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Everything posted by Abraxus

  1. I have to say, I still do love the old American cars. I will testify to that! My old man always had an old land yaht in the drive way and he could pull a motor and drop a new one in over a weekend easy! I learned a lot from handing him wrenches and hearing him curse under the car back then, you should hear me swear a song now! lol About 6 years ago, I had the pleasure of helping an older friend of mine do a frame off restoration on a 1967 rag top pontiac firebird. That car was amazing and I hope to own it one day. Another friend of mine had a 1969 Judge! Another awesome car! Yes...gas guzzling pigs, but you know what? The things were built to last! If Americans could put the same pride, styling, and industry leadership in their vehicles today as they did then, we would never be having this discussion! The real problem for the Big 3 now is the simple fact that their brand value has been tarnished for at least 3 generations! I am 35, my brother is 8 years older. Less and less people of his age will buy the American brands because they have lived through the down fall in the quality of many of their models. My generation is filled with indivuals who will no longer purchase these vehicles. I hear these oppinions from the people in my age group everyday. Last but not least, the generation that is 8 years younger then me, will not buy the cars because they have heard all the grumblings from those geneartions above them such as my own. This later generation is the one that will be buying the hottest, newest cars and whats cool for a long time into the future! This is the market they must win if they wish to survive. The Big 3 have a very lofty and difficult road ahead of themselves. They have to change the way the majority of consumers currently view their product. Will the bail outs provide them time to do so? Hard to say for sure! Ab
  2. I will never buy American again. I now own a Nissan Pathfinder. It is a 2002 and I have put 170k on the vehicle. Other then the regular oil changes and maintenance such as brakes and fluids, I have done absolutely nothing with the car! It runs just like the day I bought it! I tow a larger boat, and ATV all the time. I am always amazed by the fact that the car has never changed and the motor has never run any different from the day I purchased it! Pure quality hands down! With previous American cars I have owned, 150km was the magic number. I would be replacing something new every month from that milage forward. Never again!
  3. Yup! Know the feeling! I used to work labour intesive jobs, Construction, Tree Spacing/ Tree Topping/ High Rise Window Cleaning and High Rise Restoration. I took a sales/desk job here in Toronto 4 years ago. The first year I was here, I was eating the same quantity and Quality (ya right) of meals I did when I worked physically. I went from 185lbs to 228lbs! I was really over weight for my body style! I felt horrible and a check up from the doctor confirmed that my health was terrible too! I got a dog, changed my diet and started to do a lot more outdoor stuff. I am now consistantly 195lb. I feel and look a whole lot better! The women folk seem to think so as well! Bonus! Ab
  4. Yup! I would have to agree. Simply put.. I think the culture of eating the fish we catch here is a result of it being safe by most standards. Of the worlds 14 great fresh water lakes, Canada has 7 of them. We also have an enormous amout of smaller lakes, rivers and bodies of water. Ontario alone is littered with fresh water lakes and most of it clean. Our population is a fraction of that of many first world nations. Most of Canada is uninhabited. Thus less agriculture, industry and pollutants. Our fish are plentiful and tasty! That pretty much sums it up. Ab
  5. I was there! In Vegas! 8 rows from the ring, center seat! It was awesome! I have been to vegas several times and have yet to see it as packed as Saturday Night. Even though it was Super Bowl Sunday the next day, everyone split! The entire crowd was in Vegas for one reason only...the fastest growing sport in the world. Super cool! Shook hands with Rashad Evans, Michael Bisbain, Dan Henderson, Matt Brown, Clay the Carpenter and out of no where The lead singer for the Red Hot Chilli Peppers! What a great weekend! Ab
  6. Actually that isnt that far fetched. The Russians were working on similar technology in the 40's and 50's. Several prototypes were made and then the idea was disgarded. Having said that, check out the following links for other wild snowmobile ideas that others have created. http://www.darkroastedblend.com/2007/03/cu...nowmobiles.html http://www.darkroastedblend.com/2007/12/un...nowmobiles.html Some are cool, others are just nuts! Ab
  7. I currently have my boat insured and would not have it any other way! With all the yahoos ripping around on the lakes with jet skis, seadoos and 5million horsepower bass boats, I would not want to risk the 20k I spent on my boat! I also have an ATV, it too is fully insured. Same theory applies here! Drunk Snowmobilers and ATV riders are abundant. I know most here would not approve of such behaviour, but its common. I want my property protected. Having said this, I think this crap about the cops giving you fines for having someone on the back is just Bull. Another cash grab for the governement is all it ever will be! Bag men for the gov thats all you can call it! Ab
  8. Ya that is odd that you found only 8inches of ice. I was out on Simcoe on Saturday and in both locations I set up, I was sitting over 55 to 60 feet of water and had to drill through easily 16 to 18inches of ice! Trust me...I have the sore shoulders and arms to prove it! Ab
