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Everything posted by splashhopper

  1. thanks.... from another Londoner
  2. I have noticed on the few pics that I take when I am fishing solo that the pics don't do the fish justice in terms of its size and gerth.. But when someone is with me and snaps the fish of me holding it... the fish looks like it does in real life? example >>> This fish is my PB and it was huuuge.... but the pic just doesn't do it justice by any means. Does anyone know? Thanks Splashhopper
  3. as long as you are not leaving any "unfinished business" back here... go for it bro...
  4. but is she a "catch and release" though
  5. where are the real "yakkers here" ? I was blessed to have been taken out on a trip last year with one... sit on top.. .what a blast,,, I think I have to go the canoe/tin route though so my daughter can join me too
  6. 12-Step Recovery Program The following program is an excerpt from my book "Peacock Bass Addiction." Carry this message to others and continue to practice these principles. 1. Admit you are powerless over Top-Water fishing 2. Have confidence that a series of bad-weather trips can help restore your sanity. The water level and fishery production cannot be optimal in all cases. Agents that don't call off high water trips can provide some relief from your addiction. 3. Make out your will and leave all tackle to charity. Not knowing the optimal use of such gear, the charity's chances of becoming addicted are minimal. 4. Take an inventory of your unused bass tackle. Determine a reorder schedule for receiving an ample supply of the top-water baits two months before your next trip. 5. Admit to all, including yourself, the exact nature of your addiction. Show them copies of your bass books and your photo album. 6. Be ready to lose lures, rods and reels, and baggage. Plan on taking extra tackle including line, and don't pack a suitcase with anything you can't live without. 7. Humbly, go fishing for largemouth bass, snook, and even panfish. Limit half your tackle to the less-addictive species that lie closer to your home. 8. Make a list of all domestic chores you have skipped out on and make amends to those affected by such decisions. Why not take them bass fishing to that "hot", can't miss location? 9. When we have harmed others by our addiction, admit promptly the wrongdoing. Invite along only fishing partners who truly can afford the trips and afford joining you in your addiction. 10. Seek out further knowledge of top-water bass fishing opportunities and have the power to overlook some. Select only those uniquely situated to provide great numbers of the quarry in all size year-classes from fingerlings to giants. 11. Practice total catch-and-release for thoughtful conservation of the species, and exercise minimal fishing pressures on the delicate resources. Handle trophy fish minimally to avoid their being overstressed. 12. Invest wisely in mutual funds. New addicts that are not willing to or are unable to follow the 12 Step Program in its entirety should not worry. This addiction is progressive, however, and cannot be cured in the ordinary sense of the term. It can be only arrested by total abstinence from top-water fishing. But the "hooked" angler will more likely need books, videos, magazines and a support group like the OFC Community. The addict will likely need bandages, pain killer, gloves, belt, elastic bandage, sport cream, etc., as he or she continues to chase the "dream of this ecstasy". ................................................................................ ......... Many excerpts for the above were adapted from: Larry Larsen - http://www.peacockbassassociation.com/html...acock_bass.html
