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Everything posted by MCTFisher9120

  1. Well there it is my first fish of 2008. Not much of a fish but hey it is the first one. post some of your opener fish for 2008!
  2. Looks like you had fun.
  3. Way to go.
  4. Im, only fishing on the weekends. After all i got school and all, and nothing but chores during the week.
  5. Saw Dave Mercer's new fishing show this morning. Amazing show, lots of fish and he's a pretty funny guy. It was on TheScore. Check out dave's site for show times if interested. http://www.factsoffishing.com/howtowatch.php
  6. A small bear, mothers day card and flowers.
  7. I got 2 last year.
  8. bahahahaha
  9. What do you do just throw out a worm and a sinker to keep it on bottom?
  10. Hey, think i read about this place in the Tournament rules. Submitte your big fish this summer to the Ontario Angler Awards this summer. If your photo is passed you can get a free decal of the species of fish you sent or even a Angler award. I thought it was cool, here are the minimal lenghts for this site. Black Crappie-10" Bluegill-9" Brook/Speckle Trout-18" Brown Trout-21" Carp-30" Chinook Salmon-36" Coho Salmon-30" Lake Trout-26" Largemouth Bass-18" Muskellunge-36" Northern Pike-30" Pumpkinseed-9" Rainbow Trout-21" Rock Bass-10" Smallmouth Bass-17" Splake-20" Walleye-25" Whitefish-22" Yellow Perch-12" "=inches. http://www.ontarioanglerawards.com/index.cfm
  11. Pullin for Pitsburg here....my guess is Dallas over Detroit.
  12. Prob go to scugog or somewhere in port perry.
  13. This is amazing,red neck fishing lol WATCH!!
  14. Hey everyone, Thought i would list some sites I use to watch fishing videos and such. Hey if other people have good sites to watch fishing shows list them. Here's mine: http://www.wfn.tv/ http://myoutdoortv.com/new/simply-fishing.html http://www.realfishing.com/rf/index.php?si...51fcfd5688cd790
  15. lol nice fish, well see how my softeraction rod works out this summer. Best of luck to you.
  16. ok, well any tips for OFF SHORE fishing for pike up north?
  17. Just wondering if Lake Scugog in Port Perry has pike. If so what ideas do you have for pike fishing off the shore...not just at this lake at any lake ?
  18. Thanks for the tips. Im not to sure on using crankbaits on it...i like a softer action rod, but jerkbaits for sure aswell as the other lures you guys mentioned.
  19. Hey, fineally got my baitcast combo. 7" medium heavy combo. Tell me ideas for it's use. What techniques would u use with it, maybe baits. Help me out a bit please
  20. Had that same problem when i first joined.
  21. Nice pictures, are you proffesional...if not try to get involved somehow.
  22. no no no You want to get rid of tucker, blake, and mccabe, and raycroft. sundin still is a very good player and has a few more years to go.
  23. Big Buzzbait.
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