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Everything posted by MCTFisher9120

  1. Shimano does lot's for the fishing industry and that's why I like them. They make great reels nice rods and have never been a issue with me. I send rods back and they are replaced with new models. So old Crucial's were replaced with the new generation Crucial's. Reels are now all a $25 repair fee from Shimano for the labor....9 times out of ten the parts to fix your reel are warranty covered also. Being in Peterborough and being a fine product with little issues I like there gear, G.Loomis however is my finer choice when talking rods So to answer your question workwear, bring it to a local store other than bps or mail it to Peterborough
  2. Man, I would pay for that big time...time to order me some jerky
  3. If you don't have a US license already then you need to go to a store in the states and sign up, when I went to Chautauqua Lake I went into a canadian tire just across the border and got my license with no issues. I guess once your in the system yes online is the easier option.
  4. Nice setup Lew, hope we can get out so you can show me the way of the mighty Musky But does mean I can share my rod/reel porn too haha Nice pics, that sunshine outside lately has been great! MTBF
  5. Nice job! Thanks for sharing, MTBF
  6. Not that I would get my license taken away for life but if i did...ill just night fish from then on...
  7. we have some waterproof boat bags left for 30 bucks...honestly ive tried every thing out there...a boat bag is the best thing...hard plastic bottom and waterproof.
  8. I still like Fireline Tracer Braid in 10lb & 15lb. Great line, Sunline is another braid you should look into, however Power Pro Super8Slick is a nice braid.
  9. I would fling the crap on the windshield A bunch of goons for sure.
  10. I would fling the crap on the windshield A bunch of goons for sure.
  11. Nice catch, very cool to see a salmon caught your style, hope to see more as the season continues! Tightlines, MTBF
  12. Had to throw it in
  13. Makes me wonder how much lead and hook is on the bottom of the creeks haha
  14. You have a lot of options here. Look at the G.Loomis GLX BCR853. It's 7'1 Ex-Fast Med-Hvy Power and a very nice multi-use rod and is really a choice you should consider. The feel and sensitivity with GLX is great, there light and very enjoyable rods to fish. http://www.store.gagnonsports.com/index.php?product=LOO-11452-01 If your feeling like really getting into a rod you will never let go and only buy more of have a look at the NRX853 (7'1 Ex-Fast Med-Hvy) casting rod. These rods are one of a kind and truly make you go wow when you pick one up and feel the lightness of the rod. Look at the tip of NRX rods, there very thin and very strong for there diameter. 30% lighter than your GLX and over 30% stronger against impact. Get to a tackle shop and pick one up...pictures are not valid when buying rods...u need to feel them on the water. I used one and felt the differences, now I own a couple of them..there soo light and sneaky strong you can use them for anything really. I know many people that have bought these rods and pros and staff that find it hard to use other rods now. Under 490 and can always get a deal on them where ever you go, hard to go wrong. Tightlines, looking forward to see what you decide on MTBF
  15. No, not 6 Gallons daily. I burned a easy 1.5 to 2 gallons a day. Driving time with a little engine sucked, but I enjoyed every second. With 15hp on a 14' boat I'll be able to make the run in 15 minutes to the next lake over. The main thing was that in the channel were weeds, most engines can idle through no problem or fly through no problem. My boat was short and heavy so it put off a good wave and loved the weeds. Had to go slow and probably why I ate up lot's of gas. a 20min drive to your spot and a 20min ride home was the average. I always stopped and fished a spot or two on the way there and fished 2 or three spots after each outing before returning home for a meal. I'm not sure but I must of put a good hour each day on the engine in running time, maybe 15minutes more if you count a warm up in the morning each day. Two 5 Gallon jugs and a 1 Gallon jug was the fill up every 5-6 days. At 71 Liters per full up and at a 1.20 range it adds up quick my friend at $85 per fill up times that by 4 fill ups and I've breached $300 and that was my guess on spending. Put $1.40 in place now it's $100 per fill up on my camping trip. Hopefully with a 15 or 9.9 I won't get bogged down in weeds and can travel quicker like the others through the channels etc. With a little more hp and travel distance as more power gets u more water to fish the math seems right ish
  16. Fishing in the morning then coming back for lunch then going out right after until dinner then going out again for the 2 or 3 hours after 6pm every day for 3 weeks straight. It's a lot of gas. My run to the next lake was about 20minutes, not bad for a 7.5hp. I can get anywhere on the home lake in a 2min run across but I ventured to new water with the engine so always had to make a drive, but did stay on the home lake too lots. Anyway don't know how but I did it, thats a rough estimate, I filled up a 5Gallon plastic jug 3 or 5gal gas tank and a 1g about 3 or 4 times during the trip.
