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Everything posted by Abraxus

  1. I would have to agree on that! AB
  2. Well I know one thing for sure, that is definately the fine launch on Chandos for the pike opener! lol Ab
  3. That is terrible. Especially near the Hollidays. Realistically, the operator of the car that fled and the officer who decided to use the spike belt are equally at fault here. The young girl is really the only true victim. The officer should never be permitted to wear a badge again after that kind of bungle. This particular detatchment should also be sued beyond belief! If it were my daughter, I would have that officer and his department drained dry! Hopefully this does not get swept under the rug and buried from public eye. Much can be learned from this and the entire event should be subject to extreme scutiny and public Inquiry. This is gross negligence and there is no two ways of cutting it! You cannot carelessly place the innocent lives of civilians in harms way like that for a controlled substance violation. It is reckless and negligent behaviour resulting in death. The kid was a local, they could have picked him up at his home at a later point, or issued a warrant for his arrest. I am not sure what the controlled substance was, but I would assume Pot. In any event, do you really think the life of an innocent young girl was worth the arrest and subsequent charge for a drug possesion wrap? Ignorant and deplorable. The police are supposed to have protocols in place for such aggressive actions and apprehension tactics. Either this detatchment has not been brought up to speed on such standard operating proceedures or the officer acted on his own in contradiction to such said protocols. Either way, basic boot camp and re-education should be manitory for all officers in that area as a result of this event. Sad...very sad! I feel sorry for all involved. Ab
  4. I agree with Irishfield. G3's are good boats and dont buy a legend! lol Ab
  5. Thats the biggest ling I have ever seen! Whoah! Ab
  6. I am in Markham. I have to go get it out of storage at my friends, dads garage. I am leaving on Friday for boys fishing trip and I wont be back until Sunday. Next week would probably be the best time to hook up if you want it. Ab
  7. I have a 2 man (3 would be a squeeze) clam 2000 that I will not need this winter. It is in good shape. Pops up in seconds, comes with an auger with new blades in an un opened package. I would be willing to let it go for $125.00 If anyone is interested, just pm me. Ab
  8. I gotta tell ya, I went down to Michigan on the weekend past to pick up a Fishtrap that I found on Craigslist for a sweet song. While down there, we went to Auburn Hills for some shopping. My girlfriend and I will often go to Auburn Hills in Michigan to shop as opposed to Buffalo. Believe me when I tell you it is well worth the effort and miles. This is not a rant about how much you can save by going there because that has been done. What I am going to say is simply this, you will never find more polite, mannerly people any where then you will in Michigan. We dont get customer service like that up here in Canada! You know...the country with the reputation of having friendly people! No comparrison! You name it! From the food court and retail staff at the stores, to the gas station attendents. The guy I bought the Fish Trap from that waited an extra two hours for us becuase we got delayed, to the border gaurd that let us cross with out paying the extra duty on the FishTrap and clothing we bought! Every single person you meet down there are nice, friendly and polite! Buffalo sucks! Grouchy border guards, pissy retail staff, and the deals are not that spectactular to begin with! Take my word for it, if you are considering taking advantage of our dollar being at almost par, and you planning a trip to the U.S. Go to Michigan! These people understand customer service and appreciate your business! Just good old fashioned polite manners! It is such a rarity to experience this behaviour now adays, that when you do encounter it, it catches you completely by surprise and you know right away that this is how it always should be! Nuff said on that.