  9. The Bass Pro Shop in Auburn Hills is great. I went there last year and the prices are far cheaper then here. When I say cheaper, I mean holy smokes do we ever get ripped off here in Canada! I purchased a lowrance GPS Fishfinder combo for $550.00 The same unit was selling for $780.00 here in Vaughan. It was an even sweeter deal at the time because our dollare was at par! Anyways, the Bass Pro shop in Auburn hills has a good selection and wicked prices. If you are going with your woman, it will make her happy as well since the store is located in a great outlet mall with popular stores and cheap deals on clothing. You can spend an hour easily at Bass Pro while the woman is as happy as lark in the mall. Ab
  10. I do apologize to any tradesman by saying "Most" as I am a former tradesman myself. I was a framer and a water proofing and restoration guy for about 14 years! My issue is with how low the level of acceptability has sank when it comes to quality workmanship! Don't you guys remember our fathers and uncles who use to work in the trades? They use to build things as if they would be the ones to live in it themselves! That sense of pride in what you do has somehow left the building industry. Perhaps it has to do with costs, but I still think a trained professional should know how to use three tools which are very basic but were clearly absent in the building of my condo! A Level, a plum bob and a framing square! Even the tradesmen on this site would agree that in recent years they must have seen some serious horror shows in what people call a finished product. Its unacceptable and my point was and is, I am really happy that someone is out there trying to expose this type of builder! Once again, I apologize for the vague term I used when saying "Most", it was not intended as a slight against anyone who does take pride in their work, but more for the general building developers who encourage this type of work ethic. Unlike the homes our fathers and Uncles built many moons ago, a good portion of the homes being built today, will never stand the same test of time. Ab
  11. No....you need to have higher standards for your builder! The construction work thats going on Ontario right now is absolutely atrocious! I am glad that there is someone out there that is exposing the crappy builders for the hacks they are! Most of the guys who call themselves tradesmen these days, should not be aloud to build Dog Houses, let alone residential or commercial properties! I have purchased a home that was a complete disaster! All I have to say is stay the hell away for Sierra Homes! They are absolutely brutal! I wish the guy from Holmes on Holmes could have given me some help before we bought our horror story of a house! Ab
  12. So all of Simcoe is of limits to ATV'S? I was planning on heading up there tomorrow! Ab
  13. I would not fish for anything in St.Johns Harbor. That thing is nasty! You might catch a very brown trout if you catch my drift! Besides, the locals will think you are a little daft! Basically you need a car to fish any where near St.Johns. 3 pond barrons is a good spot, so is Pippy park! Be careful on the pond at Pippy park. It has some nasty springs that can make the ice weak in some areas in the winter time. Pippy park is in St.Johns and is located out by The Memorial University of Newfoundland. (AKA M.U.N.) Another spot is up on the road to Signal Hill. There is a pond there which is called Dead Mans Pond. There are fish in there, but the pond is very deep. Other then that, there is Buttercup park which is just outside the city and right on the Trans Canada. If you can get access to a car, there are tons of places to fish just outside the city limits. As for species, you are pretty much limited to trout. There is a variety of trouts species though, Brown Trout, Rainbow Trout and Speckled Trout. For good sea fishing, Bay Bulls and Witless Bay have government docks (they are called Wharfs in Newfoundland) which you can fish for a ton of different varieties of ocean fish. Usually you can catch lots in hour or so. Just remember, if you catch a cod (it isnt unheard of) you have to throw it back! You can only catch those on family fishing days and you have to be a Newfy to keep it. Oh ya...and beware of the salt water rabbits! They are vicious! Good Luck! Ab
  14. Is it safe for ATV's and Sleds now? Ab
  15. This is my best to date! Ab
  16. My Rottweiler can clear a 6foot fence easy! I cannot see why a Coyote can't. As already stated, if they cant jump it, they will certainly dig underneath! As for the dog, Coyotes will definately eat domesticated pets. Most Coyotes living within or near city limits most likely have acquired a found liking for Shitzu meat. lol Ab
  17. Yup! Coyotes do it also. I have owned two Rottenwielers now and on occassion we have encountered what appeared to be a lone Coyote. The first time this happened to me, I was as enquistive as my dog. I let her go and investigate. As my dog approached the Coyote in the clearing, 4 others came out of the bush and swung in on my dogs flanks. I called her and she turned to see the coyotes. She jumped to full attention and knew exactly what was going on. She chased the coyotes as far as the bush line and then returned to my side. At 120lbs, she would have given one, perhaps two Coyotes a good licking, but certainly not 5. For the most part, bear bells are a good accessory for your dog when in bear or wild canine country. Most critters hear the bells and bugger off. This doesnt do much for your nature experience, but it certainly keeps the unwanted woodland inhabitants away as well. Other then that, I would have to agree with most peoples comments here....at your dogs age, it really should not be acting like that. The basics of sit and stay should be well established. You should be practicing this command every single day and on every single walk, over and over and over! Even when they get it, you have to keep doing it consistantly. Sit, come, stay and heal are perhaps the most important commands a dog should ever know and know early. Good luck training and fishing! Ab
