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Everything posted by MCTFisher9120

  1. Ah great to see some more bass reports! Looks like you all had a great time in Flordia in that sunshine Thanks for sharing!
  2. Keeping minnows alive, why didn't i think of that, i got myself a big frozen bag of minnows in the freezer
  3. Thanks irishfield PM sent.
  4. Great job man, nothing feels better than a new PB fish! Thanks for sharing.
  5. As mentioned earlier this winter i was given a aluminum boat from a friend of the family, so during our March break we went out to both claim the boat and visit some of our family. But we have a problem Near the very front end of the boat on the bottom directly past the middle rivet there is a hole in the aluminum roughly the size of a pea. What products can i get at Canadian Tire can i put on the outside and the in on this area to both seal the leak and keep it from opening up over time. Once this step is done with we are going to strip the old paint off both the outside and inside of the boat and put on some new stuff aswell as replace the wood that has been put in place over the aluminum bench seats(due to the instillation of the soft padded folding seats), then we need to find the right kind of wood to replace the wood on the back of the boat again on the inside and out(looks like ply wood). Here are 2 pictures of the new little 11 1/2ft tinny:
  6. For the last week i have been visiting me grandma, fishing and taking pictures. Unfortunately the pike were not around for me to catch from shore. Using small & large jerkbaits, different colour spoons(tipped with and without minnows), large minnows under a float, soft plastic jerkbaits and spinners i could not get a single pike to bite. So finally accepting what the locals told me I believed that the pike were further out at this time, but i did manage to get some rather nice size perch on the spinners while i was fishing in some of the streams. To pass the time i played around with my little Kodak digital camera and took some decent pictures. River I Fished: Lure: Well we had a great time and most importantly i was glad to see my grandmother to be in good health as she is 100 years old going on 101 later this summer. Next on the list is sucker fishing
  7. lol, i got the end of a old pick axe, works great it's heavy "dig's in" and it was free...
  8. that boat shelter looks like it will become great bass territory. Great report GCD.
  9. Red Salmon Sturgeon Arctic Char Alligator Gar Peacock bass White Bass Brook Trout Are all fish i would like to catch b4 i die Also i would love to catch a few more Gar Pike!
  10. If the water is clear go with a clear mono or fluorocarbon, if there is a slight discoloration in the water use the green lines. Also if you are fishing day time in a clear lake go with the clear line, if night then it does not matter as much. I on the other hand use clear mono and braid...none of that expensive fluorocarbon crap
  11. Welcome to the board dude!
  12. Great looks like im still good to go for Zone 18 Pike fishing
  13. Those are amazing pictures, you are amazing at photography dude.
  14. Sounds like a great day...i'll stay tuned!
  15. who uploads anymore it's all about photobucket now.
  16. Nice Skeeter, can't wait to see it out on the water!
  17. Yup i had the same problem. The BPS web site is in US funds so it automatically converts it.
  18. I called the local tackle shop and I was told that many pike are being caught on large minnow rigs under a float(as many told me to do). I was also told that many big areas of the lake are wide open and have no ice on them ...I just need to get there already lol.
  19. Great job handling those pike! Is this what you did as a summer job or something?
  20. Good job Kemper! I'll have to take a walk to the creek and see if there's any fish up where i am Thanks for sharing!
  21. How much were those big soft plastic padddle tail storm baits at BPS?
  22. Congrads on catching your first! My first pike was only a little guy but a fish i will always remember, and I'm sure you will remember yours for years to come also. Thanks for sharing
  23. Cool maybe i'll see you there lol I hope dave and bob will do pictures...i want a pic with each of them
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