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Everything posted by brandon

  1. brandon


    Kev, Shutterspeed all depends on the amount of light around......like already mentioned the darker it is, the slower the speed you can get away with and therefore the "silkier" effect. There is also no set shutterspeed for taking photos. Just experiment with all speeds.....normally 2-6 seconds but again this varies from situation to situation. There is however one MUST.....ALWAYS use a tripod.....the slightest camera shake with a slow shutterspeed will blur the image. Your camera's timer combined with a tripod will eliminate that problem. I even bought a wireless remote to eliminate camera shake all together. But just experiment with some different speeds and post some photos and if your still having problems I'm sure we can help you out........Hope this helps. Brandon
  2. Today I made the drive to West Vancouver to take some photos of Cypress Falls and Cypress Creek again. With it being overcast here I played with the shutterspeed to get the water nice and silky and the greens greener. If you have seen my previous reports on Cypress Falls/Cypress Creek you may recognize some of the same areas but today I shot them all from different angles and also ventured further upstream and further downstream for some different shots. 2 of the photos I had to hop a fence with "do not cross" warning signs on them but I feel the photos were worth the risk.....I'll point out which ones later in the post. One other reason I decided to venture further off the beaten path today was because I bought bear spray today at MEC. One reason for not venturing too far in the past was if I did run into a bear in a canyon with rushing water I would be absolutely screwed. Now I sure feel like quite a wuss carrying bear spray on my belt but at least when I run into a bear from now on I'll be able to get even closer for some shots knowing I have some means of action if it decides to charge.......but if theres any kids reading this......Don't approach bears ever, even if your carrying protection.....please don't use me as a role model for bear situations. Anyways Here are the photos......enjoy.... There is a very old car engine in the bottom right of this photo.....the rest of the car is further upstream Cypress Falls from beyond the barrier...... I'm not sure the actual name for this moss but I know survivorman calls it Old Man's Beard Another photo from beyond the barrier.....
  3. brandon


    I just found this one on my computer that I took while I was at cypress creek a few weeks ago. It was about a 6 second exposure but the low light allowed me to expose for that long without overdoing it
  4. brandon


    Deano, The longer the shutter is open the more light allowed to enter the camera therefore lower light situations mean you can leave the shutter open for even longer giving that silky look you talk about. When I first got my SLR camera that was the first thing I learned to do and it never gets old.
  5. This is the only one I have on my computer right now.......It was taken from the place I lived on Sturgeon Lake for second year of college
  6. brandon


