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Everything posted by fishboy

  1. I'm guessing about 2 minutes a fish.
  2. As has been mentioned, you can run a sonar unit of a fully-charged battery for a weekend easy.
  3. Nice report and pics!
  4. sounds like a blast!
  5. I just plain old don't have the patience to fish with a crowd that big.
  6. I've only had a positive experience with BPS in terms of customer service. I had a reel fail while up in the Minden area; the problem was the receipt was at home. I called them from up there and was asked if I'd purchased it using a credit card; I had so they said no problem, stop in on the way home and they'd access the purchase via the credit card. I went in, she printed-up a duplicate receipt and had a new reel brought over from the fishing department. Needless to say, I was more than happy since it's about an hour from home to BPS.
  7. As long as the transom is beyond the rear support for you bunks, you should be good-you don't want it extended past the end of the bunks though. As mentioned, you want to ensure your tongue weight is appropriate so you don't get sway; I used the good old bathroom scale to check mine.
  8. Those bowfins fight like stink-nice report.
  9. What is the launch fee there?
  10. Now that's a nice deal!
  11. if using power pro, go with at least the 50# as it has the diameter of 12# mono. It's a bit more forgiving with a baitcaster when learning to have a thicker line diameter.
  12. sweet-gotta love ice-out
  13. cool-nice work.
  14. yikes-holy crowd; not sure that's my flavour of fishing...
  15. There are open areas (especially the narrows) and the ice is piling-up on shore. Some real die-hards have had boats in but there's tons of ice and the usal floating garbage from the slobs who can't haul their junk in from the ice.
  16. good thing for sponsers to pay for all the stuff he's ruined...
  17. Thanks for the tour!
  18. The latest I heard was that the shorelines are rotting out but there's still lots of ice (none good quality) on the lakes. The recent snow/rain was pushing down the ice so with a little luck the end of the month is a decent guess. You can try Minden Live Bait 705-286-4826 or John at Carnarvon Live Bait 705-489-3036.
  19. OOD & In-Fisherman are tops.
  20. Nippising is correct; there is no "tell tale" water outlet like on the new(er) engines.
  21. ..at least we Leafers don't have to listen to the Hab fans....hopefully MLSE finally sees the light and blows the thing up and starts over
  22. Seeing as "we" made the canals and hence have already given the fish a way to get from lake to lake, I can't see how you could get dinged for transporting through any lakes that you can access without having to put your boat on the trailer.
  23. Where can you purchase derby tickets and how much (didn't see it on the site mentioned)?
  24. I'm probably too late but you can't go wrong with the maple syrup suggestion (water it down a bit) but it's not necessary with what you have. Another idea is to lay thin slices of orange/lemon and red onion on the fish. For the shrimp, try brushing them with oil and some dry cajun spice.
  25. I've narrowed it down to 2 sites with the odd post on 2 others that are for specific bodies of water if I happen to get out on those lakes.
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