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Everything posted by timmeh

  1. Make sure you do call the spills action center and let them know exactly where you were. Also make sure to let them know that you have picture proof of what happened. Hopefully there is a good explanation but just in case make the call.
  2. No one's going to give up exact spots like that on an online forum but they're in there throughout most of the river. Just drop the canoe in somewhere and take your time and fish. Keep in mind there are several sections of the Grand with special fishing regs. Catch and release only, as well as no live bait and barbless hooks. Make sure to check out the regs before you fish the Grand. Good luck
  3. Stayed last year on a site near the beach. Looking at the map posted above I believe it was site 136. Anyway I enjoyed it, the site was good, shade in the morning, and most of the sites around looked fine.
  4. The reservoir is drawn down to a small trickle during the winter and as such there is very little in terms of fish in there. I wouldn't waste your time fishing there. There are better options around if you have time (PM sent).
  5. Thanks a lot for the responses guys, I appreciate it. The model I'm currently looking hard at is a Pelican castaway 116. It's a sit on top model that is 11.5 feet long. Does anyone have any good or bad experience with pelican kayaks? I'm going to look at a few other models before I buy anything but this one has caught my attention. I'm going to go talk with someone this week and see if they'll let me test it. Also one more question for the experts; what are the main advantages and disadvantages of a sit on top model. Aside from being able to move around a little more are there any differences in terms of stability? I've never used a yak before so stability is something that is important to me. Just FYI I am about 5'9 and 195 and I do have some experience with canoes so this isn't totally new to me. I'm also not worried about getting a little wet, this will mostly be a summer toy. Thanks again
  6. I've been thinking about getting a fishing kayak but I have a few questions and I'm hoping a few members on here can help me get started. First off I'm interested in a "starters" kayak. I've noticed that prices can vary and I'm on a budget so it doesn't need to have all the bells and whistles, just something that can get me on the water, but I don't want to just go for the cheapest model available. This will be used on smaller lakes and rivers so I don't require anything that can handle rough water. So here are a few of the things that i'm thinking about and any advise would be welcomed. What kind of price range am I looking at to get a decent yak? I am reasonably comfortable fishing from a canoe and I've heard that a yak is even easier. Is this true? Finally is anyone aware of any dealers in the Kitchener-Waterloo region that I should check out? Again as a newbie to this is there anything (ie. lenght, depth) that I need to keep in mind when purchasing? Thanks, Tim
  7. The is an interesting discussion and needs to be taken more seriously than most people do, but it's easier to look the other way and assume there's nothing we can do. I don't think people realize the drastic effects we've caused. I wonder if people will feel the same about invaders when (not if, but when) the asian carp show up in the great lakes. I think then we'll wish we'd have done a lot more to protect our waters. For those who think this is the way nature has always been, you're more than a little off. In the natural world animals take what they need, we take what we want, and too often with no thought of tomorrow. Now i think i'll go have a beer.
  8. Yes the leaking is a pain. Go to the dollar store or grocery store and buy a container of similar size with a better lid and then just transfer them into that.
  9. There are special regs on the Grand River- no live bait, single barbless hook, all catch and release. As for Bellwood Lake, the main species are pike and bass, and since bass isn't open yet, you'll likely want to focus on pike. The lake also has panfish as well.
  10. that's great! But I don't have that problem
  11. I understand the frustration but there's nothing you can do. You know it, I know it, and the gas companies know it too. That's why it happens. Until we develop alternative fuel sources, that can be produced and used on a large scale, there's nothing we can do. They will continue to bend us over and stick it to us whenever they feel inclined. They only thing you really can do is try to drive less, though that's not possible for some. Or if you're really sick of it when you buy your next car make sure it's fuel efficient.
  12. The shakespeare ugly stick combos at canadian tire go for about $70 and they are very solid and durable. They're pretty much unbreakable. As for line berkley trilene in 8-10lb range would likely suit you well.
  13. Thanks for the responses guys, appreciate the help.
  14. I'm considering buying a rear drag shimano symetre, but have never used a reel with this type of drag system. Does anyone have any good of bad things to say about this particular reel or rear drag systems in general? It may take a few fish to get used to it, but once I do I think it will be fine, but input from someone with experience would be great. Thanks,
  15. cell phone is always nice to have, just in case
  16. Well here's the issue with this. If you've got fish in your freezer they count towards your possession limit, which is usually the same as your daily limit. So legally you cannot keep your limit that day. If you've got a freezer with several feeds already in it and bring home more it really sounds like you're over your possession limit, which is breaking the law.
  17. Was he the only player out there slashing and cross-checking? Isn't that what happens in the playoffs? I'm sure he takes more than he gives out. As far as shutting them down, Pitt did hit 3 posts tonight, and could have been given 2 penalty shots this series. Osgood has been great but the wings have certainly not dominated both games. I think they played much better last series against the hawks then they have in the final. But they are up 2-0, and that's all that anyone will remember, and will likely be raising the cup in a week.
  18. For those who think it's fine to always take fish one thing to think about is that fishing is changing. The internet has changed most things in the world and fishing is no exception. Years of searching for hotspots and learning techniques are replaced by 2 hours of clicking a mouse. People are getting a head start, the days of showing up to an unknown body of water and trying to figure it out are long gone. Now you show up and know every species in the lake, have multiple maps of the lake bottom, and have cameras that show you exactly what's down there, along with 20 reports by people who fished the lake last week. There is so much info out there and that only serves to increase the pressure. I feel that limits need to reflect this new age of "internet angler". Since most of these people didn't spend those hours learning on the water they sometimes don't have the same respect for our resources as those who have spent years fishing.
  19. Ya Pittsburgh's in trouble, but it's too bad, they've been unlucky. They have been the better team so far but they won't stop the wings now. Hopefully they can win a couple just to make it interesting. Didn't see Crosby do anything though so I'm not sure what you're complaining about. This guy will be leading team Canada for the next 20 years so I'm wondering why everyone hates him. I'm not a huge Crosby fan either, but I still think it's kinda ridiculous the way people complain about him.
  20. The problem is too many people talk about how easy it was to catch a limit (and of course keep their limit) years ago, but complain that for some reason it's harder to get a limit today. I'd be inclined to think if harvest is the main reason for decreasing size and numbers of walleye then the solution to that problem would be to decrease the harvest of walleye (as has been done attempted slot sizes, etc.) So if we really want to increase walleye selective harvest is necessary. Killing more bass is NOT going to help the walleye population. It will simply hurt the bass populations, and then 5 years from now we'll be wondering where all the bass went.
  21. I second the Grand around the Fergus area. As previously mentioned most of the river in that area is subject to several restrictions (no live bait, single barbless hooks, catch and release only) but don't let that discourage you. The special regs lead to more fish in the water so if you don't mind C & R give it a try. I really wish more rivers would designate regs similar to the Grand and Credit, it's undoubtedly great for the fishery. It doesn't have to be the entire river just a few key sections would make a difference.
  22. Before you go check that it's open for fishing. I know some of those conservation areas don't open for fishing until the end of June. I'm just not sure which ones, so make sure you check it out before wasting your gas.
  23. I certainly agree with this. Selective harvest is key to maintaining healthy fish populations. But personally i wouldn't mind seeing a few of those numbers lowered.
  24. I am in the environmental field and one thing I will tell you is that getting in with the MNR or any other government agency almost always means contract work to start.
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