  7. I am in.... don't have a boat... can I rent a canoe there? Need pledge forms thanks splashhopper
  8. yeah..i as thinking the same thing
  9. Thats sounds exactly like me ! step one: "I am powerless over top water fishing and my wife is unmanageable"
  10. You took the words right outa my mouth. I need help too Have you tried "Scum Frogs" in the scum and weeds yet?
  11. i have been invited for a couple of days of fishing there this weekend... what can i expect? PM me if you prefer... Thanks Splashhopper
  12. two things..... 1) A couple of years ago I took my wife and daughters on a trip through the Rockies and wanted to hit some of the REAL hot springs on the side roads... We went to White Swan PP.... it is up a long and winding gravel road... I was driving and using the video camera(with the screen flipped out) at the same time.... duhhh... any ways.,, we come around a bend about 13 kilomters up the "4-lane" gravel road and it suddenly turns in to a TWO-LANER with a truck coming straight at us The video drop didn't do justice to the load that nearly ended up.... in my shorts!... Point being.... don't "video and drive" at the same time 2) When I was 18 I lived in Stratford and my buddy and I decided we wanted to go for a tour around Georgian bay and catch up with Terry Fox on his run.. We were going to go up to Tobermory and catch the Chichimaun ferry over to South Bay mouth to save some driving and check that boat out... we were keeping a diary of our adventure... The FIRST entry in the diary: Too Stoned to leave Stratford,, will try again tomorrow The Second entry: We were "3 feet short" of catching the ferry this am... so we rolled another fatty and were just starting to get comfortable when"the knock" came on the drivers window.... BUSTED! Fortunately for us, we had a "sympathetic" OPP officer who told us to disgard of any remaining "Perth county green" and try to stay out of any more trouble while we were in his town,,, He then suggested that if we were "hungry" he was heading down to a local eatery for the best breakfast and town and asked if we needed a ride there.... we took the ride .... and had an interesting breakfast with the locals...in the RESTAURANT! lol
  13. welcome aboard TC.... we love pics... and if you are just getting " hooked" on this sport like I did two winters ago.... better get a recent picture of your wife and kids and keep updating those pics every chance you can
  14. I can't say enough about these "scum frogs" for top water bass... So far, I have caught fish on the black / white / and Glow in the dark colours.. The bodies on these are pretty soft, so I think the fish can actually CHOMP it pretty good, which "almost" means a hook-set IF I wait until i FEEL it on the line... This type of fishing has opened up a whole new world of fishing to this "boat-less" fisherman.... I have been following the topics on the board here for people looking at buying their first boat.. This fall should see some good deals on small boat/motor /trailer combos in my "starter" price range. The only concern I have right now about this bass fishing is how hard I am setting the hook versus trout fishing this fall thanks for all the support on here everyone... Splashhopper
  15. Went out for an hour this morning....about 8:30 am First cast using a "glow in the dark Scum Frog" on top of the weeds and lily pads... Swipe and a miss.... waited about 10 seconds and twitched the line slightly... KAPOW ! I think it weighed about 3 or 4 lbs... was 19" long though. ( better get a weigh scale soon... geesh, how much more gear do I REALLY need? lol) I coulda stuffed a softball down its mouth.. I had to use the camera on my Blackberry for these... as my regular camera was "buzzing" when i tried to use it... musta got wet the other day when I had some good fishing too I was fishing the shaded side of the lake....and close to shore ( maybe 20 feet off shore when it hit) Stayed for an hour longer and had three more "swipe and a miss" Good way to start my day today. Splashhopper
  16. Hey Rich.... what boat do you prefer for large ponds(Conservation type areas) and slower/smaller rivers ? thanks splashhopper
  17. beauty fish, eh ! nice colours on it
  18. This 25th edition of the Guide to Eating Ontario Sport Fish gives consumption advice for Ontario sport fish found at 1860 locations, 100 of which are new. The format of the 2009-2010 Guide is unchanged from the previous 2007-08 edition. However, there are many changes in the advisory tables reflecting updated guidelines for some contaminants as well as the incorporation of approximately 120,000 test results performed on about 12,000 fish. The advisories continue to be based on health protection guidelines provided by the Food Directorate of Health Canada. Since 2005, advisories have been provided separately for the general population and for the sensitive population of women of child-bearing age and children under 15. Click here >> http://www.ene.gov.on.ca/publications/590b14-intro.pdf
  19. I think I just saw an ad on TV about a BIG FINE for fishing within a 1000 yards of a Hydro Dam in Ontario. I can't seem to find any info on this in the regs... Does anyone know? And are there restrictions of fishing the outflows from Nuclear plants on the Great Lakes(Ontario) as well ? Thanks Splashhopper
  20. great pics How was the canoe ride while fighting that muskie... musta been a reel rush i have been looking at those Sportspal canoes and never thought about putting a chair in it. Is it tippy ? thanks splashhopper
  21. Love it... especially his "course of action"
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