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Everything posted by GbayGiant

  1. Wow, sounds like he lived every minute to the fullest, you definitely have something to be proud about. Sorry for your loss and keep your head up.
  2. I did my homework, and found a pick of those yellow beavers, feisty looking creatures. That pike looks at least 20lbs to me, those scales never work right, caught a 31" walleye last year that was 4lbs on those hanging scales. lol.
  3. Amazing day on or off the ice with those beauties, congratulations on the new PB walleye. Must have been tricky bending that pike out at a 1 foot depth. Oh, and what the he1! is a yellow beaver ? can you post the pic up, or did I miss the inside joke.
  4. Great report Wayne, congrats on the first ice fish and another one the next day, you guys did good.
  5. Wow, some fat clean ones there, silver bullets.
  6. You'll get into them next time, once the icebergs die down. I've only had the luxury of dodging icebergs in December. fun stuff.
  7. There's going to be a sunburn around your eye in a black and blue coloration if you keep telling us of these open-water excursions. j.k. bro, are the fish hiding on you or what ? I bet it took a lot of force to get you out there.
  8. That's wild, it makes you wonder what else is up there. I get the first cast.
  9. So I've never ate a catfish, my grandpa was the first guy to show me how to fish and the first catfish I caught he told me the wiskers would sting me. so I belived him untill I was around 16 years old, then I found out that the top fin bone would go through your hand. Needless to say I don't even like talking them off my hook, especially with that croaking noise that they make isn't to attractive either. So the thing is I can catch them of the dock all summer by the hundreds from dusk to 2 hours after dark they won't stay off my hook. With the acception of one 30lbs channel cat they are all only about 12-16". Should I be eating these things ? are they easy to clean ? do they taste good ?
  10. Good joke from start to finish. lol.
  11. Here's an idea. Maybe higher a large charter fishing boat for the whole day that's big enough for a handful of friends or family, with drinks and food available of course (don't know if this is possible) and a little fishing while your at it . Lake Ontario has some big boat charters. I think he would like that, I know I would.
  12. Sounds like a fair trade to me, but you might start getting looks like Micheal Jackson with all the kids over at the ranch.
  13. Nice fish that last laker looks real nice, way to put them on the fish Wayne.
  14. Oh Canada. We get free heath care. The only pension I would get is once I hit 65 years old. lol. The good thing about fishing is you could fish till you die, or at least 90yo. But the way things are going in the world, free heath care and social insurance at 65 could be gone or changed in a few years, I guess life's a gamble no matter what you do. Terry we'll get out one day, once I get my feet wet.
  15. Wouldn't a Albino bear be a Polar bear ?
  16. That Alligator Gar was a funny story.
  17. Nice one Cliff, awesome fish.
  18. Thanks T.J.
  19. That's what I would have to do, I'm not sure how long it would take to get fully booked seasons for a fishing guide but I imagine it would take at least a couple years anyway, probably depends on the fish you catch or don't catch. lol.
  20. Haha. What a joke, I never knew that there were such laws, that's ridiculous. I don't know anyone that doesn't like the look of a boat and it's no bigger than the average vehicle. Man oh man you need a new neighbour and the politicians need to screw their heads on straight and find some laws that make sense. Is there anything we can do nowadays without a law preventing it or slowing you down ? the system is mangled, I believe in law but some laws are just nonsense.
  21. Wow those are some action filled pics. It can be tough without a gas auger, but you got a workout to go with your burn.
  22. Nice one Terry, I didn't know we had video sound engineers here to. You are the Top Gun.
  23. I'm beginning to look like a crack phene with the Itch I got going. Nice colors on that beauty.
  24. Thanks for the advice guys, lots of good info here. I guess I'm just soaking in as much information and second hand knowledge as I can for now. Let the saving for a new boat begin. could be a while.
  25. The nails don't work for me either. Before you post your pics, make sure it's the full picture on you computer when you copy the properties. Than it will come up full on your post, instead of the thumbs.
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