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Everything posted by tibbs

  1. I'd be careful... you don't want to mess with the hulk.
  2. Beauty Fish! How are the new Rapala reels and rods? I'm looking to get a new baitcasting setup for crankbait.
  3. It's great they caught this guy, but i agree that he should be fined way more.
  4. Nice Fish. I'd be out today, but I've got a cold.
  5. Nice Job! Hope you catch a bigger one with the homemade one.
  6. It says its not going to be released until Sept. 2010
  7. I was using 12lb Siglon F with a 6lb leader.
  8. Good to know. It definitely fought as well as a steelhead.
  9. Very Cool. Congrats to the anglers who caught them.
  10. Hi Everyone, I surprisingly hooked a steelhead today well going for brown trout. It was hooked on a pink worm. It put up a pretty good fight for a 2-3 lbs. fish. BTW: Sorry about the sand on the fish. It was flopping around quite a bit. This fish definitely got me excited for this season.
  11. Looks like the CRAA are doing a great job! I'm just wondering if i could volunteer to get some community hours for High School? Send me a PM if you prefer. Thanks.
  12. Great Job! I should probably get a few of those Strike Zone Slammers.
  13. Nice Job! You definitely caught some lunkers.
  14. Nice Job Mike! I've got a little 10' jon boat at my uncles cottage. It's pretty unstable but gets the job done.
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