    great pics guys......a few of them made me chilly there for a sec
  7. brandon

    some shots

    great photos Raf!.......i love the one of the osprey
  8. I prefer landscape and scenery shots with a subject. However all hiking and photography I do is done solo so my "subject" is usually something in the foreground such as a rock or a tree. Gives the shots added depth so you actually feel like your there.......oh and great shots Deano!
  9. I haven't had time to get out and take any new pictures in the last few days so I've been enhancing some old photos with Adobe Photoshop Elements 2.0. Basically I was trying to see if I could make my pictures stand out more and make them more appealing to the public and hopefully sell a few. All I've been doing is opening the picture in photoshop and using the Auto Levels feature in the Enhance section. Here are a bunch of my recent shots that I've already posted followed by the enhanced photoshopped version. First off do you think the photoshopped version is better or more marketable? and Secondly do you guys yourselves enhance photos in photoshop or do you prefer the "what you see is what you get" photos? Anyways here they are.......personally I think they all look better photoshopped but I wanted some other opinions. Original Photoshopped Original Photoshopped Original Photoshopped Original Photoshopped Original Photoshopped Original Photoshopped I think the first 2 photos really don`t show that much of a difference, on here in smaller size anyways. The night ones and the bear ones seem to show the biggest change....I guess the black or dark areas are affected more by the auto level feature Negative or Postitive feedback welcome.....
  10. DanC's sunset picture got me looking back into some of the shots I've taken since I've been here and these are two containing the same subjects but different angles and camera positions. A lonely chairlift with the sun setting behind the coastal mountains in the distance....
  11. great report and pics man!
  12. great report man......nothin wrong with 3 solid fish in an hour
  13. wow amazing photo!.......I think the new photography forum is a good idea.....I won't feel so guilty about posting non fishing pics anymore lol
  14. lol no not yet. All my gear is still back in Ontario. Waiting on my parents to ship it all out to me
  15. congrats man! good luck with the honeymoon
  16. congrats on the first! thats a beast of a salmon man
  17. Well I gave napping a shot earlier and I was unsuccessful and really didnt feel like watching TV all night so I decided to head down to the location where I shot the photos of Canada Place from. I was hoping to see some seals because I heard some in the dark the one night I was there. I got there a little later than I planned so the photos I took turned out quite bad including the one above but now I know where to go and i'll get them......just a matter of time. Not to mention they wouldn't come in close enough for a decent picture. With bears you can sort of stalk them for a good shot.....no way I'm goin for a swim for seal pictures. One did surface about 15ft in front of me but by the time I got the camera on it all the picture shows is a swirl from where it went under......anyways keep an eye out for some more seal pics this week.....the hunt is on
  18. Kev, I went to Cleveland Dam today but I picked a horrible day. They were having soem walk for charity thing there were tons of people.....not to mention loads of garbage and other crap people through to the bottom of the dam which doesnt make for great pictures. I was also dissapointed with the fact that you couldnt get down to the shore of Capilano lake. I wanted to take some photos of the lake with the "lions" in the background but all fences got in the way. I hiked from there to the hatchery which was a cool place but again just packed with people and even more garbage. I didnt happen to see a suspsension bridge along the way but maybe I just missed it.....Now that I thinkabout it I made a left to go to the hatchery instead of going straight to follow the river along and I probably walked by the bridge then. I'll have to head back and try and find it some other time.
  19. Same conditions today as yesterday so I figured chances of seeing a bear on Mt. Seymour again were pretty good. While hiking up I overheard there was one spotted near Mystery Lake (I think I've posted pics of it before) so I headed there first. Took me about 45 mins but I found him out in the berry patches. Here are a few pics and a shot of a flower I took too. enjoy
  20. yeah I heard bears are a real problem this year in parts of NE Ont. I have a few buddies in Kirkland Lake and they see bears in downtown all the time, even at the mcdonalds. Another buddy of mine took my job as a bear hunting guide in Elk Lake and they're biggest bear so far is maybe 250lbs because theres no food. Thats a shame about that blueberry picker. Picking blueberrys at any time is askin for trouble but when theres a veryr large berry shortage is even worse. That's like walking down the absolute worst part of any downtown metropolis with a wad of 100$ bills in your hand and thinking your NOT going to get mugged. I really hope they find that person though so the family has some closure. It's a shame it takes a tragedy like that to get people to understand what bears can be capable of.
  21. Great shots Deano! And Scuro I actually own Grizzly Man and I respect some or most of what Treadwell did.....only his research and videography....but there was something wrong with the guy. He captured some great footage but you just dont do some of the things he did. Clearly he was asking to get eaten in the end. I really hope you guys aren't comparing me to him. I just go for hikes with my camera and hope to see bears. I haven't nor will never move to live with the bears and try to pet them and tell them I love them lol....but ya for those of you who haven't seen it, either rent it or buy it. It's worth it just to see the scenery and the amazing footage of the bears he got......theres also quite a few nutjobs in the video too that are good for a laugh.
  22. Kev, I might have to give that bridge towards cleveland dam a look. Tomorrow I'm headed to Norvan Falls which is up Lynn Creek in Lynn Headwaters Park. I'll already be in North Van so that other bridge might be close by
  23. I was actually going to book a flight to Katmai to photograph some grizzlies but my equipment isn't the greatest. I need bigger zoom lenses that are faster and made for professional use. My 70-300mm sigma lens is a good lens but its too slow for wildlife photography. I took 275 photos today and those were the only ones sharp enough to actually post.....I'm kind of forced to take that many photos because the more I take the better the odds that I'll have more turn out nice and clear. In a perfect world I'll have a portfolio made up and possibly get a job and some gear will be provided but we'll see where that dream goes lol. But maybe in the spring I'll get on a bus or a plane and head to Banff. I've heard its gorgeous there and I'd love to check it out.
  24. great post 007....it is pretty amazing sharing a moment with such an incredible creature. and just for the record next paycheque i'll be investing in some bear spray or bear bangers......just in case.....and there are NO grizzlies in the area. They are further north and deep in the interior but none this far south. I'm pretty sure Canada's only Grizzly sanctuary is in Prince Rupert which is on the coast but about 30kms south of the Alaska border. I'd love to get up there one day and take a look at them.
  25. amazing man.......love those harmonics
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