  17. Last summer I ran a 7.5hp for 3 weeks non stop on the camping trip I take out to my grandmas neck of the woods..I spent $300 on gas during that trip. This year I'll be running a 9.9 or 15hp engine for 2 weeks time...probably going to need about 4 or 5 hundred for the gas fund it looks like
  18. Bring them to a tackle store. I send away St Croix rods lots and they always replace the rod, still have not had a problem since I started last fall. You pay $12.50 for shipping and the warranty 95% of the time covers the rod replacement. Only really pay fees on reels or terrible rod company's. Everything except Quantum rods I send out and always have replacements coming back. Hope you have a store that will do this for you, it's the easiest way unless you live near office of your rods brand.
  19. It would be nice to see opener for bass a little earlier. As for Musky, going to be targeting them on a few good trips this season. C&R is my motto on them too as all fish but walleye and perch There useless and need to be turned into food most of the time for me.
  20. Shimano Ahh, don't think I've seen a bail fly off a reel yet. Daiwa makes a fine product too.
  21. Find a deal one one, fish with it for a nice long day and I'm sure at the end of the day you will say, ya this reel was worth the money...that 2oz difference is huge and you can feel it. Just saying, It is a jump but treat yourself one time. You will be glad you did. Nope, still the same for now.
  22. So what older Curado version were made in Japan? Was the 200E made there or the old D versions?
  23. What I love about the new lineup of reels is that I was too scared to try a new Chronarch so I bought a Core. The Core is such a nice lineup of reels. Yes there expensive but the difference is that the Core, Calais, & Stella are made in Japan. The products are still looking decent and performing well from what customers tell me however they can "feel" the difference. This is not a hit against Shimano just a wrong decision in hope of making more money, and maybe they will. I love Shimano because the Curado was a quality made reel(not japan i know), the Chronarch was a dream, the Core was amazing and the Citica I would buy for any family member or friend. Now I just find it hard to suggest these reels to people, I dislike Shimano's curve and way of thinking. I love G.Loomis because of the quality product they put out, let's hope this revolution Shimano is doing with there rods and reels doesn't get into the G.Loomis world too much. I love the addition of the NRX and the new GL2 series of rods, let's hope to see more improvements. Congrads on the purchase bucktail, and thanks for starting this thread...opinions on getting rid of the Cork and switching to foam j/k MTBF
  24. Touchy thread again but I agree with Bob because he is right. The government system is twisted enough, we pay too much and you all know it. It's a excuse to bill a dozen people because they could of just let it go...They learned they felt there jaws drop and I couldn't imaging the feeling they felt out there. Must of been scary but weeks later they get hit with a $200 bill...around tax time too no figure. I'm not a long time worker but all of you that have been working for year know or can imaging how much money is taken from us each pay each year each purchase. The township has money the government has the money i don't think a extra 2 grand is going to do much but pay for the food at the next 5 meetings right. Make em pay is the theme here it seems..do you really think the money is going where you think it is. I can't reply again to the comments so don't wait for furious responses because its foolish to defend the government. A lie there world is to us. They made the mistake and I'm sure there were many hugs from family and laugh's from friends about the event. Let me tell you, the day after being saved or assisted by crucial services and I get a bill from the the dink that sits in his office and has nothing to do with the outdoor world I might just go nuts. Let the spring begin! MTBF
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