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Everything posted by DT10Sam

  1. Glen get the auger out and drill a hole you will think you are up here ice fishing. LOL Regards, Sam
  2. Great video self explanatory.....the mods should maybe make this a sticky on the site somewhere (just me thoughts) Regards, Sam
  3. All thus far have good reply's, I would recommend getting a business that is already established ..........building your business will give you ulcers if it does kill you first. I am working 7 days a week so my heart and soul is in the business and this year I am getting the attitude to shut down one day a week and make that my day to do whatever I want. A good business to get into and especially in troubled times as we have now and that is the fast food business. If you take a look at McDonalds for example their business grew dramatically in the last couple of quarters due to bad economy and people just cutting back to where they are dining etc. Either way be prepared to work longer hours with little or no pay and keep smiling as you will need to do alot of that as well as thinking as to why you got into this business etc. The people you will rely on will let you down and the ones that you never thought would come around will and become your best supporters that is business and always expect the unexpected. I always feel that we are doing the right thing to keep our customers happy and when I see them returning I know that we are serving them properly. We go out of our way and that speaks volumes with customers that are tired of the Big Box mentality. Stay clear of any business where the same products that you stock in store can be purchased over the internet........it is extremely difficult to compete or even come close to the prices that are advertised on the net. I recall ordering some products from a wholesaler and then a couple of months down the road they are advertising on the internet for the same price I had to pay. The only problem is being a business I required a broker as well and they get a cut and you can order my mail and not have to pay brokerage fees. Welcome to the world of fishing products...........a good business to stay clear of is fishing products there is no such thing as loyality it is a cut throat market and the distributors make sure of that. Just my 2 cents. Best regards, Sam
  4. Hey BigCliff I'm sure you miscounted.............count them again LOL. Sounds like you had a great time and damn I miss fishing for smelts. When my Dad was a live and in the late 60's and early 70's we used go with our nets and lights and get hundreds of smelts. Now those are only memories and I wish I had a spot where I could take my young lads out for an experience as I had with my Dad. Great report Cliff and thanks. Regards, Sam
  5. Hi Stoty, You are right this weekend is the last weekend on the Bay of Quinte and Sunday March 1st is the last day. The fishing has been spotty with fishing being good in some spots and not so great in others. The bite seems to be better just as it is getting dark and some nice size walleyes are being caught. One of the main issues out here is the weather is warming up and some areas that have currents under the ice is eroding the ice away making it dangerous for anglers if you do not know the areas. Coming over the Belleville bridge the last couple of days I have noticed pockets of ice have disappeared and now it is open water. Big Bay has been producing some nice size walleyes and the ice conditions there are still in great shape, you will need an ATV or snow machine to get to some of the best fishing spots. As it is getting to the end of the season and ice conditions are becoming questionable I strongly recommend you hook up with a guide to get you into the safe areas so there is no worries or issues of safe ice. Hope this is of help to you. Best regards, Sam
  6. This is from us a retailer the gift certificates do not expire it is considered cash and should always be honoured. Regards, Sam
  7. There you go even I was wrong I didn't check to see where they are from and there work is totally different from Sean and James at Advanced Taxidermy. Actually there is no comparison they are the leaders in the Industry. LOL Roy your still the greatest Bud. Regards, Sam
  8. Roy I don't think Google is that friendly in this case. That is a very old price list from when they had their original website developed and put on line. Their new website Advanced Taxidermy does not have a price list on it. I know from taxidermy experience and know them personally that their prices are much higher now due to material costs and labor costs etc. Your best bet is to call them for a price, their work speaks volumes and the best around in their field.....and that is coming from another taxidermist. Regards, Sam
  9. So sorry to hear this Jacques, our deepest condolences to you and your family. Best regards, Sam
  10. This is starting to sound like a roasting for our man Roy. I guess he knows we all love him. Regards, Sam
  11. Awesome site and great jobs there guys. Regards, Sam
  12. Hey that doesn't look like Roy at all. Roy has a different watch. Regards, Sam
  13. All this time I was selling minnow buckets for live bait.............I will have to re-label the buckets. Mercer might have something here and don't anyone come in here and use the buckets without paying for them first LOL Regards, Sam
  14. That a girl Naughty look great as always ..................um the room looks good too. Great job! Are those retired rods in that vase. Regards, Sam
  15. added another vote this morning. Regards, Sam
  16. That a boy Bud Regards, Sam
  17. I've got 3 IP addresses I am voting from and if they win we should all be invited to the wedding All the best to them. Regards, Sam
  18. Hi Joey, I would hate to see the tickets not used so I am willing to take you to the show Joey and I am confident that Tybo would make a quick recovery and come after us.............all kidding aside back pains and problems can be a huge issue. As Lew mentioned seek professional advice from a doctor. My father had chronic back pains for years and I watched him suffer through many back surgeries and he went to his grave with all the pain. I remember he wished that he dealt with it in the early stages. I know you will take care of Paul and hopefully he does not become stubborn and seek professional advice. Paul I am thinking of you buddy, I know how painful back pains are as I have also experienced many. I am confident you will do what is right. Best regards, Sam
  19. deleted
  20. Hi Everyone, The fire department is setting out a barricade around the hole where the truck went through the ice this morning at Minnie Blakely Shoal. The area is just west of the red buoy and should be avoided. The truck did go through and it will be a recovery operation at a later date. The anglers were locals and I will not state who they were just that we are pleased that they are safe. The last couple of days the weather has been warm and the underwater currents in that area has made ice unsafe for vehicles. If you are heading out there be safe and watch for the barricade so that no one else goes through. Best regards, Sam
  21. Hi Holdfast, I have had my RRSP's with Scotiabank now for 10 years to watch it do nothing but lately loose just over 10,000.00. I was told by the bank back 10 years ago that my RRSP's would grow to a nice nest egg. Well they have been wrong on this one and panic set in and I switched it over to a GIC for a 5 year term. Right now I am pleased knowing that I am getting 4% which seems better than loosing any amount of money. I certainly did not make anything in those 10 years but watch it go up 1,000.00 and then down 800.00 then up 2,000.00 and then next quarter do down 2600.00 a continual roller coaster ride of hope, that is hoping to make some money on your investment. Well the roller coaster ride has ended with a maintenance repair of 10,000.00 and now I am pleased that I do not have to watch the markets take more of my investment. I guess it is a lesson learned and I am sure that it is not over yet. I am finding out most of my friends that have investments are reporting similar occurrences over longer period of time. It hink the GIC route is the way to go certainly not eating away at what I have. Best regards, Sam
  22. You guys have got to be real old farts on here, all of this is way before my time LOL and then my wife brings out some scrap books and says is this you in these black & whites........ummmm.....well I went back down memory lane again looking at all of those old pics, it doesn't seem that long ago but it is and now I feel like an old fart. I can remember our first television and my dad could not afford much and the screen was either a 6" or 8" and the television only had shows on in the evening nothing during the day. I think that was like in the mid to late 50's , my mind is drawing a blank right now as that is a while ago and I can remember watching the hockey games on there of the original 6 teams and the players were very small on that screen and we could hardly make out but it was enjoyable. Hard to believe what we have evolved to............enough of this it is way before my time. Regards, Sam
  23. Our thoughts and prayers are with your family and your little girl. Best regards, Sam
  24. Very touching thank you for sharing. Kind regards, Sam
  25. It is south of Belleville..........take Hwy# 62 south over the Belleville bridge and then halfway between Belleville and Picton turn east on Demorestville Rd and that will lead you to Big Island. Regards, Sam
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