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Everything posted by tibbs

  1. Great Report! To bad about the motor though... at least you got another one.
  2. Great Report! You caught some nice walleye!
  3. Hi Leechman, This was my second time out but this time we caught way bigger fish. The guide said the second was the biggest (mine) but he didn't realize at the the time so we didn't get to shore. My mom's: 6'6" Mine: approx 7' Brother's : 6'8" All these fish were 150 - 200lbs The others we didn't bother measuring.
  4. Hello Everybody! Just got back from Vancouver this Saturday after 3 weeks. I had a blast and caught some big massive fish! Week 1: The first week me and my brother went up early to help my uncle with a few things around the house. Here are some shots from the plane. Week 2: The next week my parents came up and we left for Tofino. Here's some pics from Vancouver Island. About half way to Tofino we stopped at an old growth forest. Then a little bit further we stopped at this river. Then we finally got to Tofino and are first stop was Long Beach. The next day was the day we went salmon fishing. It did not go so well. The night before there was a massive storm it was almost a hurricane. So we got to the boat launch and our vessel for the day was a 28 ft Boston Whaler. Once we left the dock it was a pretty smooth ride and i thought "This ain't so bad" but it didn't last very long. Then came the massive swells. I lasted for about 20 mins longer but then i got sick. So our guide decided to try to troll here and instantly there was a double header and it was two cohos. Then the bang there was a second double header and it was 2 Chinooks. But after that there was nothing. So my dad and uncle decide to pack it in. By that time i was puking my guts out. In the end we kept 3 of the 4 salmon. But once i got back to our cottage i was still sick so i layed in bed the rest of the day. The next day we went to all sorts of beaches and it was finally a nice day! Here's my Brother and baby cousin throwing rocks at the beach at our cottage Week 3: We did a few more thing like going shopping in the states, Kayaking at Deep Cove and went to Downtown Vancouver. But the highlight of the trip was Sturgeon fishing on the mighty Fraser! First fish of the day was my mom's. Then it was my turn. We didn't get any photos with it because the guide didn't realize how big it was. Then my brother's turn. Then i got this little guy. Then this was the last fish for the day. Hope you enjoyed this report and had great summers yourselves. Now i have to go back to school tomorrow.
  5. Welcome Aboard! Great Pics too!
  6. You can also breath south of the Cn tracks all year!
  7. Great Report! That one smallie's massive!
  8. Great Report! Looks like your dad is one happy man!
  9. Sounds like you had a great time even with the lack of fish!
  10. Great Report! Looks like you 3 had a fantastic day!
  11. Nice Job! That's a big smallie! How was the fight compared to a steelhead?
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