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Everything posted by brandon

  1. Today I went for another hike at Cypress Creek/Falls and here are 2 pics that i think turned out decent enjoy
  2. On the way home from work I noticed the clouds had a cool look to them so I went and positioned myself for a sunset photo at a park in North Vancouver. enjoy
  3. amazing pic Deano.....what a perfect reflection of a perfect scene
  4. awesome pic man!....perfect composition and looks even better using HDR...great work
  5. Today I volunteered at a booth for the Bear Aware program here at a local festival and all that talk about bears made me head up to Mt. Seymour and try to find some. Unfortunately today there were tons of people up there and I didnt come across any but I made the most of it and took some HDR photos. This time I used my cameras Auto Bracketing feature and I think some turned out alright. Not as extreme as my last few I've posted but I still think they turned out alright. I like this one the best The HDR technique gave these Daisies a cool effect enjoy
  6. brandon


    no worries I wasn't planning on testing it out lol
  7. lookin good Dan......those low clouds make for good HDR photos
  8. brandon

    HDR tutorial

    turns out i've been doing it all wrong lol......whenever I take the pics I adjust the shutterspeed manually.....I'll have to try this bracketing thing next time. And none of my photos have been in RAW format either. Something else I will try next time. I'm going for another hike today so I'll try it then.....Thanks for the tutorial Dan!
  9. brandon


    if your not on them, this HDR photo with some tweaking, will make you feel like it although I've never been on them this photo does have a trippy look too it
  10. Well first it was panoramic photos and now its HDR photos that I can't stop taking. I know they all look far off from the original but I think they look pretty cool......most almost look like paintings......even though im sure thats not how their supposed to look......anyways I went for a hike at Cypress Provincial Park today and here are a bunch of HDR photos and one HDR/panoramic. and one picture is just a reflection of myself taking the photo.....kinda looked cool......anyways enjoy....
  11. great pics Kev! The first one is my favorite
  12. brandon


    I really like that pic......most rainy days make for crap photos but you sure took advantage of that one.
  13. anybody up for a chat?
  14. I'll be in there for a bit.....
  15. if theyre that close just use a net......but make sure you have a flashlight on them too just so you can see them......thats legal right?
  16. Hey Raf, Just experiment with all different exposures and see which make for the best results. Every situation is different so there is no set guidelines to taking these photos. I find I take sometimes 10 pictures at all different exposures and just use the ones that turned out the best.
  17. almost looks like a painting
  18. too bad that eagle didn't come back down and take one of those kids in return for them takin its fish........i hate when little fools like that interfere with nature
  19. I found another combo of photos that turned out good......actually my favourite of the 3 i've done so far.......and this one is only 2 photos combined......check it out
  20. Tonight I've been looking through my other photos in hopes that out of pure luck I took 3 of the exact same scene at 3 different exposures and here is the result of 3 that I found so far
  21. This Plus This Plus This Equals This.... I know its a little oversaturated but I love how the green just stands out
  22. brandon


    looks great Kev!......if you want it even silkier try slower shutter speeds at dusk.......the photos will look like they were taken in normal light but the water will have that silky effect to it.
  23. DO NOT WALK DOWN THE TRACKS!!!!!........my cousin and aunt both got 125$ trespassing fines for being on the tracks which belong to CN rail I believe......but just cast in front of the dam.......you should get some action
  24. Thanks Deano.......Chilliwack is about an hourish from Vancity and Bridal falls are just past that so one weekend I'll have to check it out. i'd go tomorrow but its supposed to be rainy. I googled Shannon falls and when i saw that shannon falls has a website that already turned me off of going there.......i HATE tourist attractions lol......especially for photos......I'm working on a portfolio so I can hopefully sell photos and tourist attraction ones don't sell very well because 19 000 people took that same picture already that day lol. Plus with so many people it'll be hard to jump the fence and go wandering with out getting in crap from the people there. The Eagles nest in Squamish though starting in November and I'll be heading up to take some photos of them at that time so I'll probably give Shannon Falls a try while i'm already in the neighbourhood
  25. holy crap those are huge........do you remember where in BC bridal falls are located?
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