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Everything posted by jonnybass

  1. I just saw this video. This guy's car runs 100% on water! What the? <object width="425" height="349"><param name="movie" value=" name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="349"></embed></object>
  2. I forgot to mention, when I was researching this, I found a company that is installing this in transport trucks, http://www.ihsresearch.com/ so I guess the technology is real... but anyone actually try it themselves? Here's a pic of the actual device that the company installs in transport trucks:
  3. Here is a copy of an email I received last week. I'm wondering if anyone here has tried this yet? Copy of email: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, the secret "they" apparently don't want you to know is that you can run your car on water (and gas) using a simple do-it-yourself modification. Basically, you can turn your car into a water hybrid that uses both gas and water as fuel, thereby saving you 50% on gas. I'm not a scientist by any means, but the easy way to explain this is that the modification turns water into oxygen and hydrogen via electrolysis, then uses the hydrogen as fuel. In other words, you can turn your car into a water hybrid that runs on water as well as gas. The modification only costs about $60 worth of materials that you can pick up at Home Depot and auto parts stores. The best part is that it's fully removable so it won't void your car's warranty. I saw a gentleman advertising on Craigslist offering to do this for people... That's how I first found out about it, and since then I've heard from people who have actually done this and it really works. This should be reported in every newspaper and on every television station, but for whatever reason, it's not! Before you get too excited about this, there are no companies that are offering this service yet. That means that it's a do-it-yourself job. (That's the first of 2 catches) Don't worry, there are a few manuals available online that explain how to do this... But... they are available "for sale" only. (That's the second catch, unfortunately) I warn you before you go online to buy one of these manuals: One is a scam that isn't well explained and really doesn't work very well. A couple of them do actually work well but are so complicated that they require a PhD in electrical engineering in order to figure it out. The other one that works well and is straight forward and easy to follow costs over $200. The one manual that actually works well and is easy and straight forward to use is the one that I recommend. (They are selling it for $49, which is reasonable) This is where you can get the do-it-yourself manual that I recommend: Run Your Car On Water (they have some videos and info that explain better than I can what this is all about) Please forward this email to everyone in your address book, even if you choose not to use it. If enough people find out about this and actually start doing this, then demand for gas will go down and so will prices, which benefits us all. Thanks! Jean ------------------------------------------------------------------ End of email.
  4. It's nice to see everyone helping this guy out. I applaud you. (It was not too long ago that members here were slamming him because he was a noob asking questions)
  5. It happens all the time on forums. Do you think that this is what's happening? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Undercover_marketing
  6. Good analysis. You sound like Ron Paul! On a side note, what a shame that the Yankees chose McCain over Ron Paul. It's absolutely ridiculous how ignorant the average person is.
  7. They mention on the website that they have cooking facilities, but if you're flying in do you bring your own food?
  8. Thanks for the link. I'm curious, what do you bring with you on a trip like that?
  9. Apparently it is bull. I just heard something on the radio debunking those claims. I haven't seen the data, but from what I heard I wouldn't bother. Waste of money.
  10. I agree. You just mentioned how people can save on gas, yet people don't seem to care. Another person gave a link to a blog with an amazing story about saving on gas. Nobody commented on it. I've recently come into contact with a lady who has an awesome way to save gas. I don't know her website, but she'll send you the info if you email her. [email protected] (just send an email to that address and you'll get an auto-response with the info) Anyway, people complain yet do nothing about it. I don't get it at all.
  11. I asked you if they were paying you because like everyone else in this thread, I'm trying to understand your story. If you really wanted advice, you should have explained the story better from the get-go. You keep adding bits and pieces to the story, but it still doesn't add up. That's why you're getting flamed. People are assuming that you caused it. My advice to you is that you start from the beginning and write the story again, this time with every little detail of what happened from beginning to end. Then read your story, see if it makes any sense, fill in the missing pieces and then and only then ask for advice. (Otherwise it appears to everyone that you're hiding something)
  12. Wow. That is amazing. What service did you use? ie, if I wanted to take that same same trip, who would I call?
  13. Point conceded.
  14. I don't mean to show up the carpers, sound negative or bump this thread, but $1350 on carp gear is a little ridiculous. You can catch all the carp you'll ever want to catch with any decent rod/reel<$100. Damn, they eat canned corn for cripes sakes. Some say that summer crisp is the key, while other swear by peaches and cream. But most experts agree on DelMonte.
  15. You can't find out how to get down to "Whitesville" because it doesn't exist. Try looking for "Whitevale" instead.
  16. It only took you 12 hours to PM the girl. You're a smooooooth operator.
  17. It never ceases to amaze me how these companies screw their own customers over to save a few bucks. That's not the way to run a company IMHO. After reading your story, I believe that you should be refunded all money spent plus get a free unit of equal or greater value and/or functionality to compensate you for 1) your time wasted, 2) your aggravation, 3) being misled/lied to and most importantly 4) the fact that you bought a product in good faith and have not gotten what you paid for. Based on what you've said, I will never buy one of their products unless they resolve this situation with you. Check your PM's
  18. Who do you think you are coming onto a fishing website and asking about where people like to fish? The nerve.
  19. Why are you making light of this? A serious issue has been raised here that affects you and people who look like you, and you're making jokes about squeaky Bruce Lee noises? ? ? You're sending the wrong message. I know from reading your past posts that you're a smart guy. I expected more from you.
  20. Thanks for exposing yourself. You are a disgrace to all rednecks everywhere. You are a small pathetic excuse for a human being. OFC should ban your ass. In fact, better yet, take off your white hooded robe and come down out from hiding up there in Thunder Bay down to the GTA with that Bull and see what happens - You better bring your shotgun - you know, the one that you used to get your daughter's husband to commit. Bigot. Kiss my
  21. Carefully re-read what I said. no need for a "correction".
  22. LOL, some guys here are killing me! You guys do realize that it was a LATE RUN this year right? On most of the major rivers, ALL of the steelies are still in there! The guys "in the know" have zip-locked mouths because they want you to stay at home while they slaughter steel. I know first hand that a MAJOR steelhead river has 100% of the run still in the river. They're wayyyy up and just starting to come back down. You'll be smoking drop-backs into June if you're still interested. The major runs were just entering the river mouths the week before opener... Damn, some are still spawning. You do the math.
  23. Banning mailboxes? Ridiculous.
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