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Everything posted by jonnybass

  1. I've been reading so many reports with no locations ever mentioned. I imagine that it must be frustrating for novice fishermen that come here trying to get into the sport but don't know where to begin! I got this idea from another fishing board. Let's show our OFC spirit and all contribute one good fishing hole for the guys just starting out! Here's my contribution: Whitevale (Pickering) for steelhead fishing shortly after opener. The steelhead are there now.
  2. Hi windbell, Do you eat a lot of canned luncheon meats? Spam?
  3. dmasse, I just wanna tell you that you definitely don't look fat at all. Maybe there's an inside joke that I'm not aware of.
  4. That is absolutely disgusting. I would think that the grocery store would know better than to sell food with live worms crawling around inside. I would never shop at that particular grocery store ever again.
  5. What of your kid is smoking in the car while you're in it? What is the definition of "kid"? Anyone under 18?
  6. Uh Oh, power play for Dallas!
  7. I was about to post about this but you beat me to it! LOL 4th OT as of right now. Coincidentally, this game is on the anniversary of the 5OT game a few years back. Go figure! Did you see the look on ref's face after the no-goal? He was ticked that the game won't end! lol
  8. I'm assuming the you were fishing on the Toronto Lakeshore. Just call the Toronto Police.
  9. I have no clue what kind of scale that is! That's huge! Can anyone identify it?
  10. You got a clump of hair? Was it human hair? If so, call the Police! I doubt it was a mermaid! There are many unsolved missing persons cases in the GTA. Please don't turn a blind eye. It could be nothing, but then again, you may end up bringing closure to a family with a missing loved one. You never know. Do the right thing. Nice report btw.
  11. Thank you. I couldn't have said it better!
  12. Do you really think that they will tell you where they were fishing? Nope. That's why they put up a fishing report with the background still visible. So you can guess. And ask. And ask again.
  13. Good luck on getting a reply to that question on this board!
  14. That is dangerous logic.
  15. Are you guys sure that every other site is fine? It sounds like a cookie problem.
  16. I agree.
  17. very true What you wrote was my initial response also, but I figured he had his reasons for the request so why not just point him to a solution regardless.
  18. My guess is that they will all be blown tomorrow.
  19. If she was my teacher, my attendance would have been a lot better.
  20. It "can" affect bandwidth, but not disk space.
  21. I would ignore some guy in another boat.
  22. That's probably because a gosh darn local ratted ya out. They seen a bass boat and they don't like them there boats in those parts so they recon'd they'd call the law on yer. Teach yas a lesson.
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