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Everything posted by jwl

  1. it's pickereyes
  2. ya still available but you can't find them at the big box stores like Crappy Tire and Wallyworld, gotta go to your local tackle shops to get them...the gold ones worked killer this past winter for big steelies on the lower Niagara out of the boat drifting on a 3 way
  3. lard tunderin jeziz by..cooks yourselves up a nice jig's dinner and get in on the action
  4. way to go JJ, doing simular stuff tommorrow for the FECC, it's the day we drag our walleye rearing pond to get the fry out for stocking. great stuff to see fellow hardcore anglers give back to our sport
  5. wicked report, sounds like a pretty good time, and a fair bit of musky action throughouut the day, a couple nice fish landed, and some follws ect on the way.
  6. jwl

    Pike part2

    nice collection of fish there guys
  7. I love the adventures of winter steelie fishing the Niagara in the boat from about December until it starts to get warm, also many trips spent on foot hiking around for steelies and big lakers. Late fall, early spring pike action where there are lots of 10lbs plus fish in the mix I love trying my hand a musky fishing throughout the year as well,fall is my favorite time for that...that's generally when the big ones come out at the places I fish for them All this is in no particular order, I just like fishing for big fish
  8. I hearya man, I hate when people do that..how often do people sit on a spot cuz they think they are having a good day hammering the smallies and think it's a good thing cuz they just let em go anyways or there's the whole other "no speak English" excuse we could lock down a thread about Everyone catches OOS bass this time of year anyone who says they don't is full of crap...but any ethical angler will move on.....I change up locations and baits until I stop cathcing them
  9. great going on the fish..nice one man, don't sweat the pic thing too much, although I am sure you would love a pic of that fish. When we first got out digi camera, I had a whack of fishin pics on it, and the wife had a bunch of the kids and stuff...first time I tried to load up on my PC, I wiped out the whole card, with no way to get the pics back...wifey wasn't too impressed with that , I said pffft tell me about it I had some awesome fishin pics on there too 47 is a beauty of a fish
  10. yeah for our team , I hope ya got a pic with a tape measure in it somehwere if ya had one that rated well for us!!!!
  11. jwl


    I am 38, self employed, working as a LAN/Communications Cabling Technician..my business is JL Cabling (just my initials like jwl..lol). For the last 10 years I have worked as a 3rd party subcontractor between Chase-Paymentech(Scotia Bank) and thier merchants setting up the LAN cabling networks for thier debit/credit card terminal networks, set up the related terminal devices and related admin function programming so all these places can swipe your card and take your money..lol, at a vast array of locations all over Ontario, some of the large scale merchants I provide services for over the years are, Sobey's grocery stores and all thier related outlets (IGA,Foodland,Pricechopper,Knechtel foods) to name a few so I guarantee you if you shop at any of these outlest across this whole province, I was the one who put thier debit/credit network in there . Every retail outlet in Ontario for Winners/Homesense,Cole/Chapters Bookstores,AMC Multipex Cinemas,Passport Canada,Canada Revenue Agency,Swiss Chalet, to name a few of the large scale merchants, along with countless other merchants along the way. Although I am based in Fort Erie, I provide my services for Scotia Bank all across Ontario, and have had some great adventures on the road along the way, with many opportunities to see alot of places and little towns I probbaly otherwise would never have a reason to visit ever. This work is on an on demand basis of course and often leaves me with alot of free time and a very flexible schedule which allows me to spend a great amount of time with my family, and enjoy having my trailer on the lake, as well as frees me up for alot of fishing adventures along the way. Here and there, my work calls for me to stay "out of town" over night over the years, and when this happens pending the time of year ect, I often pack up my fishing gear and take it along with me and find some time to check out any available shore fishing options where ever I may happen to be. I also use my trailer as a second starting point for travel/summer office kind of deal in the summer/fall months when work calls me to thatarea, the Ottawa area and Quebec, of course I always take advantage of this and squeezea day or so extra at my trailer out of the deal too so i cna get in some "extra" fishing for the season Being self employed is not all it's cracked up to be all the time, and sometimes self employed is unemployed, but we do ok, and this has allowed for me to spend alot of time with my wife and kids over the years, and also allows for alot of great times at the trailer, and of course allows me to spend many.many dayd on and around the water fishing throughout the year. I do not do this for my job any more, but I am also a papered Chef, in 1988/89 I went to school for this after spending a few years with that sort of summer job starting out as a teen, growing up in Niagara Falls, the tourist sector was where most teens got thier first jobs, I went to school to further my career in this and seek better paying employment,completing some College courses in Hotel/Restaurant Management, Business, and of course a few Cooking programs along the way, completed all the related apprenticeship hours, and work for about 12 years in that field with some odd jobs in between....I decided this was not the career for me once I became a Dad and did not want to spend every weekend ,holiday and many hours on the job and miss out on my kids growing up. In the future, I would like to be semi-retired early, and am slowly building my business all the time, I hope to over the next say 10 years build my business up to the point that I am making all my money by putting other people to work, and kind of sitting in the back ground being the one to start and set up any large scale projects, and just basically provide any needed technical support that the technicians working for me may need.....then is time for lots of fishing
