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Everything posted by tibbs

  1. Congrats and Great Report! Looking forward to more of your steelhead reports.
  2. Yep, but I can't make it this weekend. However, I'll try to make it some other time.
  3. Congrats! Looking forward to the pics.
  4. Nice job! How did you like your new rod & reel?
  5. I need some volunteer hours for school, so I may help out this weekend. On average, how many hours will it take to lift them over each night? Thanks!
  6. Great fish! Congrats!
  7. I was just at the game. I had awesome seats. It was a great game.
  8. Voted for you! I think it's at 207 likes now.
  9. I have the Olympus Stylus Tough as well. I got it a bit more then a year ago. It's held up quite well and have taken numerous pictures underwater. An example of this is my display picture. It does not take the greatest quality picture, but it is perfect for fishing.
  10. I went down today. It was practically the same show as last year. My biggest complaint, other then the cost, was the distance between the fishing and the hunting/outdoor parts of the show. It is a good five min. walk each way. Also, if your going to buy your lunch, buy it at one of the chip trucks outside the show. It's only $4.50 for a hot dog and fries.
  11. tibbs


    Great Report MJL! Awesome laker dude! I've got to catch one myself one day.
  12. Sounds like an awesome few days out on the water!
  13. Merry Christmas Everyone!!!! :santa: Hope Santa was good to you all!
  14. Great to hear your doing better!!! I look forward to reading your next fishing report!
  15. I was up in Wilberforce area this weekend and the water was 57 degrees!
  16. Fantastic Report as usual! It is always a joy to read up on your latest fishing adventures. Looks and sounds like you and Bill had a great time.
  17. I use the new Fireline braid. I've used it for two seasons so far and love it.
  18. Sounds like you guys had a great day fishing!
  19. Happy Independence Day! Hope everyone celebrating it has a good time.
  20. Fantastic Report and Great Pics! Looked like an absolute blast!
  21. Great Job! Looks like you've had an exciting few weeks.
  22. Wow thats pretty funny. My favorite part is at the end when the angry guy says, "Are you nuts?" to the cameraman.
  23. Looks like you had a successful trip! Congrats.
  24. Great Job Mike and GoneFishin! Can't wait to go out bass fishing myself.
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