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Everything posted by MCTFisher9120

  1. When i bought mine it was a iced tea color. Seemes to be fine.
  2. Ya they are expensive, but i guess if u got the $$. Have fun with em hope to see some nice fish with those.
  3. Looks like a good start for your team. Nice fish and gl with ur hand.
  4. Nobody in the right mind would keep the dead fish ther, put em in a bag and chusk em in a garbadge....as for the pike their just plain stupid.
  5. O im not, like i said before i go camping every weekend and i got 3 or 4 big camping/fishing trips. just cant wait to get out on the lake again. If ur goin fishing this saturday....good luck and try to get some pictures....that is if u get some fish, pretty sure it's pike walleye and panfih as well as catfish that are open now....well pike and walleye are open on the 10th in most places....not 100%sure but in my area it is. Later
  6. In the other thread related to the Berkly Gulp Alive Leech, dropshoting the bait was mentioned. My question is what kind of hook would you use to drop shot the small 3" leech in weeds.(not extremely thick weeds)
  7. Like i said in another thread i bought the 1 pint pail of the Gulp Alive Leeches for this season. I prob won't bye them again there good but i can just bye a pack of the leeches in the Berkly Gulp package. I find the solution they are in gets in the track on the lid and every time i open it up i leaks out in my box. So i took out about 1/4 cup of it and put it in a sealed bottle for future use on baits, whatever. I also took about a tablespoon and dumped the spoon ful in every pack of Gulp baits i had. I asked Berkly and they said it's safe to do and it helps further sent the baits. Just saying if you find it messy do what i did.
  8. The liquid in mine is a dark yellow color. Is it anythink like that? http://www.berkley-fishing.com/about_contactinfo.php Just type in your question about the Gulp and wait for a responce. They seem to be fairly quick. Good luck.
  9. Whats the site address for the shirts and stuff, cant find it.
  10. Welcome to the site, i joined almost a month ago and i have learned lot's already. Enjoy
  11. Ugly fish but a nice size.
  12. now that i think about it, we are becoming like that.
  13. 12lb Trilene Extra Tough? 3 prong hook or a single hook. If a single hook can it be a weedless hook?
  14. Carp. I have seen hundreds of these huge fish in various lakes. I would like to know the most productive way to catch these huge fish. I have some Berkly Powerbait. On the pack it is named "white chocolate", it is a soft bait. It says to mush onto a hook and cast out. Basically can i fish for carp with a 7' medium heavy rod, if so what pound test line should i use, also what other baits can i try. Thanks
  15. Went fishing for some perch out at Lake Scugog. Was slow at first but I managed to catch about 10, 15 perch we also had a small catfish mixed in. Thanks for the advice and i cought em on the Gulp Alive leeches.
  16. Nice boat, looks like you will have a fun summer
  17. Counting down the days...
  18. If i had a boat that had a carpet.
  19. LOVE THE SHIRT....absolutely love the trailer park boys...btw nice fish also
  20. Thaks for the info. Might get a few pictures of some little fish for yall.
  21. Thought i would do some pan fishing this weekend. I'll be fishing from shore. Just wanted to know what to use. I have 3" Leeches, small hooks, and small tubes. How do i use this suff for panfish.
  22. Cool, Have fun and keep on fishin!
  23. I live near the Oshawa Creek. I see many fish that are cought and simply cut on the belly for their eggs. Yet no conservation officers. After high school, i hope to go to Sir Sandford Fleming College, to take a course to become a conservation officer. I want to be able to stop crimes like this and wont be taking my "coffie break" on the job. As some said how can people do this.
  24. Well i got some very nice lures from Ryan, Co-owner of Hammer Head Lures. A huge thanks goes out to him and the other members giving away prizes. Now all I need to do is wait for summer And don't forget to check out the stuff at: http://www.hammerheadlures.com/index.php Thanks and keep on fishen!
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