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Everything posted by MCTFisher9120

  1. What color of Bucktail would some of you guys be throwing at different times of year(including this weekend). Would a Super Vibrax #5 work. Just reading what it says on the spinner blade. The color is orange with red feathers through it.The upper part of the bait is chartruse. (is that spelling right) There i found a pic
  2. The older guys on Detroit got to tired. WTG Pittsburgh!
  3. And Pittsburgh wins the game 4-3....it's unreal the Detroit fans thought they had the cup in the last minute of the 3rd, bahahahaha. I hope we get a 7 game series. LETS GO PENS!!!!!
  4. Im not going to get anymore gulp alive, i just want to get some more Gulp. I mentioned the gulp alive leeches because they are also sold in the package.
  5. Yup Let's go Pittsburgh im watching also. GO PENS GO!!!!!
  6. I have come to really like the Berkly Gulp Products. I already have the 5"White Jerk Shad, and the 5" Brown Floating Nightcrawler. I want to purchase another product but not sure what else is good. I also have the Gulp Alive leeches"mentioned before". So what other Gulp baits are good, i would rather baits more designed towards bass and pike.
  7. I will be shore fishing at Lake Scugog this opening weekend. Going up there the past few weekends i have seen lots of little perch so i am going to try perch pattern Rapala crankbaits. I also have a orange bucktail and lot's of spinnerbaits. Will be sure to make a report if i catch a musky or two, wish me luck.
  8. Yup it was Lake Scugog. Aside of this what would a approx weight be on this. my guess was between 5 and 10lbs. Not to sure.
  9. Jeeze there's always a joke about something here lol.
  10. Besides the bug spray i will stand in the smoke from the fire or walk around the site with a burning stick. THEY DONT LIKE SMOKE. But not always good cause we generally start a fire after fishing.
  11. Well we went out this morning looking for some panfish. Using Gulp and small crankbaits i cought several perch but to end off the day i cought my first Carp on a worm and a heavy sinker on the bottom. The fight was unreal.
  12. Nope Pittsburgh is going to win it all.
  13. O ok i see it now lol.
  14. I would just like this storm to get over with so i can fish tomorrow
  15. Saw in another thread something about bug spray. Well everybody gets bugs when you are camping or out on the water so share what is your most favorite bug spray. I have tried Deep Woods Off and it works fairly good for me but this year i am going to give Muskol a try. It has 23.5% Deet in it.
  16. Is it really, man thats some pretty neat camera work....i thought it had 2 bodies for a second. This was my first time i saw it also.
  17. Thought i would share this picture. I'm not sure if it's real
  18. Looks like the trip went well, i like the pic where the boats are over turned and you can see right into the river.
  19. Yup you will get em next time.
  20. You won't know till you try
  21. I thought black was only good at night.
  22. Wen't out to the local store and wow a lot of these baits were sold out. I bought 1 for now to try. Thanks for the good tips and the next one i get will be the perch pattern. Will be sure to make a report as soon as i take a nice fishing trip. My next trip is a month from now. Thanks for the info. Mike Thats the color i got. The white one, looks like a typical baitfish and will cover most situations..
  23. Pink color 5inch Yum Dinger. Texas rigged.
  24. Didn't know so many people use braid lines.
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