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Everything posted by silveradosheriff

  1. Thanks Rob and Matt for an awesome day of fishing! This was my first time ice fishing and I had a blast!!! Now, bring on the softwater.....
  2. Come on Lew - should have got the 40lb'er.......
  3. Lovely Chrome!
  4. Great price - thanks Dan!
  5. Remember to wear protective eyewear!
  6. Nice work Boyz!
  7. Yup - can't go wrong with 6'6" - 7'. :-)
  8. LOL!
  9. Highlights looked like a good fight.....let your Bro know that OFC is cheering for him!
  10. I too am happy with my Compre's.
  11. I don't mind paying a bit more, as long as I'm getting value for the dollar. Let me know how you make out.....thanks!
  12. Glad to hear you are OK!
  13. I'm going to need to put an addition on the house....just for the tackle!!!
  14. Well, I've been able to negotiate a nice budget for tackle this year, but not without a trade-off. The water where I live is very hard (no, not ice) and I'm looking for advice on which water softener to purchase. Budget is not an issue. Thanks, Rod.
  15. If you don't like hockey posts - you could always starting a knitting thread....
  16. I think it is a good law - but shouldn't it apply to any vehicle with flashing lights on the shoulder of the highway? Getting a flat on the 401 can be a scary experience....
  17. Sounds good - depending on the date, I'm up for that!
  18. A Guy calls a company and orders their 5-day, 10 lb. weight loss > >>program. > >> The next day, there's a knock on the door and there stands before > >>him a > >> voluptuous, athletic, 19 year old babe dressed in nothing but a > >>pair of > >> Nike running shoes and a sign around her neck. > >> She introduces herself as a representative of the weight loss > >>company. > >> The sign reads, 'If you can catch me, you can have me.' > >> Without a second thought, he takes off after her. A few miles later > >>huffing > >> and puffing, he finally gives up. The same girl shows up for the > >>next four > >> days and the same thing happens. On the fifth day, he weighs himself > >>and > >> is delighted to find he has lost 10 lbs. as promised. > >> > >> He calls the company and orders their 5-day/20 pound program. The > >>next > >> day there's a knock at the door and there stands the most stunning, > >> beautiful, sexy woman he has ever seen in his life. > >> She is wearing nothing but Reebok running shoes and a sign around > >> her neck that reads, 'If you catch me you can have me'. > >> Well, he's out the door after her like a shot This girl is in > >>excellent shape . > >> and he does his best, but no such luck. So for the next four days, > >>the same > >> routine happens with him gradually getting in better and better > >>shape. > >> Much to his delight on the fifth day when he weighs himself, he > >>discovers > >> that he has lost another 20 lbs. as promised. > >> > >> He decides to go for broke and calls the company to order the > >>7-day/50 > >> pound program. 'Are you sure?' asks the representative on the phone. > >> 'This is our most rigorous program.' > >> Absolutely,' he replies, 'I haven't felt this good in years.' > >> The next day there's! a knock at the door; and when he opens it he > >>finds a > >> huge muscular guy standing there wearing nothing but pink running > >>shoes > >> and a sign around his neck that reads, 'If I catch you, your ass > >>is mine.' > >> He lost 63 pounds that week.
  19. Almost as rude as one of the jet skiers!
  20. Nice work Rob! Ready for Lake O?
  21. I'm thinking a Daiwa Dead or Alive might entice a feline....
  22. The really bid dipseys do have a fair amount of drag, but nothing compared to a 14" musky bait! I've had one Salty break, fortunately it was on one of the clamps so the other clamp kept my equipment safe.
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