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Everything posted by Dondorfish

  1. Those jumbos really look tasty - Lake Erie I presume? What depth ya fishing at - picture doesn't look like your to far out. Don
  2. Works great TJ - great for us ol' timer's - now I just have to mark the Ctrl button - so I can find it! Don
  3. Place hasen't been the same without you Bly - sorry to hear you have been under the weather - but sure glad to see you back on ! Don
  4. Lookin' great so far guys. Job well done! Don
  5. Just a little lite humour Roy. Everyone on here knows how hard Rick, you and the boys work to keep this place running like clock work. and I think we are all a little anxious to see the new set up. Don
  6. LOL - Someone want to call Rick and wake him up! P.S. Wayne - congrats on 16,000! Don
  7. I think he's waiting for you to hit 16,000 posts Wayne!
  8. 8:37 and I'm still here
  9. Link won't open for me - anyone else having problems? Don
  10. LOL - sorry guy's - time to clean the glasses! Don
  11. Try either side of the bridge that crosses the Holland River on #11. Few more weeks and the place will be packed with crappie hunters. Don
  12. Thanks again Terry - I'll see if I can find it. Don
  13. Thanks Terry - I'll try to find it. Do you remember if its between #11 and 20 sideroad, or between 20 sideroad and the lake. Don
  14. Hey guys: Can anyone reccomend a place near Lake Simcoe ( Gilford / Innisfil area ) that I could store my hut. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Don
  15. just before you get to Gilford. Its at the set of lights, Gilford Road is the first street on your left after you turn right at the lights. Then just straigt down Gilford Road to the lake and your at Peter's place. Don
  16. Corner of 89 and younge st ( #11) - on the right as you come up 89. Don
  17. Great! - I can see it now - boaters shooting raps at each other cause they got to close or crossed paths - just what we need! LOL Don
  18. Can't really add anything that hasen't already been said Mike, but you know you and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep us posted and above all - take care of yourself - others will need your strength during recovery. Don
  19. I have a rechargable crank lantern that I bought from CTC a few years ago. It has high and low setting and would light up my 2 man guide pretty good. I would charge it up before I went out, and use the crank after that. It is made by Noma and comes with the A/C charger.Guess I would say that I am happy with it. I did install 12 volt lighting, with a gel cell battery into my permanent hut and find that far better. They are still available at CTC, as I saw them there not to long ago. Hope that helps Don
  20. Somehow we knew it was yellow! Tracker
  21. I'll be targeting Lakers and Whities - but what I'll catch is perch! Tracker
  22. Skeeter and his wife Kelly, and myself ( Tracker ) will be there sometime Thursday till Sunday. Can't wait! Don
  23. It has its own exit off of the 400 north right into the parking lot basically. Don
  24. Hey Mike - hope to have it up and running very soon - with a few new modifications! Don
  25. Shark, yeah I like the idea being able to inclose it from the wind and rain, and being able to jig for fish from inside.. Also could use a propane heater to boost the temp a little on those cold days. LOL - Startin' to sound an awful lot like ice fishing! But that would be pretty neat! Don
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