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Everything posted by Dutchy

  1. OK, maybe I am missing something. I thought the MNR said there are no big cats left in Ontario? Or is that just the mountain lion?
  2. Pretty sure you have to buy the first licence in person. You can renew it online only.
  3. That sucks Simon, sorry to hear that.
  4. “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life." “Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary." Steve Jobs RIP.
  5. I agree with the survival rate theory. My guess with gill damage is whether they bleed out because of the damage. The gills are very heavily vascularized, so it depends on how badly damaged they are. Some will survive, some won't.
  6. The headaches are almost certainly coming off a lack of oxygen. The membranes surrounding the brain (Where the pain comes from in headaches) are full of blood vessels, so a lack of oxygen (and more importantly build up of carbon dioxide) that would come from stopping breathing 95 times an hour will manifest somehow. The membrane is going to start cramping, which causes the headaches. In severe cases the membranes can become inflamed which hurts even more. The CPAP will definitely help. Whether the CPAP is uncomfortable or not, sleep apnea puts a real strain on the heart long term and she needs the mask. Hopefully when she uses the CPAP, the headaches will go away or at least lessen. The masks are not as "darth vaderish" as they used to be, some are even cloth now, but some of the guys above will know alot more about what is available than me. I just did a sleep test and thankfully I don't have apnea, but do have delayed sleep phase disorder whatever the hell that is. Good luck!
  7. Good luck Richard, one day at a time.
  8. Very nice
  9. Headed out on friday morning with Wayne (Scrimmy) from Port Glasgow. Top guy indeed, we booked for 5 hrs and as we were not getting alot of fish, he stayed out for nearly 7 hrs. We managed alot of farm animals, infact that was all that was hitting for awhile. Then we got what he called a small bow (5 lb), hell if I caught that in the Maitland I would not describe it as small :rofl2: Missed a few and then very late in the trip, bang rod goes off, and I'll see if I can get this right, this beauty hit an orange crush 40ft down, 120 back on the slider?????!!!!!!!!! Yeah It weighed in at 10lbs, I ain't a particularly small person. I gave the fish to my girlfriends mum. I think she loves me a little bit more than she did before. Cheers Doug.
  10. Beauty fish. Gotta love creek trout fishing
  11. Sorry Cliff, I respectfully don't agree with you. This kid is in a private school in Vancouver, comes from a very well-to-do family and he has had opportunities that most kids never get. He made a decision that night to set fire to a police car, that is not stupidity, its a complete lack of respect for everything and he only acts contrite now because he got caught. These people didn't care that they were being filmed and photographed. He deserves all he gets. He was given a start in life and opportunities that set him up for a very successful life and he still chose to behave in this disgusting manner. Tens of thousands of other people walked away, he chose to stay and participate. Its his fault, certainly not his parents. I do agree something is going very wrong with children nowadays, they think they can do what they want without consequences. Even more reason to make an example of this idiot. People do make stupid mistakes, but setting fire to a police car does not fall into that category, its way beyond that.
  12. Unfortunately you are right. Anyone who looks for 30 mins on facebook or even on Global BC will see people really not giving a rats ass about being photographed. Teenagers, people in there early twenties, smashing cars, including one pic of a guy lighting the gas tank on a police car. They don't care, cause even if they are caught they will get a slap on the wrist, nothing more. There is something seriously wrong nowadays with the youth.
  13. Could not agree more. I lived there for 4 years and I was back last week for a conference and it has changed even within 4 years. Very violent undertones there particularly downtown. I was downtown when they won game 2 of the SC and the atmosphere turned on a dime. You felt that something could kick off at any time. Not cool at all. Vancouver is not a great place to live. For the reasons above. What happened last night was disgraceful and there were more than a "few" canucks fans involved. And fans were involved for sure.
  14. NIce, looks like you had a great time.
  15. Same, works good for me. Perch fillets still good to eat after a year.
  16. Its all down to enforcement. We need more COs, having a test does nothing. Simple question, how many people on here stick to the speed limit when they are driving? It doesn't matter unless you get caught and that is the attitude we take with that. Other people just choose to ignore the rules when they are fishing.
  17. Aside from the massive expense associated that has already been pointed out, you have to ask what you are going to do if something happens and you need to do serious repairs. Where will the money come from? Insurance won't always help you. IF you do decide to do it, there are certain student populations you can target that are less likely to cause you grief, namely, science grad students or medical students. They usually have a large workload and are also a bit older. One of my grad students bought a house and rents out rooms to two other grad students from the same department. So it is doable, just depends on how much hassle you want. It is certainly a good investment if you can get the stars to align.
  18. Doesn't affect me at all. Pay all bills online. From what I have read, they want to create two ranks of workers, with big changes for new hires in particular. As far as I can see it is largely due to the 17% reduction in mail delivered since 2006 (Got this figure from some newspaper). I have an opinion on unions etc, but I'll leave it alone.
  19. 6 people to decipher what you COULD be charged with and illegal fishing isn't it. Hilarious. Go Ron Go. :thumbsup_anim:
  20. NIce pic
  21. How did you do that :whistling:
  22. Had a blast yesterday. 13 brookies, quite a few around 10 in, and a few smaller. First brookie of the day was this 14in bruiser: Beautiful colors on it. First time I have ever had a brookie peel line from my reel. Never ceases to amaze me how determined these little brookies are chasing down size 1 panther martins: Between the 5 of us, we probably got over 50 brookies which is good for that stretch of river. Splash stuck closer to where we parked. Why was that Ron :whistling:
  23. They missed the scoop. Even now they are back tracking and saying "it could happen".
  24. I second that. No chance of getting a paypal setup like we talked about Ryan?
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