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Everything posted by jonnybass

  1. I'm sorry for you and your mom's loss. He sounded like a great man. I'm sure there are members here much wiser than me on advising you about the situation with his brothers.
  2. I suggest dropping the google ads and inserting affiliate ads instead. They'll make 10 times what the google ads pull in. Problem solved right there.
  3. Like I said in the other thread, if your first quarter stats are accurate, you should be able to cover your dedicated server costs if properly managed.
  4. If those numbers are accurate, I don't see why you even need the small % of people with ad-blockers to turn them off. You should easily be making enough green to cover your increase in server cost. You said $2,000/year right? Hell, if you're only charging a third of what the rest of the market is charging for advertising, then why not just charge double what you're charging now and you'd still be undercharging, go get your dedicated server and problem solved? No? Edit to add: Drop the google ads and use affiliate ads instead. The increase in revenue will more than pay for a dedicated server twice over.
  5. Worm, Hook, Float/Slip float (optional), White Bucket and Bob's your uncle.
  6. All I know is that I called Penguins vs RedWings before the playoffs started.
  7. I think he's talking about the Hummers before GM injected it's inferior genes into the line.
  8. I'm sooooo confused
  9. Who are the bigots on here and who are they racist against???
  10. 1)I wonder how long the line-up of cars will be. 2)I wonder how long before they run out of Gas!
  11. Or irrespective.
  12. Very Nice! I was expecting a Holland River report!
  13. No problem Marshmallow Nazi
  14. That sucks! I guess you're in school during the week and your dad works, so you can only fish on the weekends. Weekends are usually busy at all the well known spots this time of year. I'm sure someone will PM you with a good spot to try. The spots I know will be the same that you experienced. Sorry. Also, if people around you are catching fish you know that they're there, so maybe you should look to see what baits they're using and change it up. Good luck!
  15. best spot for suckers
  16. Yup, good point.
  17. No problem, Nice report. I guess if you're going to alter the background, might as well make it funny!
  18. OK, here we go. I actually didn't respond to the thread to "complain". I apologize if that's the way it came across! I was actually touched by the story and was amazed that a complete stranger would be so kind! The story was bringing a tear to my eye, but then I almost fell out of my chair when I saw that pic! LOL Sorry, but I just found it way too funny!
  19. Yes, a google map for access points would be appreciated.
  20. I wonder what put these stores out of business?
  21. OK, but if you stay below the high water line, you are allowed to step on the river bed, private or not right?
  22. That's a great story. Meeting people while fishing and then becoming friends says a lot about our sport. On the flip-side, isn't this a little bit anal? Come on man, seriously. There are fish in every trib in Ontario right now. Is that really necessary? Anyway, I hope your wrist heals up soon enough to hit up some bows while they're still in the rivers. Props to bbnotty. You are a fine human being.
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