great to see some local OFNers out there. Some Info: http://www.vanaqua.org/cleanup/home.php The TD Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup is one of the largest conservation initiatives of the Vancouver Aquarium. What started in 1994 as a small beach cleanup conducted by a handful of Vancouver Aquarium employees has now grown into the second largest cleanup in the world (The U.S. is in first place - for now!) Powered by Canadians, this program allows people from all regions and all walks of life to make a positive difference to their environment. Last year alone, over 63,000 Canadians registered for the TD Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup, and in only one week participants removed 135,467 kg of litter from 1,280 shorelines.
  6. Your from Stoney Creek and Bronte seems dirty, checked the credit yesterday, nothing ... damn u tell me where they are!!!
  7. http://www.tillsonburgnews.com/ArticleDisp...e&e=1726424 Casting for a Cure Posted By By Jeff Helsdon Posted 2 days ago About a dozen anglers spent 12 hours on the water looking for big bass and doing their part to find a cure for cancer. Langton-area resident Ryan Bonin was behind the fundraiser, which was held on Deer Creek on Aug. 19. He is an editor and cameraman for television angler Dave Mercer’s Facts of Fishing. After Mercer lost his mother Ann to cancer, he started Casting for a Cure to raise money for the Canadian Cancer Society. That organization has raised close to $100,000 for cancer research. Bonin and crew added $3,170 to that total. When Bonin’s wife Ginny’s grandmother Irene Anderson was diagnosed with terminal cancer, he decided to hold an event to help Mercer’s cause. His concept was to have participants fishing for 12 hours straight and collect pledges. “It’s just like a walkathon, but it’s a fishathon,” he said. The Frogmore resident decided to have the event at Deer Creek Conservation Area so as not to limit who could participate. Participants showed up with canoes, bass boats and crafts of different descriptions. “I want to keep as many people involved as I could,” he said. “A lot of guys have kayaks and smaller boats.” Bonin knew from his personal experience weather is a much bigger factor if he planned the event for Long Point Bay. Personally, he has a 15-foot boat and knows there are days the wind kept him from fishing on the bay. The participants were Bonin’s friends, but also members of a couple of fishing message boards he participates in. “Originally I was going to do it myself and then I thought I could do more if I got more people involved,” he said. “I far exceeded my personal expectations.” Next year, he hopes to make the event bigger and better and include activities for the whole family.
  8. He's busy shark fishing right now.
  9. Why would anyone want too? You just have to ignore GCD
  10. I hold them vertical on the stringer, followed by horizontal on the cutting board. At least I'm right half the time!
  11. How come there is an "All-Gay Cruises" add at the top and bottom of this thread?
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