  18. I can't beleive that no one present advised, nor gave the guy crap for having the fish out of the water that long and it being out of season! This fish species particularly requires every bit of effort to help re-establish the stocks! Personally, If I had been present, I would of been up in that guys grill immediately! I totally despise that crap! Doesnt matter what race the guy is....In fact there are equally as many ignorant white folk as there are any other! It is the responsibility of those that are present and know better to educate. So many people are afraid to speak their minds to people now a days! You know its wrong....Say something! Leave the racial crap out of it. Ab
  19. Even-Rude Dude certainly has his own take on matters, thats for sure! Personally I think a lot of this issue has to do with what size motor we are referring to. In my eperience, I have found that many of the manufacturers producing smaller motors that are 4stroke, suck! The last motor I had before I our upgrade was Merc 15hp 4stroke! Besides the fact that the motor was a total beast with regards to the weight, I was often totally ticked that my friends Yammy 9.9 2stroke kept up with me keel to keel on the average! We just got rid of that boat package and up graded to a 16ft with a 60 4 stroke merc! The motor was not my perferred choice, buts thats the hardest problem! All to often when buying a boat package, you have little say in what motor manufacturer you get! Most people are looking for a reputable boat builder and a motor packaged with it for that magic price. This is what really does the deal! If I had my ultimate choice on motors, I would go Yamaha. Just do your homework and check out the on line customer reveiws on this brand! The Yamaha name is synonomous with reliability! Is it the fastest? Most Effecient? Not neccesarily! But with regards to maintenance free reliabitly, the yammys steal the show! I would have loved to have gotten a Yamaha with my new boat package, but guess what? It wasnt an option! I got a Princecraft from a great dealer, who packages Merc and Princecraft and realistically, though merc wasnt my first choice, the customer service from this particular dealership made all the difference. Not to mention the value we got on upgrading! New boat packages are unbelievably cheap today as opposed to only one year ago! Not only have most, if not all the boat builders and dealers come down in price to meet the current strength of the Canadian dollar, but the motor manufactures them selfs are now starting to give their buyers more confidence in their decision by offering great warrantys! Merc is presently offering a 3 year, transferrable warranty on its new motors! Personally, I dont really care one way or the other about brand name recongnition as long as it gets me on the water for a fair price. Having said this, I do feel a lot more at ease with having a solid warranty! Who cares if the motor is one way or another, as long as you can feel secure in knowing that if the motor you bought pooches within the first year or three, and its death is due to normal wear and tear, the manufacturer will honour all the neccesary work to repair such said issue! Warrantys is where it is at! If your motor manufacturer does not offer a transferable warranty today, then I would suggest considering other options! What more can they do to instill your confidence in that brand! If a manufacturer can offer a warranty that not only extends to it's original buyer, but also to the guy that he sells the motor to next door, you have to give it respect! My two cents! Ab
  20. Regardless of their orientation, that show sucks! I truly wish some of the producers at WFN would actually check out the boards from time to time. Cuz if they did, I am sure they would get the point that most people really dont enjoy watching this show! Between this and watching a bunch of English dudes sit around a pond catching carp, I couldnt tell ya which overtakes me with enthusiasm more! (Ouch!) Ab
  21. Yes indeed! Thanks for the response with regards to dogs being bitten as well. It will certainly put my mind a little at ease this summer! If you have ever had a dog die prematurely, you would know how much it sucks! Ab
  22. I camp in the Moon River area often and I have never seen one of these snakes. I was planning on doing even more this summer. I usually try to find camping spots on Crown Land as opposed to Park grounds. I have a dog and I love taking her with me when I camp or fish. When we set up a site, she usually strolls out along the fringes of the camp site area, marking her territory and what not. I think this has been a great deterant for the bears and other critters as we have never had our campsite bothered by either when the dog is present. I have always known that there were rattle snakes in that area, but from what I read, I was under the impression they are rare. Now on the other hand, I am little concerned. I would hate it if the dog got bit. First thing first, I don't know if I would be able to diagnose it right away. I mean dogs often get small injuries and what not from stepping on the wrong thing here and there, but if she got bit, that would really suck! Has anyone had a dog that has suffered the bite of one of these critters? Is it deadly and how fast does it take for the venom to do serious harm? Ab
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