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Status Updates posted by misfish

  1. Heading out blind in the morning. Looking at the map and some point to point line ups,I might just find the spot Im looking for. I love adventures.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. misfish


      I dont do cracks. Safe travels dude.

    3. Terry


      it's cold out there, stay warm

    4. misfish


      It,s not going to plan out here.

  2. Fish Crisp is just not for fish. I sliced up some pork in 1/2 inch strips. Tossed in the crisp, fried it up, placed strips on a large bun, covered with sauce and fried mushrooms and placed a slice of provalone on top. Under the broiler til toasted. It,s comfort food. RIP MY FRIEND

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. misfish


      And I had one for lunch too . LOL

    3. DOS


      also fantastic with grouse and wild turkey, just cut up into strips and enjoy. The Cajun is real good also

    4. misfish


      Yup. I like how it seals in the juices and repels the oil.

  3. Going to be a long day. Nothing like getting to work,opening your first email thats says, it,s with a heavy heart we have lost a fellow co-worker. HE DIDNT EVEN GET TO ENJOY HIS RETIRMENT. DAME YOU CANCER.;0(((((((((((((((((((((

    1. John


      Sad but true Brian. Had similar situation a few years ago where a co-worker passed less than 6 months into "retirement".

  4. So whos already to watch the nanny all star game? No hitting,no tripping and NO FIGHTING. Oh, and no goal tending.LOL

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. BillM


      The all star game is for the kids, let them enjoy all the goals.

    3. BucktownAngler


      the real game is better without fighting anyways. how many fights did you see in the olympics?

    4. misfish


      I know there,s no fighting. It was just a comment.LOL


      I think even BillM could of played in that game.LOL

  5. Guess I,ll go set up base camp. Then go pick up the grandkiddy. I,ll probly get out fished this morning.LOL

    1. misfish


      To cold and windy for the girl. We did breakfast, so she was still happy with poppy.LOL

  6. Last full season for #24 Hard to believe he has raced for Hendricks for 23 years.

    1. grizzlybri


      Yup 23 years of turning left is coming to an end. But honesty one of the best, how fitting would it be if he won Daytona one last time

  7. Always the way. Make final payment on the car and check engine light comes on,car runs like crap. Thank goodness it was a easy fix. Broken sensor wire.

    1. irishfield


      Don't forget I have a hoist!

    2. Terry


      and a fishing rod

    3. misfish


      Thanks Wayne for the offer. May need to do a brake job. Could use some help with that.

  8. Way to go Bill. LOL

  9. lets hope I can put my guest on fish today. Something tells me it will happen.

    1. misfish


      Well there were fish,but only a herring for me. A few chasers. They are still giving it a go out there. Nice to have finally met you High drifter. Stand up fella you are dude.Another off the OFC bucket list.

    2. grizzlybri


      I'll have to get up there sometime during for some whities

    3. highdrifter


      OH hey pal!! Twas a real treat to angle with ya. Let's hit it again soon!

  10. Great to see you again Pete and thanks for the special delivery. Hope the pike were active for you this afternoon.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. misfish


      It was like Christmas all over again. LOL


      Love the spinner baits.

    3. buick14


      Sounds like a pretty sweet Christmas then lol

    4. grizzlybri


      I'm pretty sure he made out well, he was sending me pictures of his pike when I was attempting for mine in my normal spot

  11. Picked up the new line of MEEGS lures today. They are so SWEET.

  12. CTV Barrie just put a hundred people on the ice this morning. What happen to 5 inches of ice is not safe like they reported last year?

    1. irishfield


      All depends whom the advertising suits B! Saw over 100 vehicles parked on the side of 124 NE of Guelph today on "Guelph Lakes"!



  14. That weather they called for is here now.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. misfish


      Looks like that sunday trip up will be a no go too bud. Dang,always like to help a brudder out when I can.

    3. bigugli


      Freezing rain been here since 1pm.

    4. Fisherman


      No sweat Brian , it's not critical by any stretch.


    1. Fisherpete


      Man that was a good game. Now let's hope the other hockey team with the maple leaf can play as well...

    2. FloatnFly


      Canada vs Denamark! should be an easier game. Although remember Belarus vs Sweden, the shot from centre ice


  16. Da bay she be iced over bye,z. Lets hope for no winds and dat snow stay north of here. Im as giddy as a school boy.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      That's not nice you know,brings back memories of 47 years ago lolol.

    3. misfish
    4. misfish


      I know to well.

  17. Was looking at my TOON today. Just may need to bring it out one more time.

    1. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Won't be this year ,maybe after Jan lol.

    2. misfish


      Work Tuesday,then it,s looking for fish. Lake, river what ever will float me boat.

    3. Terry

    1. crappieperchhunter


      Saw lotsa people at an Oshawa course yesterday on the way back home from ice fishing.


  19. This has to be the easiest boxing day shopping I have ever had. Started at 6am with little miss lilly. 6 stores and were home. Looks like black friday-monday helped with that. CTC North, had the best deals. DOT helmets for $10. HT combo reg $29 on for $4.99. bought a bunch for the Tyler event.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. misfish


      LOL The buggers put the price up to $8.99 today. I passed and bought a new helmet for $9.99. reg $59. Yes DOT.

    3. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Buddy just got them price matched at the south store for $4.99 about a hour ago

    4. misfish


      They were back to $4.99 today and there was only 2-3 helmets left.

  20. Someday,we,ll all be together again.

  21. It,s funny how that one gift just pops out and SCREAMSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, she,s going to love it. Cant wait to see the look on her face.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. John


      So you broke down and bought the little red sports car she wanted...damn you are good!

    3. misfish


      Yes John, Walmart had them marked down from $1.99 to $1.25. ;0)

    4. grizzlybri


      so it was you that bought the last one

  22. I have entered myself and Lilly in a ice fishing derby end of Febuary. Boy was she excited when I told her.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. irishfield


      It's just Bri and Lilly.. winner takes

      home all the money. Lilly's going to love spending at the candy store!

    3. misfish


      It,s one of our large suppliers. A family event day. They drive us out to the grounds. Heated tents and bbq. All the kids get prizes. Sounds like a fun day to spend with her. It,s going to be out from Gilford.

    4. Fisherman


      Excellent, hope you have good weather and an amusingly good time.

  23. I love the money Im saving from not smoking. I bought my first christmas gift to me today. Hello mr buddy heater. ;0) 9000 BTU should keep me nice and toasty warm.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Fisherman


      Pretty soon he'll be digging a foundation for the hut..doh..

    3. misfish


      When the world comes to an end,you,ll wish you had done the same.LOL

    4. Terry


      is there a date in mind


      just checking



  24. Not much ice fishing gear for sale this year in the classifieds. Looking for a mister buddy heater.

    1. DOS


      Most stores have em in stock. Depending on where you live TSC, Princess, CDN Tire, and I know this little store in O-Ville, wink wink..

  25. Sure wish I had of quit smoking a long time ago,hell I wish now,I never started. I FEEL GREAT,FANTASTIC.,,,,,,

    1. John


      I gets better Brian with time. In 12 months you will notice a big difference.

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