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Everything posted by Cudz

  1. And here I thought this report was going to be about you taking your grandmother fishing. Better yet, for some strange reason I thought you were going to tell us how you went to an old age home to try and hook up with a granny. Hence granny fishing. For some strange reason I was hoping it was the latter you were going to write about. (yeah, not sure exactly why my brain is wired like that.)
  2. Absolutely sick!!!!! I love it. Congrats. You put in the time and you deserve it!
  3. He is trying to get the gill net back in the water so nobody sees it.
  4. I even bend my hooks out on it. I find (maybe just teh black one) the rubber body is much less supple than other frogs. The ruber thickness seems to be too thick. It doesn't collapse like it should when it gets bitten. I think it has the best action and great skirts but it will not hook up for me.
  5. True, but you don't post weights either I agree with the measurement thing but if you start posting weights it shouldn't be a radom guess. I am pretty good at guessing fish weights and I bet I don't miss them by more than 5% but I do use a scale. Don't know what kind of digital scales you guys are using but mine is pretty accurate. I guess my point is that if you want to post the weight of a fish then have a scale. If you want to post the length of a fish have a tape measure. If you just want to post a thread saying you caught a big fish you need neither scale or tape. I guess I just don't like guessing. It might be old to weigh fish but most tournament and records are kept by doing so.
  6. Dude I feel your pain. I have one black spro that gets blasted hard all the time and I have yet to set hook with it. I bet I am 0 for 20. Insane. I have switched to Mann's frogs and have about a 80% hook up rate. I have inspected that spro frog up and down a hundrede times and I can't fisgure out what is wrong with it.
  7. lol. I know. I was just stirring the pot a bit. soryy, it is in my nature.
  8. People really need to pony-up and get a digital scale to weigh their fish. And no, I will not buy you one. Done my rant. enough said
  9. You know what would be interesting? To see how closely Grizzly bears and Polar bears are (genetically speaking of course, not ecologically speaking). I wonder if they could successfully breed with one another? just throwin that out there. Something is happening indeed. Aided by human action but not solely attributed to humans.
  10. Ha. Yeah they are fun. Smallmouth bite at night is non-existant right now. They have moved out to the depths. I don't even bother anymore. I used to be very close to someone from the Soo. Her mom was Finish as well and of course they had a sauna. You're either a Finn or an Italian up there. Some people are lucky enough to be both. lol. I really like it up there. Lots of good fishing, good skiing and houses are still reasonable.
  11. Well there are valid arguments on both sides. I know where I stand and yes I agree with some of with regards to climate change. Climate change is occuring. At the same time many those same people use words like "we are the culprits" or "humans are the cause". There is no arguing that burning fossil fuels as a rule has a negative impact on the environment but..... More than 90% of greenhouse gases are simply water vapour that occurs naturally in the atmosphere. Our ddition to that amount is not really sustantial. I will admit that humans do accelerate the process but not as much as the media might want us to believe. CO2 is always blamed for the 'global warming' phnomenon. I do not believe this to be the case at all. I once closely monitored an experiment on forest growth and forest harvest. In this controlled experiment they sprayed 5 acres of woods with 5 times the amount of CO2 than an adjacent 5 acre forest plot. That nasty CO2 caused the trees to be much larger, stronger and helthier than the adjacent forest trees. After only 3 years the CO2 forest would be able to produce more than 2 times the amount of wood and product as the non-CO2 plot. Is CO2 as nasty as we think. Doubt it. We just need to point fingers and blame something. As far as age goes on this discussion, it is natural for youth to believe what they believe. I see it everyday. I believe it was Winston Churchill who hit the head on the nail when he said "Show me a young Conservative and I'll show you someone with no heart. Show me an old Liberal and I'll show you someone with no brains."
  12. Man, I need to get into some of those bush lakes. They look so sweet. Sounds like a good time.
  13. I have a bachelor of environmental studies from the University of Waterloo which in itself does not actually make me me an authority but I have done a lot of work with regards to climate change including working with the Canadian Military.
  14. I have caught sculpin before. Not recetly but about 20 years ago I used to catch them a bit. They look similar to goby. I saw one just the other day that reminded me about them.
  15. So the earth is 6000 years old is it? Hmm. Is that what you heard Christians believe? Wow. You underestimate everything about creation and rely way too much on science. Guess you are too smart to believe in Intelligent design. Your time on earth is but a blink of the eye on earth compared to eternity. I will leave it at that. I believe there is climate change. I believe humans do contribute to it. I believe our contribution is not the primary factor contributing to the climate change. My opinion is no more valid or correct than anyone other. It too is a theory, and just that. I am not going to get into this any more than that despite the fact that I am qualified to do so. I see you made an edit. Interesting. I will leave mine alone.
  16. very close Mike. It is actually 3.4 pounds or approx 3 pounds 6 and a half ounces. Largemouth always looks so big because, well, they have large mouthes.
  17. That is a great story. Nice smallie. One of my coleagues went to the states on scholarship to pitch in North Carolina. They love Canadian pitchers because their arms are not as 'tired' as same aged American kids. Our baseball season and number of games we play is much shorter. Is your son a pitcher?
  18. Of course he heard it. He opened them. Regarding fishing with 2 rods. I don't do it because the law tells me not to but I don't really see why you should not be allowed to do so. Keep the limits the same but allow two rods per person. If you can manage them good for you.
  19. Surprised you don't troll for them because that is what you are doing on this forum chinookhumper
  20. 22" smallie is big. Can't really get a grasp on the weight when you are holding it but 22" is big no matter which way you slice it.
  21. I've been called names before. Usually after I fail to net a buddy's fish and managed to knock the lure out of the fish's mouth at the same time.
  22. Nice bucket. persistence pays off. (except for last nught )
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