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Everything posted by Dondorfish

  1. Congrats to the winners! Tracker (Don)
  2. OUCH! - that looks painfull - thoughts and prayers are with him for a speedy and full recovery. Tracker (Don)
  3. I have both the buddy heater (portable hut) as well as the Big Buddy Heater for my 8X10 sleeper hut - you won't be disappointed - only have the heater on high when we first get to the hut - then it goes to low or medium for the rest of the weekend - great heaters - you will be glad you bought it. Tracker (Don)
  4. Nicely done! - Thanks for the post. Tracker (Don)
  5. Must be - mine opens to the full width of the 22 inch screen. I will keep my eyes open for them in the tackle shops down my way (Niagara). Tracker (Don)
  6. Add another vote - and will vote again when able. Tracker (Don)
  7. Just "click" on the picture in your post - it comes up on a new page almost life size. Tracker (Don)
  8. As usual Simon - Great video - enjoyed sharing your day with you. Love the clear ice. Tracker (Don)
  9. I think that pic has been photoshopped - look how big his hands are compaired to that jumbo perch! Tracker (Don)
  10. Had mine built (including the drawers) and tools loaded in a couple of hours - wish I had some pictures to share with you - handiest setup I have ever seen - and no more climbing into the truck all day to get tools out! Post some pics when your done - I would like to see how it turns out. Tracker (Don)
  11. Cabin Fever goes as far as Arizona? Tracker (Don)
  12. When I was a seviceman for a new home builder ( many years ago ), I had a similar set up in my pickup. I had 2 sheets of 1/2 inch plywood with 2x6 framework between them ( 5 1/2 inches ). In this area I made 3 4foot long drawers that slid out the back when the tailgate was down. In the front 4x4 area, I had a door on top that allowed for storage of tools that I wanted with me, but didn't use very often. Total height was only 6 and 1/2 inches off the floor of the truck bed, which still allowed me to carry full sheets of drywall, plywood ect. I could also set up a full size air matress on top of it, with plenty of head room - for weekend get aways. If I needed the truckbed empty, I would slide the drawers out and put in my garage, then, with a hand from a buddy - the complete framework would slide out - within 5 minutes everything was out of the truck. Worked awsome for me and a few of the trades on site did similar setups after seeing my setup. Never had a problem with it and worked really well. The guy that bought my truck off me asked if I would leave it in the truck - and he put it to use. Sorry - no pictures - was before digital cameras. Tracker (Don )
  13. [quote n no different than us yelling at Terry !! lol Poor Terry - always gets picked on! Tracker (Don)
  14. Well - at least you saved the card and the pictures - to bad about the 2nd card thou - after reading your posts, I put away my "good" camera, and went out and bought a cheap digital camera, for the boat, and ice hut. Tracker (Don)
  15. LOL - Didn't know about the diver! - did you manage to get it back - and was it ok? Tracker (Don)
  16. Does the same hold true for digital cameras - I know someone who has lost a few on Temagami? Tracker (Don)
  17. Sorry to hear about your BlackBerry - hope all works out for you - but thanks for the info - between boating all summer, and ice fishing all winter, I have come close a few times to dumping it in the drink, but haven't actually done it YET. Now at least I know what to do - when it finally happens. Hope I didn't just jinks myself! Thanks Tracker (Don)
  18. Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery Chris. Tracker (Don)
  19. One of the BEST periods of hockey that I have seen in a long long time! Tracker (Don)
  20. Not the least bit surprized Cliff - they say you reap what you sow! Tracker (Don)
  21. Good job that he is a better fisherman then he is a singer - he'd starve! - Tracker (Don)
  22. Thanks for the info Billy Bob - I will definately keep that place in mind ( saved on my favourites ). Tracker (Don)
  23. Joey - thats a car over the side on the Niagara Parkway. Saw it on the news. Tracker (Don)
  24. Billy Bob - That place looks great! - and the prices are really good aswell - how's the (ice) fishing? Tracker (Don)
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