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Everything posted by tibbs

  1. Nice Musky! Looks freezing out there!
  2. Just watched it this morning. Great start to the new season. Looked liked the alligator gar were a blast to catch! If you liked still fishing then you should go out to the Fraser river to catch some of these:
  3. I was just out. I saw some fish but got skunked. I'd stay at home if i were you its freezing out there.
  4. Nice Job! Hopefully i get as much luck as you guys when i go out tomorrow!
  5. Great Recap of your fishing year!
  6. I've been with Virgin mobile for a couple years now and it's been great. I barely use my phone, maybe only 5- 10 times a month. I've got the prepaid package and i pay only $100 a year! The money i save goes toward fishing stuff.
  7. Great Report Leechman! Bet ya can't wait to get out on the ice!
  8. Yep i only see six as well. Looking forward to seeing the rest!
  9. Fantastic Report so far. Can't wait to see the rest!
  10. Great Report! Nice job on the PB musky!
  11. Looks like you guys had a great day!
  12. mmmmmmmm... That looks fantastic! :worthy:
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