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Everything posted by brandon

  1. Gerritt, I've never been there myself but from what I've seen driving by it on the highway it looks like a bunch of really tiny cabins.......I honestly thought it was like a kids camp or something.....not to mention the Kashe River in that area looks fairly small.....again this is just what I've seen driving by it on highway 11
  2. I know Orillia just got rocked by one heck of a storm and there are still tornado watches/warnings in effect for the area
  3. anybody happen to know how the bass fishing is there???
  4. that would certainly ruin your day
  5. thanks for the well wishes everybody!
  6. FAQ's hope that helps
  7. I moved to Orillia at the end of april to work for a wildlife and pest control company. I found out when I got here that the job was only seasonal and I would be layed off from November until April. I was also told full time and I've worked 40 hours one week in this time. Thursday morning I sent off a resume to a wildlife and pest control company in Vancouver, BC and I found out today that I got the job!! I fly out next monday and start work on tuesday. This job is giving me year round work, full time hours, benefits, company truck and gas card, option for O/T work, bonuses, commission, and better pay.....how can I say no? Anyways I just felt like sharing that with everyone lol. Once I get settled and all my fishing gear and other belongings shipped out there I'll be sure to post some reports of the west coast fishing. Brandon
  8. Nice to finally meet you Brian. The kids had a blast out there today and it was a very well run event. I went early this morning to take pics of the launch and then was planning on just hanging out until the weighin for more pictures but next thing I know Mr. Chong asks if I would like to get on a boat and go take some pics on the water and how could I say no? Anyways here are some pics of the event....i took 643 in total but these are a few of the keepers and one is of a smallie I got during a photo break. Hope you enjoy
  9. lol sorry to dissapoint all you jeep fans out there but its as good as gone.....plates are off it and just waiting to arrange a meeting for the scrap yard guys to pick it up and give me some coin. Test drove a 2007 civic today....50mpg......whereas the jeep....20ish mpg......and with the price of gas and the amount of driving I do I'll sacrifice having to drive a car (which I would much rather an SUV or a truck) to save a bit of money while i get on my feet with this new job and move to Orillia.
  10. waaay ahead of ya lol.....but I know I want something from a dealer thats been inspected. Never been all that trusting when it comes to private sales
  11. thanks for the suggestion Doug. Actually the Orillia Mazda place is first on my list of places to check out. I'm going to be looking for something under 3000$ though just for now. Who knows what I'll end up with
  12. lol see I prob could do it myself but since I rent just a room I have no tools or space to work on it....a civic will be cheaper on gas anyways tho lol
  13. its bad enough that the whole front frame is dented in. the hood barely closes now and the one pic you can see that the bumper is bent about 4" back from where it should be. plus the A/C rad and the engine rad are both toast.
  14. well.... $3256.07 to fix.......NOT happening....I'm going to see what I can get for it and for now my parents are fronting me some cash to buy a honda civic or something along those lines.....anyways.....don't hit deer lol......its expensive
  15. the officer said I could take it but I rent a single room in Orillia and i have a bar fridge...if I had a freezer and a place to gut/skin/quarter it then I woulda taken it forsure...I let a few guys at the Tims/Esso station I stopped at that I had a deer down and I'm pretty sure one group of guys was going back for it.
  16. I should also mention my hood latch has a hard time closing so I think something in that area could also be bent. I'll get an estimate tomorrow and see what the damage exactly is. My only worry is that I'll sink all this money into it and then for all I know it will die shortly after. It needs a brake job and some work on the shocks...who knows tho...I've just got the s**t happens mentality goin for now and just goin with the flow. I just hope the other people who hit the deer this morning are alrite too....thankfully the one I tagged was fairly small.
  17. So......friday night I decide to leave Orillia and head to the camp I worked at in Elk Lake for the weekend to take a few pics of bears....saw 12 of them yesterday....anyways last night I was having a hard time sleeping and new the weather would be bad on sunday so I decided to just drive through the night.....everything was going great....no traffic....no rain....just smooth driving....until I drove into a deer at 110km/hr just south of Gravenhurst at 5am this morning.....and wow thats the first accident I've been in and/or first animal I've ever hit....I hit the deer before I even saw it....the little guy came outta nowhere and I hit it broadside (practicing for hunting season) and i hit it with the centre of my grill. my grill and bumper are in pieces...my radiator is messed up and coolant leaked everywhere (reason the jeep isn't driveable)....and also my right headlight/signal light are shattered....I woulda got some pics but right after this happened it conveniently started pouring rain...lovely...OPP showed up and took a statement for my insurance....ohhhh thats right....my parents convinced me to take collision/comp off my insurance....even better lol....anyways aside from a crazy sore neck I'm fine but who knows what will become of the Jeep.....a few questions come to mind....how much will it cost to fix? is it worth putting money into a 96 with 240 000kms? etc. etc.....well thats my weekend story...oh and I was the 3rd vehicle to strike a deer in 10 mins along that stretch this morning. BE CAREFUL DRIVING OUT THERE
  18. What's the deal with this wed morning stuff? I have a feeling one key reason theres lots of am spots available is because most amateurs have jobs. That's the reason I won't be signing up.
  19. yeah most will destroy them however its illegal to use them for bait I believe
  20. douG he's a buddy.......im just messin around with him lol
  21. nice report shoosh.......how bout introducting urself first next time lol
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