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Everything posted by Dutchy

  1. Pike pike and more pike hopefully. Then I have to work as well. From home so it is not as bad.
  2. Wrap the cat in a towel if he/she scratches. Hold them on their back. Other person put fingers in at the side of the cats mouth and the jaw will open. Fire the pill in to the back of the throat. Hold mouth closed and rub under their chin. Causes involuntary swallowing (probably a dirty joke in here somewhere ) . This is the easiest way to give a cat a pill. My parents had to do this four times a day for 5 years with our old cat. It works everytime. Also helps if you give the cat a treat afterwards.
  3. RIP indeed. If you haven't seen it, watch a Headbangers Journey (movie made by a guy from BC). He gets interviewed in it and its quite amusing.
  4. Price and selection are important, but I do expect a certain level of customer service if I make the effort to go to the shop. I mainly shop at Kazim's in London, and that is the level of service I expect. They are always friendly and willing to help no matter if it is Kazim or his sons. Customer service does matter.
  5. Fantastic report, looks like you had a blast
  6. Dutchy


    Has this got something to do with people posting fish pron where you can see where they were fishing? And I want to know what the admin guys are up to when they are not on the computer.......... judging by the above, TJ, Roy and the others have alot to answer for :rofl2: and I thought this was just a fishing and hunting board :whistling:
  7. Got to vote with your wallet and your feet, sort of as Anders points out above though that will not likely happen. Before the Pens got Crosby and even for the first year he was there, they were getting attendance as low as 8000. Its the only way things improve when the money stops coming in.
  8. And I thought I was having a bad day. This thread is.......... :rofl2:
  9. As a Pens fans I have to say the right team went through. Well done Habs :clapping: And I cannot stand Philly or Boston, so I have to support the Habs to come out of the east
  10. Its over already. Pens forgot to show up, although Habs are playing well. They just want it more I think so by definition they deserve to go through. Me turns to Boston game........
  11. Its done after 1st period. Pens just don't seem to want to win enough.
  12. Go Pens Go Pens Go Pens :thumbsup_anim: :thumbsup_anim:
  13. Brookies are really cool looking fish. Nice report.
  14. What can I say...I lived in Pittsburgh for 3 years when I moved from Scotland. I just cannot change allegiances. That and the fact I hate the maple leafs which doesn't help.
  15. Go Pens. They should finish it tonight. :whistling:
  16. Go Pens! Show the Habs what real hockey is, not that clutch and grab crap. Thats all montreal has got.
  17. Very nice, and welcome.
  18. Catch from a day of brown trout fishing in Scotland when I was a teenager. This photograph is 20 years old. I feel old now. And yes I know I look like an idiot (Still love slayer though) :whistling:
  19. Oh I know, I was just kidding
  20. Nope, not a thing. No duty, no fees nothing. $15 for UPS is all I pay so far. So far. I hope you lot haven't jinxed me now.
  21. I have spent a fair amount at TW and never yet been hit with duty. mmmmmm
  22. IF you are spending say over $100, the shipping is still only $15. Its a flat rate. I would not recommend TW if you are just spending a few bucks though. I have usually spent over $100 and it arrives by UPS. $15 for UPS coming from California is not bad in my book. I wanted to buy something from Cabelas and they wanted $39 for shipping. TW all the way for bigger purchases.
  23. Nice report, great looking fish.
  24. I haven't seen that before. Pretty cool actually.
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