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Everything posted by jonnybass

  1. Definitely one of the greatest Canadians ever, love him or hate him.
  2. You could have just said that politely or even PM'd me, instead of flaming on someone else's report thread. I'm also sorry Carol that he hacked up your B-day post. I didn't mean to bring the angry flamers out of the woodwork with my post. Just trying to be helpful. I thought you'd appreciate the info, that's all.
  3. Nice one.
  4. Just out of curiosity, into what month will there generally be good steelhead fishing in the whirlpool? Is it the same as the tribs?
  5. Will you be looking for hosting as well? If so, look to register your domain with a company that has good hosting plans that meet your current and future needs. This way, you save the headache of having to transfer your domain to another host after fact.
  6. It must be nice to be able to fish for bass at this time of year!
  7. Was I talking to you "pal"? ??? Do you even know what spam is? I'm letting the OP know about the action at that spot the day before, not sure what you're PMSing about. Nice hat.
  8. Nice report! First pool upstream from the mouth of *i**** right? (No need to answer if you don't want to) If so, FYI you should have been there on Sunday... I've never seen so many fish caught in one spot. It was a steel massacre. Looks like you missed it by 1 day.
  9. Drop-backs are steelhead that have already spawned and are on their way back to the Lake. Not sure that there is any derogatory association with the term.
  10. Really? they're referring to the newbie who was asking for help in the thread we're talking about.
  11. LOL! Why do you assume that every newbie is a troll?
  12. Well, since you've started a new thread about this, allow me, the "newbie" you're trashing to state my position. It's one thing to have your post deleted. Fine, I can live with that. That's what mods are supposed to do. But it's another thing all together to then start a thread about the deleted post. If a mod deleted the post in question, the subject should be laid to rest, in my opinion. After all, that's why it was deleted in the first place right? Even a "newbie" as you refer to me, got the message. I was prepared to leave it alone, but this thread now proves my point. Does it make sense that you all should be allowed to discuss my post, when it's not even there for people to judge on it's own merit? Why is it that a "newbie" (me) can have my post deleted, but then you can go to town on the same subject? I say that if you're going to trash someone's post, then leave it there for people to see. Otherwise, zip it as Stoty would say. </rant> First of all, my apologies to the guy who posted the link. I didn't realize that you just made it up, since it was an actual site that I believe infected my computer to boot. But the point of my deleted post was that I was amazed that the original poster's link (newbie) to free fishing lures on RFD got deleted, whereas a long-time member's link to a trojan was allowed to remain in the same thread. I may have jumped the gun accusing the site of containing a trojan, not sure. What I do know is that shortly after going to that site, a trojan somehow got past my firewall without me clicking on anything on that site. The only other site that I had been on shortly before or shortly after was this one. So I assumed the linked site caused it. Just for clarification, contrary to what the mod said, there are malware sites that don't require compliance on the part of the user. (I would remove the link just to be safe) Anyway, I'm happy that the thread in question has turned around and the original poster (a newbie) got the advice that he was looking for thanks to the intervention of Bly who was very kind and helpful as opposed to the others in the thread who had done nothing up to that point but ridiculed the original poster. (a newbie) Anyway, I do believe that the site contains malware, but I have no way to prove it. You have been warned. Oh, one more thing - May I ask why do you guys bash "newbies" so much? It's newbies that make your site grow. On one hand you guys brag about how large and active this site is, but on the other hand you make it very unpleasant for the very people who make it continue to grow. That doesn't make a lot of sense to me.
  13. I'm talking about the link to turdburgers. Had the mods not deleted my previous post, you would have know that.
  14. Now I have to reformat my hard drive thanks to 's lovely bleeping link.
  15. If you are picking just 1 spot to try for the whole day, try Port Hope. You can't go wrong there. There will be a lot of people, but a lot of fish too. Just ignore the jerks who don't want to help a new fisherman out. They were new to fishing once too, they seem to forget that. They should be encouraging new fishermen not tearing them down.
  16. He wasn't asking for anyone's spots was he?
  17. You have to pay $$ there.
  18. Nice report. Congrats. This is one loooooong a** fish!
  19. Gerritt, are talking about the free fishing lures over at RedFlagDeals? http://www.redflagdeals.com/forums/showthread.php?t=573210
  20. I get them on cleos when I'm casting for salmon.
  21. I agree with Chickenhawk on that.
  22. lol, OK since it's no secret, anyone mind letting me in on it? If you don't want to post it here you can PM me if you feel more comfortable. Much appreciated.
  23. I don't see his signature. What free gifts?
  24. Thank you. Do you feel better now?
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