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Everything posted by cram

  1. Common sense. Govern yourself. If i'm sitting in a canoe in front of my cottage....not going anywhere, enjoying the like-glass water and sunny day.....and not wearing a jacket -- you want me to get fined? If someone is drunk in a boat, falls off, and drowns......its their fault. Not mine. If someone horses around in their boat, falls off, and drowns.....their fault, not mine. Why are you impinging on my freedoms? I will wear a life jacket when its wavy (often do), and when in general i feel like i need it.....but i don't see why i should need/want the government enforcing me to do that. I can make the judgement calls myself, thank you.
  2. Give me a break. We are over-governed the way it is.
  3. Monster. Did he get any measurements?
  4. Many believe the blue tinge in some walleye is a pigment that acts like a sunscreen. Seems odd because the ones i have caught tend to come from deeper water.....but then there are people a lot smarter than me who seem to believe in it.
  5. You prefer it to a net? I have a cradle, no musky-sized net, but was going to pick one up because so many of my trips these days are solo....
  6. beautiful fish. Curious - how do you use a cradle by yourself? i find it impossible.
  7. cram


  8. cram


    Just close that pop-up window and the settings page is there for you to make changes.
  9. These could be 3 months old, or 30 yrs. Likely impossible to tell except for the hook coating (if there is any)
  10. cram


    Go into settings, privacy, advertising, and there's an option to let only friends or "no one" see your pictures.
  11. If you're young and single do it for SURE. Life is short. Its an experience you'll likely not regret. Some advice... - ensure your transit/moving is paid for both ways. If for whatever reason your stay is cut short (change in economy, immigration rules, whatever), they have to pay to get you back - try to structure a flight (or a couple of them) home every year or so. - look into the tax situation. It may be tax free there, but you are likely still on the hook here.
  12. Fair enough. I have never noticed, but then i have never used one for an extended period of time. I tend to switch it up all the time......probably my ADD :-).
  13. Is it because seeing colour is easier on a sunny day (something i have never had issues with on my old black and white), or that its better for identifying structure/fish? If i'm going to spend ~400 bucks its basically down to a low resolution small screen colour or a far better resolution and big screen black and white.
  14. YOu don't need a swivel (they don't roll like a spoon), but (a small one) likely doesn't hurt. They are a great lure. Best in mornings, evenings, or overcast days. Or when its really wavy (cutting down the amount of light that goes into the water). Theoretically they are not as good in the middle of a super sunny day (when you should use silver/gold/chartreuse/white), but then some of my best fish were caught on dark lures in the middle of the sunny days.
  15. Looking at fishfinders....you can get a heck of a system in terms of power, resolution, and screen size in black and white for less price than a very mediocre colour. How much better is colour? is it just easier to see in the sunlight, or do the different colours help differentiate fish/structure/etc? If you can get an 8/10 black and white or a 5/10 colour......do you still go with the colour?
  16. For the price of colour you can get a MUCH bigger screen and higher resolution......does the colour help differentiate btwn fish and structure etc?
  17. Rizzo -- i hear ya. I'm sure you didn't get up at 5am to sit in a wave pool. Fishing aside its nice to have a sunny/pleasant day on the water. I was just jealous that you contacted 3 fish:-)
  18. Hard to catch musky when its not windy. That said, I have been on balsam 4 times, three times windy as heck (one time a huge rainstorm) and 1 time no wind with water still as glass....and never a single musky.
  19. TJ - if they're near Yorkville, suggest they try Sushi Inn. Despite being in yorkville its not expensive, and has SO much throughput of customers that the fish is uber-fresh. I eat sushi all over the city and their freshness rivals the most expensive places in town. Really awesome.
  20. How much difference does colour make?
  21. Heading up to Bass Pro and Lebarons tomorrow to pick up a new lower-cost ($300-400) fish finder. Anyone try the Garmins? If so, how do they compare to Eagle and Humminbird? I will be using it for mostly shallow (<100 foot) applications.....for the msot part, less than 30 feet. As far as i know there are no gps maps available for my lake (Restoule) so no need for mapping features.
  22. I love those bad-weather fish. Fantastic musky. Is there something in its mouth (lure?) or is that a past injury?
  23. Leechman -- one of my all time favourite zara-spook type baits was made out of wood. I think it was called a wood walker, by ozark mountain or something like that.
  24. hammercarp
  25. i have fished (a LOT) since i was a kid (am now 35). Buy a license every year (and follow the rules to a T) and have only been checked for a license once in my life. One of my friends...fishes maybe once every 3-5 yrs....was fishing in a back lake (no roads) in the middle of nowhere, and a CO walks out of the bush to ask for a license. (and yes, he had one)
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