  12. right on , some great big kid toys...either they really love ya or else they are trying to get rid of ya by sending ya out fishing more You guys ever kinda notice though when it come to Father's Day it always turns out a bit different than ..Mother's Day???...for example, Mother's day...presents or what not aside, There's advertized "Mother's day " brunch things all over the place, restaurants with fancy dinner menus ect...and what do we do...we take our wives or mom's out for a nice expensive meal, or we may even go out of our way to cook up a nice dinner to show our appreciation for some of the special ladie's in our lives. Father's day on the other hand....someone, some where along the lines decided this was a good day for a BBQ to be the tradition.....then what do we get...adds in the flyers with a buck off a T-Bone for a "father's day" special, and when all is said and done...what winds up happening .....we get shafted into to cooking our own dinner, and a bunch of other people's too
  13. Mmmmm.....meat that didn't come from a grocery store If ya bag and tag one Chilli,I know a couple good ways to cook it up, I will get the wife to make ya a cool necklace out of the claws
  14. my Minkotta, has a little chart on it that tells you expectancy of how many hours of usage you should get out of a full charge in relation to what speed/power you run it at, and also a test indicator button that tells you what charge capacity the battery is at. A decent deep cell battery really won't develope a "memory" like the batteries in rechargeable power tool for example, they are designed to slowly discharge, I just top mine up over night when needed the night before I plan on using it. Had mine since 2003
  15. I'm with ya man, I have had the boat out in some decent swells...rolling swells, not cresting ones on Lake Erie..I'm comfortable on the water..but no way my boat is seeing 15 footer unless some weird freak storm happened. ,if I am fishing the big water, I ALWAYS check a marine forcast, and some days we simply get to the launch and decide we aren't putting the boat in and go fishing somewhere else. Pretty good insite into how they grade conditions
  16. searching for really big pike is almost along the lines of big musky hunting..although you are more likely to catch a bunch of small pike in the quest than you are gonna catch a bunch of little muskies in the search. In the hot summer months the big ones are probably few and far between, probably have better luck in the late fall...last year all the biggest pike I caught where in like January.
  17. I get bored quickly fishing by myself, so those trips tend to be shorter..I am lucky I can go like 2 blocks down to the Upper Niagara from my house, or am withing 15-20 minutes or so of lots of little inland creek spots ect to fish..or take about 30-40 minutes to head down to spots on the Lower Niagara. Then there is my trailer, I wake up grab a coffee and always take a few casts off the dock before heading out in the boat for a bit. It's nice like many others have said to get up as the sun is coming up and nature is waking up around you to get out on the lake and be pretty much the only boat out..I try for an hour or so, see what I come up with and head back in to see if my kids want to go out and such. After spending a few hours with 3 kids in the boat I do however sometimes like to take time out for myself and do a bit of trolling or somehting. But the novelty soon wears off, I like having company to fish with for the most part and have a few pretty hardcore fishing buddies who will stay outany where any time, any weather..(well maybe except a huge wind and lightning storm on the water we are pretty hardcore nut jobs but not stupid..lol)..nothing like fishing for steelies out in the boat in January in the middle of a snow storm Plus who hasn't caught a huge fish before when being out solo??? and ya just think to yourself..." man I wish someone was here to see this one" Most often than not, I would have to say that I like fishing with company, be it a good shore trashin day or out in the boat.....I like the competative edge between some of my good fishin pals..on our quest to get the first, the most, and or biggest for the day just to rub it in...I also like the family aspect of taking my 3 daughters out over the years fishing..and now I will be teaching my older girls a bit more about how to operate the boat, they will be studying for the PCO test, sometimes when it's just me and wife in the boat, I like the company while she just kicks back , reads a book or somehting, looks around at what different people do to thier cottage and trailer properties while I fish. I guess because of my business and spending many hours on the road travelling all over Ontario solo for the most part for a day's work, I spend too much time alone there, so when I am not working I want to talk to some people...not just the voices in my head
  18. I like these kind of posts, everyone can learn alot from eachother in regards to different experiences, different motors ect for example when people start to comparte what they have and experiences and troubleshooting along the way. There is a huge amount off knowledge on this board
  19. good to hear ya got it worked out..i have a nautalis charger too...works great, batteriews also nautalis..starting/cranking battery still great, deepcycle still charges good, both batteries 5 years old and going strong...the charger is a good charger, set it on auto and charge it up in the garage...I do this every time I pretty much drain my battery on the Minkotta when the testbutton says recharge.