  9. Dude! That's the second time you have put that sunfire under water! I think it spends more time in the lake then your boat! lol That sucks! Sorry for your troubles. Ab
  10. Hey guys, Just wondering if anyone has information on ATV trails in the Muskoka area. Some friends of mine and I want to head up in a couple weekends and do some trail riding. One of my friends lives in Coldwater and I know he says that although there are a ton of trails, the cops are always set up looking for guys on ATVs running municipal roads. Even if only to cross from one trail to another on the other side of the road, this is illegal. We want to avoid this and thus are looking for information on Muskoka trails. We have no issue with paying a day rate to use the trails, but we have little to no information on what is actually available. Are there any guys on here that ride and have some information they could share? Just looking for general trail maps, costs, and over all information about the quality of the trails they know. We dont really want to take the hike over into Haliburton, so any information shared would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Ab
  11. Careful! We got coppers on here that might take notice of such discussions! lol Ab
  12. Hey Memart, Where in Pickering did you get this and how much did it cost? This definately looks like something I would want on my own boat. Thanks! Ab
  13. Here is a pretty useful map. http://fish-hawk.net/hawktalk/viewtopic.php?t=134 Most of the hazards on Balsam are well marked. Having said this, I would be very cautious around these areas on the map: I7, H7 and G8: There is underwater shoal here that sticks out from Grand Island and extends right over past Hogg Rock, Hog Island and straight through to Ball Island. I dinged my prop in this area last summer. I was cruising a good 60 feet away from Hogg Rock and was in 8 feet of water, a hump came up out of no where and clunk! So be cautious. I8 and I9: Between Delaware and Cherry Island. This is a very shallow area with lots of rocks. Use extreme caution in this location. G4: Right at the edge of the Balsam Lake Park, there is a large shoal that sticks out just to the right of the Park boat launch. It has marker, but I have seen several boats cruise right between the marker and land while burning out from the Park Launch. If they have not dinged the motor, they have been lucky. Other then that, it is very well marked lake. If you decide to go into Cobaconk for supplies, be careful in the River. Stay inside the channel markers while under your main motors steam. There is good fishing in this river area for bass, but if you want to get outside the channel markers, use your trolling motor. As always, a good Sonar will always help! A GPS/Sonar Combo is mint when exploring new lakes! Good Luck! Ab
  14. Gatti was awesome! The Gatti vs Ward tangles gave hope to all boxing fans that the sport still had legitimacy! 1, 2 and 3 were outstanding and will be replayed 25 years from now and still considered 3 of the greatest fights in all time history! The man had a chin thats for sure! Rest in Peace! Without a doubt, he will never be forgotten. Ab
  15. I know that feeling! I use to work in the interior of B.C tree spacing for a few years and then 4 years as a grounds man and then climber for Davey Tree in Vancouver. Nothing like lugging logs to the chipper in full kevlar attire on a hot summer day! Ab
  16. Were you catching them on meat or metal? Thanks! Ab
  17. Lol...No doubt! I have often wondered if the breeder cut her tail off and just painted the water pig! I nick name her the manitee. She is the laziest dog in world until it comes to water and swimming for sticks! Ab
  18. I don't know about that comment about dogs sinking after 5-10 minutes of swimming. This is my Rottie, she aint no retriever, but she can swim for days. She has swam half km to where I was fishing before and then swam back. She can suck sofa just as long as well! lol AB
  19. If any one has or knows a good location on Balsam to catch pike, they should cough it up! lol I mean really, in this instance, no one should really be concerned about giving away their sweet spot. Trust me, you are doing the lake a favor! I have been fishing Musky on Balsam for over 3 years now. I love that lake! It would suck if the Pike got completely established there. Kill the buggers! Although I have yet to catch a pike on Balsam, I have seen a Tiger caught. Pike are nuisance for Balsam and any one fishing there should treat them as such. Ab
  20. Let's not forget Sauger! lol
  21. OMG Cudz! That fish is almost as big as the boat you are fishing out of! That is a sweet small mouth! ab
  22. What sucks is that the Government keeps proposing these lame ideas which tax the Canadian Citizens TILL death. I would really like to see something for my money. I can't even get a garbage man to pick up a few freaking card board boxes unless they are flattened and bundled with twine, I can't get through to an actual person at any government office without doing the automated operator dance, I can't walk my dog without a leash and license, etc...etc! It starts with implementation and it just keeps getting worse! The renewals will go up in price and we will pay more and more and more and where does the money go? More Conservation Officers...Nope...More fish restocking programs...Nope...more services period...Nope! But guess what? We may very well be co-owners of Chrysler! What a freaking joke!
  23. Another tip for sure when fishing/boating/camping the French: Watch for rocks! That river is littered with un marked rocks and shoals. You can lose the the bottom end of your motor on that water easy! In other words, you don't want to be running full throttle at anytime unless you really know the water. Second tip: GPS my friend! I have been up on the French now on three different ocassions and you would be amazed how easy it is to get turned around on that river! Everything looks exactly the same and there are many islands, bays and river fingers that look identical but are not! I know it sounds like comon sense, but I can tell you that I have had at least one occassion where I should have zigged instead of zagged and ended up miles down this finger of the river running extremely low on gas before I realized my mistake and had to back track! We were doing the "Oh lord get me back before the tank runs dry" on that run! Ab
  24. Hey Sinker, Though you will be targeting Sturgeon, never, ever dismiss a good opportunity to fish for Salmon in BC. lol The Chinook season is usually in July, August, but let me tell ya from experience....the salmon fishing you get around here, or in Newfoundland aint nothing like the King Salmon in B.C.!!! You could easily tie into a 45, 50 and even 60lb Chinook up around the Campbell River on the island. Been there and done that! It was wicked!!!!!! Good luck with the Sturgeon! I know you will have fun! Ab
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