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Everything posted by l2p

  1. l2p


    True! I was fishing at the Bedok Jetty in East Coast park down here in SG yesterday and watched as locals would cast to where these two osprey would dive down, they were on them good and anyone who landed a cast in the area would hook up. Only small fish though called "Tamban" but there were millions of them and their great eats, so im told haha.
  2. I believe my friend has this pair and if memory serves me right then its lifetime over the counter warranty as long as you have the receipt... please don't take my word for it as im not 100% sure. Goodluck!
  3. Nice carp! good to see the barrier doing exactly what its suppose to!
  4. Nice! hope to get some fishing done those ways this august when we have a planned trip to my friends cottage down in New Brunswick! thanks for sharing
  5. hahaha i thought itd be fitting seeing as Singapore is quite literally on the other side of the world! Btw apologies for not getting back to you on your pm, I read it but for some reason didn't reply then and it slipped my mind. If you havent already there are good deals to be had on the for sale section of floatfishing.net Victor, Ive brought one down with me and will def put it to use. Just opted to fish with lures yesterday! Misfish, its the pan slammers in pink! ;)I fish it on a jig head as opposed to a plain hook like regular pinkies!
  6. Sounds like a plan bro, but I think we need to gather the boys first to visit you on the west coast! also hope to add Giant snakehead to the list, and as much as I hate fishing stocked ponds I may have to swallow my pride and go for a day trip for some of these monsters! http://www.fishingparadise.com.sg/Catch%20Report%20-%20February%202011/images/7.jpg
  7. Last weekend was all but a buzz to me, the trout opener was a great time with good people as usual with many fish to go around. Usually id have been out all week on the rivers but this year would be something different, the following Monday after opener I was scheduled to fly out and begin my trip to South East Asia. Here are some shots from the weekend, Being the unorganized person that I am I spent all week before opener planning and scouting for the following weekend and of-course that left me with ALOT of packing to do Sunday night, well that didnt happen since we barely got 2 hrs sleep all weekend and soon as I got home from the tribs I passed out Was woken up by my brother Monday morn dazed and still got steelhead in my head. I packed hastily for the two months that im down here, im sure I forgot a couple things lol. As it isnt my first time going down these ways I knew that I had a daunting flight ahead of me, almost a whole day in the air with a single stop over at Narita Japan my brother and I arrived early Tuesday(here) and went straight to work. Checked out a couple local tackle shops to figure out the needs and wants and to ask for the basic info that id need while im down here. Basically there are freshwater canals and reservoirs scattered all around this little country they call Singapore, these waterways mainly hold Peacock bass that were stocked into these waters and different Snakehead species that are native to the area. Also Singapore is essentially an island off the tip of Malaysia so that means that there is ocean surrounding me! The fishing opportunities are however quite minimal as most places have designated fishing areas which are usually crowded. There are tonnes of pay ponds all over the place however, stocked with anything from 30-40 kg giant red tail cats to Tilapia. Seems like majority of the people prefer these ponds as to fishing else where and after Google mapping the country its easy to tell why(you can drive around the country in less than a day). Well this afternoon I was able to sneak out for a quick hour and biked over to the nearest reservoir in the area, by the time I got there(got lost lol) it was already well into the late evening and the sun had already started going down. Not that thats a bad thing because around lunch the temps soared to over 30 deg Celsius and with the quick rain we had the humidity was just unbearable, for me anyway hah. Couple casts to some wood in the water proved fish less to my surprise so I moved to the other designated fishing area on this reservoir, id only have 15 or so mins left to fish at this point as ive already been hailed to come back for dinner, was my Grandmothers Birthday. The water here was quite feature less so I just started to bomb my lure as far out as I could cast, no luck still and coming up to the last cast point I decided id go back to the wood at the first spot since it was on my route back home. First cast out looked like I spooked a fish holding under the surface as there was a big boil soon as my lure hit the water, started to work it back when I felt a massive tug but alas I missed it. With my phone ringing knowing it was the family I casted one more time, hit the same spot but this time as soon as the lure landed the water below it exploded, gave it a couple seconds to make sure it had it good(actually watched my line start taking off) closed the bail and gave er! After a quick tussle I had my first ever Peacock on shore! These fish are closely comparable to a largemouth on a roid rage! clearing the water several times and bulldogging right down into the thick weeds. After a quickly admiring its colors and a quick Iphone pic back in she went, its now 3:24 am and still jet lagged Im anxiously waiting for first light so I can get back out there! More pics to come and sorry for the long read like I said, its 3:24 am and im still wide eyed lol
  8. For those that havent seen it...
  9. atlantic!
  10. Sweet Kings!
  11. thanks mate!
  12. More like flying fish lol, thought id share this video that a friend of mine sent me enjoy! Secpond clip of a man using spider web as his lure
  13. Thanks guys! A big surprise indeed, more so that I caught it on a worm dragging bottom lol. Roy gotta love fishing the big water, your float goes down and you never know for sure whats on the other end. Pics of snakehead and peacock bass to come, along with what other fish may cross my lures path down in Asia!
  14. Was out for an afternoon fish yesterday, the target in mind were suckers and hoping for a couple drop backs to scratch the itch. After getting bored of catching suckers n no drop backs to show for our efforts we decided to switch it up and move down to the lake, soon as we get there we notice thousands of minnows surfacing on a big hatch of mayflies. Pretty slow for the most part saw a couple fresh bows jumping out in the flow to the lake way out of drifting distance, then out of no where this fish comes along and drops my float. Belly was so full of shiners looked like it had a tumor. Thats it for me until opener weekend, get some headshakes before leaving on my flight that monday to southeast Asia for some Peacock Bass and Snakehead
  15. Nice walters! thanks for sharing
  16. Sweet Video Pierre!
  17. thats awesome! are you casting or vertically jigging? I once seen a video of guys vertically jigging chinooks on river mouths in Michigan. Thanks for sharing!
  18. Looks like a day well spent, thanks for sharing!
  19. NICE!
  20. One from earlier in the season, when it was still winter
  21. I think since last fall i've only caught one clipper from lake ontario...
  22. All day any day haha, their a totally different fish out in the open water... gotta love the cartwheels from 100 yards out, before you even set the hook haha
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