  20. hey ya got out there and tried and sounds like ya had some fun, that's the main thing...don't worry to much about not having topo maps and such...most of us been fishing long before there was such things so readily available, or even fish finders and such for that matter..keep at er you will get payed off one day..watch as some of the reporst roll in throughout the season, even the most seasoned musky guys don't get em every outing...that's half the intregue of fishiong these giants...alot of people never get one in a lifetime, so don't kick yourlsef too bad about it..hope ya have a blast in the quest this season.
  21. Sturgeon is closed all year..no open season for them from the Peace Bridge on the Upper Niagara, right through down to the Lower Niagara and Lake O..pg 91,92,93 of the regs. The steelie run ran a bit later this year cuz of the later start to warm weather and the water being so cold for a while.
  22. I believe that this was just to make sure that the new parts in the motor where well lubed up being new out of the box, and as for the oil injection getting started to work, the mixed gas is just to ensure that when running the boat at different speeds, that it was getting more than enough oil to lube it right up in the first place..the oil injection, really isn't injection so to speak on my motor, there for example is no oil pump that really works to pump oil into the motor, it just feed off suction really so to speak and supply and demand according to how much gas is being fed into the motor at different throttle speeds...the gas gets sucked through the line, and a syphon kind of action pulls the oil in along with it..so for break in, it just seems kind of logical that you need some extra lube in the engine parts from the get go..it would not be doing your motor much good if ya took it for the first run and ir's pretty much dry just have have a couple drops of oil run through it...it's a pretty simple looking set up on mine...you can see how the fuel gets fed into the carbs...the gas goes through the line..through the oil tank feeder...gets sucked out as the gas goes through, feeds the top carb, fills it then feeds the second fills that then fills the bottom carb on it's way through....it's not that the oil injection really kicks in later..it's just a basic supply and demand thing on this set up, half the idea of the break-in is to get the engine well lubed up..it's pretty much just called oil injection, there is no pump that mechanically feeds the engine the oil.
  23. some great pionts Lew. I have caught a few pretty big muskies over the years, and personally although it may be a huge thrill, I don't know if I would want to try and land one in a kayak, I have never caught a musky in a canoe for comparison but have caught a few pretty big pike in the 40 incher plus range and with partner in the canoe..who ever didn't have the fish on would paddle and beach the canoe, get out on shore and land the fish...although I don't see how one can do that in a kayak alone. Question for Singingdog...you say you have caught a 36 incher in the kayak...have you ever fought or caught a really big one before??? not neccessarily from the kayak, I mean ever, from boat shore or whatever....don't get me wrong a 3 footer fish is pretty nice and might run into the high teens as far as weight goes,but there is a huge difference between that and fish into the 50 incher plus range and getting into the 30-40lber mark....that's a whole new ball game for sure. We are talking fish that will easily pull around your boat..possibly make huge leaps out of the water...and then ya get them close to the boat and they really decide to fight Bringing fish this size into a decent sized boat can make the boat seem small awefull quick let alone a kayak, I had one on that was about 35lbs in my 14 foot tinner with my wife and smallest daughter in the boat last summer, and when my wife asked me if I wanted her to try and net it for me....when I first got the fish close to the boat and saw it, I said to her.." you better just get to the front of the boat and put Emily on your lap because if this thing comes into the boat it'snot going to be pretty" ....after a huge last minute burst of energy the 3rd time I got it to the boat it jumped out of the water like 10 times and finally got off because it starightened the crap out of my swivel on my leader....luckily for the fish I was not using a big crank loaded with trebles I was using a single hook and a big chub fishing for pike...so the fish got away with only one big baitholder style hook in it. It surprized the crap out of the other 3 boats in the area that where watching me fight this fish..specially the one guy who's boat it jumped right beside....This fish even if I got it at boatside and "landed" I still had my doubts on wether I even wanted to try and put it in the boat or not for safety of the fish as well as my wife and daughter in the boat. Don't get me wrong, I am not even trying to brag here, just trying to give an example of personal experience..I have not even come close to boating 100's of muskies like Lew pointed out from his adventures, but I have caught a few in the 50 incher plus range and it really is a whole different ball game than for example the reports that you see from guys fishing in the Kawartha chain or the likes and catching them in the 2 to 3 footer range..add another 20 inches of fury to those fish and it really is a whole other ball game. If ya plan on trying to land a monster in the kayak, be safe out there man
  24. hope the boat brings you tonnes of fun this season,I am sure once you get out in it a few times you will decide a few things here and there to set it up "your way" that will be half the fun....have a safe summer on the water
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