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Everything posted by Cudz

  1. Jigger and GBW got the location. On my way home. I caught it with only 10 minutes of fishing left. Will post pic by Saturday.
  2. nope. And I caught it on the most obscure bait. The fish was def 7+ and you all have to guess what it was caught on. One more thing that I noticed about the largies here is that they have quite sharp teeth! Lippin them was trickier than I thought it would be. I got bad sandpaper thumb after 2 bass. It was the third biggest bass I saw this week. One went over 11, another 8 and mine. And here is the kicker. Caught it from shore.
  3. Well I guess someone elses grandad named it a walleye as well so what makes that the proper name? The proper name is its latin species name.
  4. ummm, well, just take my word, 6 + maybe 7 + I did not have a scale.
  5. very cool. Being the father of 3 girls, I don't quite have the same enthusiam over here. Unfortunately for my kids it is a punishment when they misbehave. "If you don't smarten up you will go fishing with your dad." I have already had a few of those this year where there is an angry daughter in the back of the boat. I really don't mind their punishment, gets me out on the water. lol
  6. Oh yeah, I almost forgot about pikeperch I think I will call them that from now on. PIKEPERCH!!
  7. I think Jacques has is right. Dore (don't kow how to write an e accent aigu) Forget that. Too much work to insert the e accent aigu. Lets just call them "Food" or "Dinner" Had a nice day out there. Caught me 3 nice dinners and and a couple of bass.
  8. They are the same fish. They are actually even pronounced the same the only differce is the spelling. Pickeral is pronounced ˈpɪk ər əl, or ˈpɪk rəl and Walleye is also pronounced ˈpɪk ər əl, or ˈpɪk rəl. (unless you are American)
  9. I tried to buy at south side barrie ctc and they said not until at least 1st week of jan. I went online to renew card and get one year licence but I could not get a one year and was forced to get a 3 year. I know it is a better deal but was not in the budget. Oh well, always easier to ask for forgiveness then ask for permission. PS. Glad to hear you are going to get out this year. Make it a priority!
  10. I would not worry so much about the value of the car I would worry about the environmental fine that could be levied should the car go through.
  11. I like the way the Pats are playing and Atl looks good despite their loss to the Saints. Don't ever rule out Indy.
  12. I had similar sightings in Bsrrie when I was young. It happened when there was a certain humidity and temperature. THe moisture drops somehow refract and reflect the light upward from their source. Really weird. If you looked up at a street light, the light would somehow be shooting straight up. I remember looking at this phenomenon for about 10 minutes when I was about 13 years old. I thought at first it looked like the aurora borealis but after studying it, I just concluded it was something to do with water droplets in the air. I never actually researched it further and kind of forgot about it until now. 25 years later. very cool. Maybe now would be a good time to actually figure out what it is and what causes it.
  13. Do you have a pic of how youhave it rigged for ice fishing? Do you have a seperate transducer?
  14. All 3 of my kids busted into my room at 5:28 ready to unwrap presents. That is really early (unless there is fishing involved) Don't even know how they do it considering my eldest went to bed very close to midnight.
  15. Sorry I can't help you at all. Just wanted to say that we miss your reports around here. Merry Christmas.
  16. My 4 year of old does not want to talk to grandparents or relatives. We force her and eventually she does it. THe two older kids love talking to the grandparents and thanking them for the gifts. Don't feel put out it is just the age. I however would have made her talk to at least say thank you.
  17. Way to go. Now that is an early CHristmas gift for sure. So jealous.
  18. That is petty slick. The hds has a flasher mode?
  19. congrats! I was actually secretly hoping you were going to show us a pic of a new boat. Baby will do though.
  20. Wow! Let's keep this PG. Mods I am not sure this is appropriate for this type of forum. lol. Sorry, couldn't resist.
  21. I was there with my kids. I saw dave and we waved. I was there mostly for santa and crafts. Dave was a bonus.
  22. Happens everytime downtown. All the bars are there and parking in the lots is legal until 3am. What a sweet $ grab. They have the parking guys work a shift that starts at 2:45. lol. Such a dirty move. Real greasy
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