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Everything posted by Dondorfish

  1. B - break O - out A - another T - thousand Don
  2. Looks like a Puuurrrrrr - fect day! Way to go! Don
  3. Sorry Wayne - but I believe the colour is red for the REALLY big fish: Sorry Cliff And welcome to the board Becky Don
  4. Sonny - you can pick up the snaps and the tool at Princes Auto - on Barton. Don
  5. Happy Birthday Bly - hope you have a GREAT day ( looking forward to a re-match on Chemong this summer - btw ) Don
  6. Hey Chukkk - like the bumper sticker, that I saw today , says : If you don't stand behind our troops - feel free to stand in front of them! Don
  7. Yup - Bill Dance - seen that a few years back. Don
  8. Happy Birthday Beans - hope your day is everything you want it to be. Don
  9. Happy Birthday Wayne - hope that through your busy schedule, you had time to enjoy it! Don
  10. Drowned them - in cooking oil ( after a pre-dip in beer batter ) - lol I usually cut the gill and bleed them out on a stringer. Don
  11. Thanks Terry - that is one very interesting boat! Don
  12. Always liked that boat Terry - will it take a small gas motor? Got any pictures of it folded up? And lastly, what does it weigh? I think I know where you were - not saying - but from what I hear of all reports - was pretty slow - maybe a week or 2 early! Thanks for the report Don
  13. Check this out and see if it helps you: http://www.hrsdc.gc.ca/eng/labour/labour_l...sl/minage.shtml Don
  14. LOL - even Miss Kelly enjoyed the weekend out in the hut! senile like a fox! Don
  15. As much as I enjoy fishing in the boat - there is just something special about spending the weekend out on the ice, and staying over night in the hut - yes - I already do miss it. oh well - Jan 01 will be here soon enough - and am looking forward to it! Don
  16. Ya - Just what we need - more pictures of Dawg fishing half nakid'. - lol Tracker
  17. Every time I click on a post I get: Fatal error: Call to undefined method skin_global_12::personal_portal_gender_image() in /home/ofncommu/public_html/forums/sources/ipsclass.php on line 5476 Anyone else having the same problem? - guess if you are - you can't read this! Don
  18. Not really - my wife wondered why I kept clicking on enter and sat there staring at an error report and whimpering - lol Don
  19. Well i guess I am addicted - Went to click on the board and nothing! Tried and tried - still nothing Boy did I ever miss all you guys Good work to those involved in getting the board back on track - and thank you I can sleep tonight! Don
  20. I do remember American Motors. They made the most ugliest cars. I believe one was named the matodor and then there was the Gremlin????????? That was a cool hatch back. How could you not include the goldfish bowl - Pacer? Don
  21. Same thing happened to Skeeters skidoo - it turned out to be a gap in the stator coil - got that fixed and good to go ( till he blew the motor ) Don
  22. Thanks for all your info guys - 1 last question - when installing the chains - do they cross the tire between the lugs on the tread, or over top of the tread? Thanks Again Don
  23. A couple of years ago, I purchased a complete set of chains ( all 4 wheels ) for my atv. Up untill now, I have not needed them, but with Skeeters snowmobile out of commision, and his hut nose-dived into a slush bed, I figured that this is a good time to try out the chains. My question is: Do I install them on all 4 wheels, or just the back 2 ( I have heard both ways ). I have the front set, so its not like I have to buy them, so what do you think? Don BTW - its a 500 sportsman 4x4 - if that matters.
  24. And don't forget your cleats - she's gonna be slippery! Don
  25. That'll be just about enough outa you Mike! - lol How ya been - haven't seen ya around much? Don
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