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Everything posted by dsn

  1. Hmm I wonder how I missed this post? SNAG hits the jackpot again huh!! There's some fat fish in there for sure.
  2. Forget the pike... Go for the Bass!!!! No wait forget the Bass too, go for salmon.
  3. Hey singingdog sound familar. Thats exactly what happened to a friend of mine too. When he called "FISHONILINE" at Jane!! The didn't come clsoe to what my friend wantted. So for all the folks. NEVR EVER CALL A STORE REQUESTING A CERTAIN TYPE OF ROD THEY KNOW NOTHING OVER THE PHONE
  4. Oh MY DEAR I mean MOOSE!!
  5. I think it was more fun taking photos than fishing for these fish!! Check it out. Then I took pics from another angle. It revealed a surprise. A closer look at the photo above... revealed this,..next photo below!! What's he doing in there? Does he think he's a salmon as well? Well that's all, too bad it clouded over. With out the bit of sun I would't have been able to even spot the rainbow. All the fish look black. dsn
  6. I know these are LED lights. But they also do look like diamonds or jewlery I guess that what all night time fishermen wear. I need to get a set. I guess CT has some. But how bright are they? And how much?
  7. I won't be having any turkey. There's not much goin on here Thanks Giving Day for me.
  8. Ahh welcome to the board "SlyatV" it's the white fish and laker expert.
  9. yeah I have no faith in our court system what so ever.
  10. Any one fishing on Thanks Giving Day? As for myslef I'm not sure yet.
  11. If the tent is a blue color then they hav been sleeping there through out the entire summer month cause I saw one there long ago.
  12. Try the bait needle I gave you to hook onto the broken part and see if you can drag it out that way.
  13. Glad no one got hurt except the runner!! And no Pic's?
  14. I have yet to even land one. Nice going!!
  15. Ahh you gotta love carp. They never let you down.
  16. Is this supposed to be some kinda joke cause I don't get it? What pike/ musky bait? Who mentioned anything about pike or musky? Wasn't me.
  17. I was out playing with my carp gear. Setting up my bank sticks along the shoreline. I set up the buzzers and was fishing with corn. I tied on a hair rig with corn. And I also had a hair rig set up with a small strawberry Bollie. Since the hair rigs weren't working I put the strawberry bollie rig on the grass. I tie on a single hook put 3 pieces corn on the hook and set the rod in the holders. Then I looked for my strawberry bollie tied to a hook. I looked everywhere and couldn't find it. I thought to myslef it's bright red!! Where could it have gone? I turned around cause I heard a noise behind me. I see a squirrel with a red thingy in it's mouth!! He stopped and looked at me! I took a clsoer look and he's eating half of the bollie. Holding between both his front feet. I'm wondering where is the hook attached to that thing. So I walk slowly over to the squirrel he makes a dash for the trees. Because there's leaves everywhere... I lost sight of him. I heard the leaves on ground making noises ...... The squirrel has taken my bollie and burried it in the ground. And I saw him run up the tree. And never came back down. I tried to find the bollie but couldn't didn't know the exact spot. I even tried looking for a dark hole or wet soil marks. No luck. I hope bollies are biodegradeable. Hate to see him or some other squirrel dig up a bollie and eat it and maybe getting hooked!! I know the hook will rust in the soil. Well that's my story. I thought it was funny. Thought I 'd share it. dsn
  18. Yeah the carp in that area are really smart and spooky. Thanks for the update on the fishing. dsn
  19. Wow what a full detailed report. And those pics!! How long did it take to do all that?
  20. Thise are some awesome shots with the teeth. Nice going Shaun. Keep them coming.
  21. Same place I saw this fish jump after it took your red worm!! Ok well roughly ,.... same place!!
  22. Well I was after salmon didn't exspect this. I know eh? hee heee
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