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Everything posted by jonnybass

  1. Darn, I hate being out of the loop!
  2. Where exactly are you planning on going?
  3. LOL, I guess it pays to be white these days!
  4. Nice fish, great report. I was surprised to see a Steelhead report with the rivers in the condition they're in. Congratulations! Now, where exactly were you?
  5. Here is my first Steelhead report of the year. Enjoy. Started off at my local trib today. Trib X. Got into some good steel. Went 17/25, before the local crowds started arriving. The locals can get a bit aggressive so I figured it was time to leave. Here is one Steelie I snapped a picture of before I packed it up. (Some of you might recognize the spot) I hopped in the car, and headed to my next secret spot. (It's trib X of Lake X) This is a spot that is a bit of a drive, but since it's so secret I figured it would be worth it. I got there and someone must have leaked the secret spot on the internet, because when I got there, there were already some local guys fishing my secret hole. Managed to go 29/44 before the elbow to elbow crowd started getting on my nerves. Here's one quick pic I snapped before I headed to my next ultra secret spot. I arrived at the final trib of the day, and man it was worth it. Not a single angler other than me. I think I was the only human being on this particular planet (planet X), which is definitely good for the fishing. It really pays to keep the secret info to yourself. Not even my wife knows the location of this spot. Anyway, I went 159/275 before calling it a day. Nothing like smoking those steelies. I manage to snap this quick pic before a safe release. Overall, I went 205/344. Not bad, but I could have done better if I didn't have to compete with the crowds at my first 2 spots. The fishing just isn't as good as it used to be before people started leaking secret info all over the net. Cheers!
  6. Enjoy what? Your photoshopped pics? They're an eye-sore. Other than that, way to go man! Great Report!
  7. A truly great bunch here.
  8. "Torpedo Divers. The best darn fishing product ever. Period." "Set it and forget it." (Is that one already taken?) "Torpedo Divers are so good that 100 local fishing hacks came up with 500 different slogans and we still couldn't pick one that truly explains just how good Torpedo Divers are."
  9. Good idea. No need to ruin a good Steelhead thread. I'll start it off by saying that it depends on the situation. If you absolutely need to do it for safety reasons, then it's acceptable. Also, if it is to the benefit of the fish, then it is should be done. Use common sense.
  10. From what I've seen here, that sums it up quite nicely. Get in good with the network and you should be OK.
  11. BTW, I like your avatar. Hmmm. I wonder where you got that idea from. You wouldn't be related to Rich would you? Just kidding.
  12. Just curious, what is the point of your post? You didn't post any pictures, you didn't let us know where you were fishing, you didn't even let us know what Great Lake it was a tributary of. All we know is that it's YOUR secret spot, you "slaughtered fish" (20 before you lost count) and how you outsmarted the rest of us. Thanks for the info.
  13. Yay, a swill! I'm in! I'm always up for a Swiss male bonding ritual. Count me in.
  14. Milty makes valid points. I'm not sure why you are all slamming him. This is a fishing forum, is it not? He has offered great advice aimed at helping to sustain our great resource. Sure, his comments were directed at a couple of popular members here with high post counts, but what does that have to do with the validity of his point? He's absolutely right! Those nets generally shouldn't be used on Steelhead. Plain and simple. Everyone knows that. Having said that, I am more concerned about the safety of Bly and Cliff fishing by themselves under those conditions. So I can live with them using a net in that scenario.
  15. It's all good as long as the wife doesn't decide to get her some while you be out fishing
  16. This place is really addictive. I bring my laptop into the bathroom with me when I take a dump just so I don't miss a post in real time! God bless wireless internet. I'm hooked! </end sarcasm> But seriously, the OP is bang-on. This site does have some addictive properties. I'm an OFNer!
  17. Nice bow.
  18. Was it reels? Rods? Maybe it was terminal tackle. Hmmm.
  19. LOL no that wasn't the thread, but nice find! I remember someone talking about how cheap ___________ was in the U.S. I'm just trying to figure out what they were talking about!?
  20. I'm not really into Musky, but I appreciate that info. Thanks. I thought I saw a topic about this being discussed a couple of months back but I can't find the thread. Anyone? I'll be awake for a few hours.
  21. Hi, As you can see by my post count I'm new! Long-time lurker, first time poster. Great site! So the reason I felt compelled to join up is because I know that many ppl here have done some cross border shopping for fishing gear at one point or another. So what I would like to know from those of you who have bought fishing gear south of the border, is what particular fishing stuff is cheap in the States as compared to here? I ask because I'm heading to NY State for the weekend and I have a little extra $$ to spend. (leaving tomorrow morning) So, is there anything down there that's a lot cheaper than anything I can find locally at BPS? Thanks!
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