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Everything posted by danbouck

  1. I don't put a price on my family's safety. I am not worried about how we drive, I worry about other peoples driving.
  2. I like the BFG AT 285 16's for the tahoe but got some blizzaks for the winter. 4x4 WITH winter tires is insane
  3. I saw it. It was good! Not much seemed to change from season 1
  4. The boat will be in the water for 2 more months then I'll start thinking about it.
  5. I started playing guitar when I was 9. It kept me busy and out of trouble (mostly )
  6. I like this one. Between Ryan and Dave they have both ends of the "Bucket Talk" covered
  7. that's no good! We went cheap on ours. 2 weeks camping in Temagami (with our 6 month old) and I wouldn't want to have gone anywhere else.
  8. My first order of business would be to get back to the hotel room and enjoy my honeymoon with my wife!!!
  9. danbouck

    NHL 2010

    West: Calgary East: Toronto Cup: Toronto
  10. $0 For the lake O issue, just close the rivers completely for the runs. I would pay $100 more if i knew that the funds were going to good use i.e. more COs in highly populated areas instead of the ones going to remote lakes on high end equipment catching 1 person. It would also be good to see some volunteer citizens (after training) being able to give out tickets.
  11. Shouldn't you be studying? EDIT: lol jk
  12. mmmm........ pannies I gotta get out and get me some supper!
  13. If you are ever around Cambridge let me know. I have a few hundred of those batteries in stock and can spare a couple.
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